The real Vault-Tec: VIVOS

just as a small note. Even in Germany we can still see some small effects of Chernobyl. In certain parts of Bavaria (and a few other places) there still can be found small amounts of cesium in the muscles of boars and other radioactive particles in mushrooms and it is still considered a risk to collect them in some areas simply because those isotopes/particles remain so long in the food chain. And that still more then 25 years after Chernobyl. I don't want to imagine how the situation has to be in some parts of the Ukraine and other former Soviet states which have seen much higher dozes of pollution.
Crni Vuk said:
just as a small note. Even in Germany we can still see some small effects of Chernobyl. In certain parts of Bavaria (and a few other places) there still can be found small amounts of cesium in the muscles of boars and other radioactive particles in mushrooms and it is still considered a risk to collect them in some areas simply because those isotopes/particles remain so long in the food chain. And that still more then 25 years after Chernobyl. I don't want to imagine how the situation has to be in some parts of the Ukraine and other former Soviet states which have seen much higher dozes of pollution.
You can't actually see those effects, only measure them with highly specialized equipment. Because those effects don't really carry any harmful consequences.
yeah I am sure they tell just for fun that collecting those mushrooms might be dangerous.

Look I am not saying that you will die tomorrow if you eat this boar. But it is just about how long it can remain in the nature. And potentially dangerous for humans. If you consider you would eat this meat/plants every day. And many people which practise agriculture in the areas which have seen much more pollution then Germany suffer from the "effects". I am talking about long term impacts.

It is very sad that this has been somewhat ignored for centuries and there are not even any reliable unbiased studies around Chernobyl and the effects for the population which was not directly inside the contaminated area.
How a shelter that sutains itself with machinery would help when the Solar Storms hit the earth and most fo the technology gets fried up, and hwo would it protect your from anarchy? (you saw the little icons at the end in that video?)
Crni Vuk said:
yeah I am sure they tell just for fun that collecting those mushrooms might be dangerous.
No. It's a liability issue. They want to be absolutely sure they've warned people about things even if the risk is absolutely minimal. And it is. In almost all cases getting a CT-scan every year or so leads to a higher dose of radiation than eating many of these 'contaminated' foodstuffs.
yes but you get this doze only for a short time at once. And it is not inside your body. As said I am not an expert around radiation. But a good friend and trainer is a physicist. Another one an engineer for radiation protection and I talked with them about it once. From what I understand it seems there are mainly 2 issues here. The time or how long you are exposed to the radiation and the source. Meaning outside of your body or inside your body. With food even small amounts of radiation can be very dangerous if consumed for a longer period of time.
As far as I know these kinds of radiation exposure are minute and will only cause problems if you keep living exclusively off that stuff for about 30 years on end. In reality, that stuff simply isn't a danger, or an extremely minimal problem where the risk of cancer is only slightly increased.

The reason everyone gets so panicky isn't really that the situation's that dangerous. It's that the danger of radiation has been overhyped for decades on end.
Sander said:
As far as I know these kinds of radiation exposure are minute and will only cause problems if you keep living exclusively off that stuff for about 30 years on end...
That's actually what I am talking about. I guess it is not easy to give here any accurate statement about the time and required exposure. Particularly since there are not really much serious research in to it particularly regarding Chernobyl for example.
Sander said:
As far as I know these kinds of radiation exposure are minute and will only cause problems if you keep living exclusively off that stuff for about 30 years on end. In reality, that stuff simply isn't a danger, or an extremely minimal problem where the risk of cancer is only slightly increased.

The reason everyone gets so panicky isn't really that the situation's that dangerous. It's that the danger of radiation has been overhyped for decades on end.

Yes, this hits the nail on the head.

And to be honest the chances of a "second Chernobyl" are next to zero. Chernobyl only happened because of a series of insanely stupid errors, even the prerequisites of which are no longer present in many modern plants. Most of the news about Fukushima being a possible rerun of Chernobyl was poorly-informed sensationalist tripe.

Unfortunately nowadays whenever there's even a hint of a nuclear accident, the hysteria starts again...
Maybe because that has a reason ? You know radiation and pollution is not something that we should take frivolously. The effects of Fokushima can not be even really measured right now particularly as we don't have any accurate information's (who do you want to trust the Japanese government ? The owner of the reactors ? Or any international Nuclear Energy Organisation ?). The effects of this accident right now might be only identifiable in the future. Though what it has shown is that we should never be over-confident in our technological marvels. And that does not only concerning nuclear technology.
Walpknut said:
How a shelter that sutains itself with machinery would help when the Solar Storms hit the earth and most fo the technology gets fried up, and hwo would it protect your from anarchy? (you saw the little icons at the end in that video?)

The shelter would provide protection from solar storms due to the sheer volume of matter. At that technology can be hardened against EMP and a system that uses older equipment(like tubes and older transistors) are less likely to be damaged.

Anarchy... well. You've got a big door to put between you and the raging mob.

Though if someone really wanted to they'd find a way in. We're creative like that! ^,,^
Ah-Teen said:
Anarchy... well. You've got a big door to put between you and the raging mob...Though if someone really wanted to they'd find a way in. We're creative like that!

Why get in, just be spiteful and bury the entrance to the Vault with a bulldozer. "Take that you selfish bastards"... :mrgreen:

.Pixote. said:
Why get in, just be spiteful and bury the entrance to the Vault with a bulldozer. "Take that you selfish bastards"... :mrgreen:
You're not the first to think of that. That's why this type of shelter is always designed with hidden exits and often even tools to dig yourself out.

That said, if you've got the plans to the place... you can cement them in (exists, air vents,...). :twisted:
we have a few (I think 15 or 16 ?) underground hospitals here in Germany which have been designed during the colt war for the population. They are all designed with a secret exit which is blocked by a concrete wall but you can open it with sledge hammers. It is some kind of emergency exit. I think blocking the entrance of a big large bunker might be a bit difficult. But depends on the design of the vault. I think I have read about some smaller one in a town with the town hall on top of it. It was said it would give the citizens some protection. But somehow no one thought what would happen when the building is collapsing ... particularly if there would be no one to dig them out.
To be honest, if I had the money, I'd totally build myself a bunker in the desert (American Southwest, specifically), partly because I love that area and because I wouldn't want to build a giant garish house out there. Small little one story house above ground, hidden bunker full of food, water, booze, guns, ammo, etc for when the zombies/WWIII/RAHOWA/black helicopters start/come.