The one thing you'd change in your life, if it were possible.

I'm on long-term disability
I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you're able to manage it and still keep your spirits up.

Anyway if I read your post properly, I think you're the same age as me, so you still have time to figure out what to do.
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I would change my tendency for procastination.

And my biological need for human companionship that clashes with my introverted nature.
I hope so, I am starting to get freelance work right now and I need to organize myself better.
To many things I want to change.

But what I can come up with right now; agreeing with my mother to move to Groningen instead of that hole Kollum to be closer to my school and not continue with her clothing store.
Second; convince her to stop with these damn court cases that eventually led to her financial and mental ruin.
Size of my Feet, I am a UK 14 they are more akin to the size of a small family car than regular footwear.
I feel almost exactly the same way about sleeping. Last night I just didn't feel sleepy at all, or sometimes I'm up late at night finishing some work and I have to stop because I know I need to sleep. As a morning person, I dislike waking up past 8 AM so I try to never go to sleep too late unless I'm hanging out with people till 3 in the morning or so. Even in those days that I stay up, I still tend to wake up before 10.

As for something I'd like to change, location would probably be the most likely. I live in the middle of nowhere with very few options for... anything. If I could I wish I would've grown up in a city or something like that.
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I actually don't know.

The default answer is money,of course, but I'm a trustfund baby and I'm very careful with my money, so I'm sorted on that front.


I'll probably go with lowering my insulin levels so that I'm no longer a borderline Type-2 Diabetic.
get long-term disability so I don't have to work anymore, I lose jobs all the time due to the incapability to follow stupid rules on the job and get wrote up constantly which leads to me being an ass to my boss and getting fired due to the dumb "AT-WILL" labor law malarchy that the United States somehow passed idk how many years ago, does time even exist though... seriously?
This country (USA) could really use another world war to whip us (the survivors of said world war) into shape. Imagine if people like you talked back to their commanders in WWII? (in regards to following stupid rules) We would all be sprechen sie deutsche.

Anyway, grain of salt please, after all, :drunk: