The Pets of NMA!

Pipboy2000 said:

Isn't that the cuddley wuddlest kitty kat you've ever seen? (Image not snipped because I can't get enough)

OMG KAWAIII ^_^ kekeke

Persians > everyone, though.
Nomad said:
DJ Slamák said:
Hm, they say cats with blue eyes are deaf...

Anyway, believe it or not, these two cats are one and the same:

I believe it's only White cats, like mine, that have blue eyes have a good chance of being deaf, but other cats are OK (and my cat has one blue eye, one green; those white cats dont' have the problem either). Don't remember why that is, though.

There is an established link between the white coat color, blue eyes and deafness. The deafness is linked to the gene for blue-eye(s) and not to odd-eyed cats. Not all blue-eyed whites will be deaf since there are several different genes causing the same physical attributes (whiteness, blue-eyedness) so it all depends on the cat's genotype (its genetic make-up) not its phenotype (its physical appearance).
Pipboy2000 said:
(snip cuddley wuddley)

Isn't that the cuddley wuddlest kitty kat you've ever seen?

Isn't that the picture that was photoshopped to have the cat shooting itself? I like that picture more.

Those kittens are ugly anyway; gotta have one with the ears half the size of it's body. Now that's cute.
DJ Slamák said:
OMG KAWAIII ^_^ kekeke

I don't think so... I'm all for cats, mind you, but I like the look of the Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats and Ragdolls. Somalis are cute too, but I like striped kitties :)
Nomad said:
I believe it's only White cats, like mine, that have blue eyes have a good chance of being deaf, but other cats are OK (and my cat has one blue eye, one green; those white cats dont' have the problem either).

Often, a white cat with odd colored eyes will be deaf on the blue eyed side.
Pipboy2000 said:
Ozrat... how do you know sooo much about deafness?

Because my friend had two of those blue-eyed white-fur deaf cats.

Duh. :roll:
This looks like my old dog-

and as a puppy-

Smartest dog I ever had and a great swimmer and retreiver too. Only problem is that she would eat every thing that was smaller than her, including other dogs and cats.

My wife's pooch looked like this-



Proved to be great as a watch dog, but less discriminating as an eater.

Both dogs are currently pushing up pansies.

I hope our next dog is a beagle, but she wants something that can kill someone. My wife, what a joker.

We have also had a cat, but pawned it off on her mom. This proved problematic as the cat turned into the local kitty slut. You can imagine the sounds of stray cats singing love songs in the middle of the night.
I actually just got a new kitten. Her name is Maneki Neko. She's only a month old, and she can't see out of her right eye. This picture was taken after a long work day at 2 o'clock in the morning.

This is her and my older cat, Dips.