The problem with China

I wasn't referring to you, but more to the one-post wonders above you. Also, remember what I said about irony.
But I don't believe a Chinese will hide his identity of being a Chinese in order to "monitor" those who don't know China well.
It's not like the Commies were the only ones spying on their own people -- it's just that they suck at covering their tracks.

The modern US doesn't seem to be trying anymore either. I guess they just got the better PR.
Yeah, the NSA really fucked up there. I'm wondering if them and the commies actually bother trying to cover their tracks anymore, though, as the Cold war is over and people don't care anymore.
Not with Bush and his administration defending it as part of the "war against terrorism" stuff.

The problem here is that there are judicial safeguards to assure that wire-tapping is done legally and the rights of the citizen are protected.

Bush just doesn't get it.

Partially because he's an idiot.
Also all those years of alcohol and cocaine have fried his brain.
Also because God tells him he's ok. (And if it's God that's doing the talking, than he's lieing).

I say Recall!

(And the problem with China is also that you Chinese cannot say that. Instead all you got is reflective, defensive nationalism. Go you!)