The Pets of NMA!

Murdoch said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
EDIT: Poaching as pets is prefferable to extinction due to invasive species. In an enviorment, an Australian Desert Bandicoot might be loosing out to a subspecies of Rabbit, but if the species was to become a popular pet, the species would most likely survive.
That statement is so typical of your logic CCR.

Except that it would probobly work. Unfortunately, they would all be descendants of a single line within a few years, and then they would all die off because there are only 2 sets of their genes floating around, with thousand of copies each. See: yellow labs, in the chicago suburbs. They're all nuerotic in many ways, while those in South OH aren't as inbred, and are actually rathar smart(for a dog). thus the pet idea would both save and destroy the species at once.
DJ Slamák said:
Our cat. Above is when we got her, below is 3 or so months later.

Your kocka sure looks post-apoc in the first picture. And pretty pissed off in both :D Must be the unsettling eyes...

No, seriously, it looks like it had been in bad shape then. How did you find it?
What? We cut off nearly all of a cat's fur in a post-apocalyptical environment?

I would think a post-apocalyptical cat, at least one of the fluff-ball breeds, as DJ Slamák cat is; would be a dirty, tangled, muddy mess of fur.
Silencer said:


"Kotka", not "kocka", you Pepiczek-loving farmer ;)

Won't post pics of my two dogs and my cat, because I don't have any.
Odin said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
It's a Tariser. It's a primate. See?

Damn that's an ugly creature or cute. Damn, I cannot make up my mind.

Yeah. It's a weird little thing. Look at it's wikipedia pick.

I kind of like it's duality in terms of cute/ugliness. Kotari has a point, Lemurs are generally cuter.



Murdoch said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
EDIT: Poaching as pets is prefferable to extinction due to invasive species. In an enviorment, an Australian Desert Bandicoot might be loosing out to a subspecies of Rabbit, but if the species was to become a popular pet, the species would most likely survive.

That statement is so typical of your logic CCR.

II have had fish in the past, but I move about so much that anything less, disposable?, is hard to keep.
Damnit, I already said I was playing devils advocate.

But it's generally the same thing as keeping endangered animals in Zoos. They won't have an easy time with reintroduction, but it's essentailly a way to keep the animal in the gene pool without, you know, the whole messy Jurrasic Park thing.

And I'm not talking about eating them. Pets. Breed then, Have them become widespread in a domestic setting. Kind of like taking in refugees from Bosnia. Not eating them. And if we did plan to eat them, you would have to farm them effectively, and that would lead to the continuation of the species, lest they go the way of the Auroch.

Elissar said:
i'll take two...

I bet i could train em to steal peoples wallets...

no one would suspect a freaky lookin mammal
In certain parts of Japan, you have to hold onto you're wallet, or any kind of shiny object, or gum, as monkeys go STRAIGHT for it. There's actually a monkey jail in India for bad monkeys.

Also: there was a case a little while ago of a Raven that stole coins from a vending machine, I think it was. Ravens are INCREDIBLY intellegent, social animals, and there was actually a video of it.
Na, Im sure thats mine.

I remember feeding her from a bottle a a kitten.

And teh dumb kat not undestanding what to do and nawing the nipple off said bottle. (and subsequently almost choking when kitten formula gushes into her face like a buckkake film)

Post a pic of your cat Odin.
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Damn PsychoSniper that black cat's got scary green eyes! I wouldnt want to see them shining in the dark.

Once I get my digital camera Im gonna take a pic of my dog. She looks like dogmeat I swear!

The Vault Dweller