The real reasons people hate Bethesda

1. When you played the game you were I kid. You let nostalgia blind you and forget about all of the bad stuff.
2. Black Isles has less at stake then bethesda. Fallout was, I believe, one of 11 games that year from the same company, and the company wasn't massive or globally recognized. This is why their games had more freedom in challenging the form and pushing the envelope. Thats why fallout 2, in 1998, was able to be the first game to allow gay marriage: what did they have to lose?
3. The games are more accessible. They're more mainstream and well known. Before, when they were relatively unknown, you felt special because nobody else was playing them. But now you realize you're not special, so you had to make yourself feel special, which leads us to four...
4. This website is an echo chamber where you try and separate yourself from newer players. To make yourself feel better than them. Where anyone with differing opinions is labeled a troll or an inferior idiot. Because deep down, humans have no raw desire quite like exclusivity.

If you want to make a good argument for why you dont like bethesda, separate your self from the above four listed.
I played Fallout 3 first and still love it to this day (I'm not gonna lie, it probably has something to do with nostalgia). I then played the originals and Fallout 1 is now my favorite game of all time.
Your post is written is rather obnoxiously. Not a good way to start. Just sayin'.

1) The only Fallout games I have nostalgia for are 3 and NV. I played the first two long afterwards. 2) Black Isle had worse margins to work with, fewer resources, worse tech, and less acclaim behind them. Not sure what you're getting at with this one. 3) This one is basically the same as the first point, and doesn't apply for the same reasons. 4) I have to prove that I don't want to feel special? Or do I just need to make an argument that doesn't suggest that I'm special? I'm really confused about this one. I can't prove a negative. I don't think I've ever seen anyone say 'the newer games suck because they're so popular now' or anything like that...mostly because who the fuck would say that?

Buggy af, generic dialogue responses becoming the only dialogue responses, less player freedom, lore killing continuity errors, oversimplified mechanics, poor writing and less writing overall...I could go on for days.
Your post is written is rather obnoxiously. Not a good way to start. Just sayin'.

1) The only Fallout games I have nostalgia for are 3 and NV. I played the first two long afterwards. 2) Black Isle had worse margins to work with, fewer resources, worse tech, and less acclaim behind them. Not sure what you're getting at with this one. 3) This one is basically the same as the first point, and doesn't apply for the same reasons. 4) I have to prove that I don't want to feel special? Or do I just need to make an argument that doesn't suggest that I'm special? I'm really confused about this one. I can't prove a negative. I don't think I've ever seen anyone say 'the newer games suck because they're so popular now' or anything like that...mostly because who the fuck would say that?

Buggy af, generic dialogue responses becoming the only dialogue responses, less player freedom, lore killing continuity errors, oversimplified mechanics, poor writing and less writing overall...I could go on for days.
I was kind of pissed off at someone at the time so I’m sorry if I came off obnoxious. This was adressing the unending stream of increasingly incoherent arguments that consist 90% of stories from the user’s childhood and how edgy fallout was in its prime, which is just a dumb argument. Of course fallout 3 couldn’t vividly describe sex... Hell, copies were banned in India because you could kill the cows!!! And every time I tried to engage in a civil discussion, I would get bombarded with repetition of vulgar language scattered nonsensically between vague arguments. Since making this thread, I have come to stop letting this outspoken minority represent all fallout loyalists and have been pleasantly surprised with calm and supported arguments.
And as for the nostalgic zealots reading, if you really like the original fallouts, how about instead of ostracizing newer players, welcome them into the community and spread the news. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll start to see beyond Fallout 3’s glaring flaws and see the diamonds in the rough, the melancholy atmosphere, the moral ambiguity, and the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make Fallout, fallout.
And maybe, just maybe, you’ll start to see beyond Fallout 3’s glaring flaws and see the diamonds in the rough, the melancholy atmosphere, the moral ambiguity, and the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make Fallout, fallout.
Except there's none of that, specially moral ambiguity. Fallout 3 is just a game wearing Fallout clothes pretending to be Fallout, but it has none of the themes, writing quality and moral ambiguity the series is known for.
Thank you Norzan, for always being there to prove my point.
Thanks for proving my point that you have nothing of value to say. Here's the thing: i have said this many times here, i don't give a shit if people like Fallout 3. Play it, love it, do whatever you want to do with it, but you are not gonna convince me that Fallout 3 has any value. Specially when you start to claim that Fallout 3 has moral ambiguity, when the game is mostly clear cut good guys and bad guys, reinforced by a crappy karma system.

I played this terrible game and gave it many chances to do something of worth but it never does. All i saw was just a game pretending to be Fallout by reusing a ton of stuff from the first two games and completely breaking lore continuity on several occasions. Even judging it on its own is terrible when similar games did what it's trying to do but better, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I have several issues with Falllout 1, 2 and New Vegas but the good in them heavily outweigh whatever bad they have. Fallout 3, and 4 for that matter, are just a barrage of nonsense that completely defilies what the series is about and don't try to convince anyone that despises Fallout 3 to try to like it because it's impossible.

