The Outer Worlds - New game RPG from Obsidian


It Wandered In From the Wastes

The Outer Worlds is a brand new RPG released by Obsidian. What do you guys think? I'm really looking forward to it! They're going to be talking more about the game tomorrow (12/7) at 9am EST.
00:25s = absolutley fantastic

Okay, I was........surprised at first, but I like the trailer more and more.

The Outer Worlds is a new single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony. As you explore the furthest reaches of space and encounter various factions, all vying for power, the character you decide to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. In the corporate equation for the colony, you are the unplanned variable.


EDIT: Oh yeah, one more thing. VERY early to say, but I believe from the trailer that we will NOT have voiced protagonist. Wich is good, at least for me.
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Honestly, this felt like a big middle finger and "Fuck you!" from Obsidian to Bethesda. :lol:
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*Sees the short-haired girl at the 1:02 mark

*Starts bitching about Obsidian "pandurrring 2 Ess-Jay-Dubbas"

That's Cree Summer voicing that woman (I'm almost positive), the voice of Tandi... a very welcomed sound and appearance in my opinion. I'm loving this already.

My old bones have renewed vigor. This is what I've been waiting for and the timing couldn't have been any more perfect.
That's Cree Summer voicing that woman (I'm almost positive), the voice of Tandi... a very welcomed sound and appearance in my opinion. I'm loving this already.
Speaking of Cree Summer, I did see kids claiming Joan Lynette was an "Ess-Jay-Dubba Feminist" completely missing the point of Vault City. But enough about 'em. Sorry to have brought up this conversation in the first place...;
Speaking of Cree Summer, I did see kids claiming Joan Lynette was an "Ess-Jay-Dubba Feminist" completely missing the point of Vault City. But enough about 'em. Sorry to have brought up this conversation in the first place...;
Lynette was just a bitch. One must learn to hold their tongue when talking with her.
I like how they inserted a similar idea of climbing out of your stasis pod as fallout 4 uses haha, stick it to em Obsidian!
Key Features
  • You can be flawed, in a good way: New to The Outer Worlds is the idea of flaws. A compelling hero is made by the flaws they carry with them. While playing The Outer Worlds, the game tracks your experience to find what you aren't particularly good at. Keep getting attacked by Raptidons? Taking the Raptiphobia flaw gives you a debuff when confronting the vicious creatures, but rewards you with an additional character perk immediately. This optional approach to the game helps you build the character you want while exploring Halcyon.
Holy shit this self learning Perk/Buff/DeBuff thing sounds amazing. I can already imaging runners selecting specific routes to get specific Buffs/DeBuffs. In a way it reminds me of Skyrim's skill system where the more you use a specific weapon type the better you get at it but here it sounds done right since it's in the form of Perks unlike in Skyrim where using certain items or just trying out crafting or just wearing certain types of armor for the hell of it levels up those skills and enemy rubberbanding system fucks you since most of the skills you learn will raise your opponents' combat skillls even if they're just Crafting/Alchemy skills.
Guys I'm in ths street right now so I cant post here, but there is a gameplay with 14 minutes in youtube.

Stil did not watch.
Its not open world in the new fallout sense but a hub based game. Like F1/2 or Destiny if i understand it. fine by me, lends itself to better crafted environs.


Obsidian's The Outer Worlds blends Firefly and Fallout into a bold, open-ended sci-fi RPG

TLDR from the article:

  • It's out in 2019
  • It's an Unreal Engine 4 game
  • Your protagonist isn't voiced
  • There's a special class of "science weapons" that will have special, ridiculous effects, like a shrink ray
  • There's a full character creator even though it's first-person only (you'll see your character in the inventory, and if you leave the game idling long)
  • Your companions don't have separate inventories. Taking companions with you just gives you more inventory space to work with yourself
  • If companions really dislike the decisions you make, they'll leave and go back to the ship. You can persuade them to see things your way
  • No romancing companions. They considered it, but decided against it.
  • Companions each have a special attack (one named Felix does a double drop kick) but you can also equip them with whatever weapons you want
  • Hacking and lockpicking don't have minigames, and are simply based on your attributes
  • There are six skills (strength, intelligence etc.) and for every 20 points you put into one (up until 100) you'll gain a new perk
  • As in the creators' past games, you can play as a "dumb" character with stupid dialogue options. Your companions react appropriately.
  • They're still not sure if it will be possible to play through the game completely pacifist (but you'll almost definitely have to at least kill some robots)
  • Robots aren't sentient, but your ship's AI seems to have a strange degree of personality
  • Tim Cain wants you to know there are a lot of drugs, but he's not going to pressure you to take them