1. When you played the game you were I kid. You let nostalgia blind you and forget about all of the bad stuff.
2. Black Isles has less at stake then bethesda. Fallout was, I believe, one of 11 games that year from the same company, and the company wasn't massive or globally recognized. This is why their games had more freedom in challenging the form and pushing the envelope. Thats why fallout 2, in 1998, was able to be the first game to allow gay marriage: what did they have to lose?
3. The games are more accessible. They're more mainstream and well known. Before, when they were relatively unknown, you felt special because nobody else was playing them. But now you realize you're not special, so you had to make yourself feel special, which leads us to four...
4. This website is an echo chamber where you try and separate yourself from newer players. To make yourself feel better than them. Where anyone with differing opinions is labeled a troll or an inferior idiot. Because deep down, humans have no raw desire quite like exclusivity.
If you want to make a good argument for why you dont like bethesda, separate your self from the above four listed.
1. I played Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim as a ''kid'' And Nostalgia blinded me, until I finished New Vegas along with, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, at the age of 17(I played them 2012) and noticed how shit BGS was in comparison.
((Cards on the table, when i first tried NV, I did not like it at all, but when I grew up and started to enjoy good writing and well made worlds with rich lore, I saw Fallout 3 as the abomination it was, and I started to LOVE New Vegas, along with the Original Fallout 1 and 2.))
2. ''Less at stake'' if anything they had more at stake cause taking too big risks might've bankrupted them or gotten them *controversial* recognition, and people would boycott them.((This fucking happens still to this day, so it's not far fetched))
((Like people crying over the lesbian scenes in TLOU, Naughty dog will get enough copies sold without those who boycott their games, unlike say Black Isle, who depended on getting enough copies sold))
3. They are **Mainstreamed** to the point of losing it's identity. Fallout before was about story, choices, characters, the world, and how you affected it. Now it's about Nuka-Cola, Fat-men, Power Armor and Nukes.
((Bethesda has trashed the lore to shit, and retconned it to hell. Case in point: New Vegas FIXED some of the plotholes of Fallout 3, explaining how Enclave headed east, explaining BoS better and those who defected to *Lyons*, They even wrote in Salvaged power armor, to explain why NCR can't use it, cause of the Power Armor Training that wasn't in the first games... which is now retconned ...again.))
4. It's a circlejerk yes. but so is the Fallout Subreddit albeit for Fallout 4, If I'm to choose between to Circlejerk games that have good writing, or circlejerk to games with toddler level of writing, I'd choose the former.
((All communities have Criclejerks... Hell I'd go as far to say I partake in the jerking in circle more than once, I think Fallout 1 and 2 has a lot of flaws, but almost none of it is story, writing or lorewise. (examples being: the Psyker Bosses in Fallout 2, and the Ghost... which I hated.) Fallout 3 almost all my complaints are about the writing, world building, story and lore, along with the myriad of gameplay complaints, Although I don't mind the switch to Openworld TPP/FPP, If anything I sorta prefer it.
New Vegas has a lot of flaws too, but In my honest opinion the least flaws, and by far the most enjoyable game for me, sure the Legion felt underdeveloped along with the Strip being anticlimatic, but I still loved it.))
4b: my two most Hated games ever created are Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, that's my actual feelings about the current BGS Fallouts, atleast 3 had **Some** Player Freedom and RPG feel to it, despite the horrendous writing.