People not liking your precious little game should mean nothing to you. I read and hear often someone saying New Vegas is shit or Fallout 1 is shit and i don't care. You shouldn't care either if i and many other people consider Fallout 3 shit.
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Thank you Norzan, for always being there to prove my point.
Well, it's just Norzan's opinion. Like he said, there's really no reason to try and convince him to enjoy a game that he doesn't. I personally enjoyed most of the Fallout games in the series with only two that I dislike, and I don't really care if someone dislikes 1, 2, 3, Tactics, or NV. What does piss me off though is when people don't provide any reasoning for their opinion. Norzan has stated multiple times why he doesn't like Fallout 3 and that's ok. He is allowed to have is own opinion, and he has provided valid reasoning for it.
1. When you played the game you were I kid. You let nostalgia blind you and forget about all of the bad stuff.
New Vegas is more recent than Fallout 3. It is not loved by many here because of Nostalgia.

3. The games are more accessible. They're more mainstream and well known. Before, when they were relatively unknown, you felt special because nobody else was playing them.
Nobody here denies that Bethesda managed to extend the market (even though, the market extended itself since the 90's. If anything, Bethesda is also lucky to have survived its downfall after Daggerfall, and to be here and now). Like him or not, Todd Howard is a very talented salesman.
But considering what the gaming market was in the 90's, the old Fallouts were ALSO very well known, and a successful franchise.
You talk about them as if they were an obscure product made by an indie studio, for a niche market. They weren't. Interplay was a big player in the game, same goes for Black Isle.

4. This website is an echo chamber where you try and separate yourself from newer players. To make yourself feel better than them. Where anyone with differing opinions is labeled a troll or an inferior idiot. Because deep down, humans have no raw desire quite like exclusivity.
CT Philipps praised Bethesda's Fallouts elements many times, and he's a respected member of NMA. You could be too.

If you want to make a good argument for why you dont like bethesda, separate your self from the above four listed.
It's not that I don't like Bethesda. I just don't give a damn about them. EA could be the one making Fallout for all I care. If they make it good, I'll praise them.
So are we done pandering to Ziggy or can we move on to hate bashing Bethesda as the heretics they are?

Personally I would prefer if we just go full on inquisition and vat the thread as there is nothing useful here. Kind of hard "talking in a echo chamber" when the new arrival won't stop asking for attention while ignoring everyone else.

Also, every time Bethesda releases another shit Fallout product these "new fans?" charge in here like an Ork WAAGH lead by the worst warboss ever.
So are we done pandering to Ziggy or can we move on to hate bashing Bethesda as the heretics they are?

Personally I would prefer if we just go full on inquisition and vat the thread as there is nothing useful here. Kind of hard "talking in a echo chamber" when the new arrival won't stop asking for attention while ignoring everyone else.

Also, every time Bethesda releases another shit Fallout product these "new fans?" charge in here like an Ork WAAGH lead by the worst warboss ever.
Fallout 76 WILL be shit regardless of what they say
Fallout 76 WILL be shit regardless of what they say
While I'm not a fan of the direction they went with, I think it's unfair to those that worked on the project to automatically assume it to be trash. (It most likely will)

HOWEVER, lets determine the value of the product after it's release. By not purchasing the product and watching play through videos of underage kids screaming into a microphone. While crying for their mom to coddle their hurt feelings because someone called them a mean word.

UGH I really loathe (I mean this word literally) what has become of the Fallout intellectual property.
Sorry Tim Cain, we couldn't do anything to prevent the greed from eating the soul of you and your team's creation.
While I'm not a fan of the direction they went with, I think it's unfair to those that worked on the project to automatically assume it to be trash. (It most likely will)

HOWEVER, lets determine the value of the product after it's release. By not purchasing the product and watching play through videos of underage kids screaming into a microphone. While crying for their mom to coddle their hurt feelings because someone called them a mean word.

UGH I really loathe (I mean this word literally) what has become of the Fallout intellectual property.
Sorry Tim Cain, we couldn't do anything to prevent the greed from eating the soul of you and your team's creation.
I honestly feel bad for Tim Cain, having to see his ideas be turned into a battle royale fps cash grab
And as for the nostalgic zealots reading, if you really like the original fallouts, how about instead of ostracizing newer players, welcome them into the community and spread the news. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll start to see beyond Fallout 3’s glaring flaws and see the diamonds in the rough, the melancholy atmosphere, the moral ambiguity, and the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make Fallout, fallout.

When did I ostracize newer players, or say that I didn't like Fallout 3?
I hate them because it’s obvious all their “creative” decisions are made around a long table in some corporate office with charts and diagrams and lots and lots of money signs. They don’t respect what another company labored to create. The only thing I have to thank them for is introducing me to the series.