The Role of Genetics in Racial Behavior


First time out of the vault
Homicide trends in the U.S.
Trends by race
Racial differences exist, with blacks disproportionately represented among homicide victims and offenders
Blacks were 6 times more likely than whites to be murdered in 2002
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Blacks were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2002 -----U.S. Department of Justice

This data is by ratio, it is the number of homicides since 1976 categorized by the assailant's race compared to the population of said race. So far 52.1% of the murder in the U.S. was committed by a black person and 45.9% by a white person. Keep in mind that blacks only represent 12% of the population and whites almost 70%. It is unfortunate though it would be even more unfortunate were we to ignore the facts. We can live a peaceful life amongst a multicultural society without covering our eyes or misconstruing the data. We need not fool ourselves into being unracist.
Inane said:
We need not fool ourselves into being unracist.

Really, what the hell? Ever thought about looking at the data in terms of socio-economic status or anything else? Or is everything so very absurdly simple for you?
Kotario said:
Inane said:
We need not fool ourselves into being unracist.

Really, what the hell? Ever thought about looking at the data in terms of socio-economic status or anything else? Or is everything so very absurdly simple for you?

It is when it's 7/1 and similar statistics are found around the world... think about it 52.1%-12% and 45.9%-70%... take a good hard look at those numbers. If you see growing up poor as THAT much of a catalyst for a killer, I'll show you a fool.
inane said:
It is when it's 7/1 and similar statistics are found around the world... think about it 52.1%-12% and 45.9%-70%... take a good hard look at those numbers. If you see growing up poor as THAT much of a catalyst for a killer, I'll show you a fool.

Right, stupid question, it is so absurdly simple for you.

Edit: You might want to take into account my entire sentence, rather than focusing on a single word. It makes things so much more simple when you misunderstand the point. Perhaps both are symptoms of the same problem. To put it more bluntly, so you might conceivably understand, I do not substitute economics where you put race (in fact, it's that simple-mindedness which I object to in the first place; at least partially).
Kotario said:
Right, stupid question, it is so absurdly simple for you.

Well it is absurdly simple when you take into account that there is less of a connection between smoking and lung cancer, seriously.

Saying that the socioeconomic situation of a group has THAT much of an effect on people is absurd. It's like saying that an car's engine is more powerful because it's made out of forged steel, there's so much MORE to it. I'm not ignoring the impact that socioeconomics have on the subject just doubting the DEGREE with which it affects these statistics.
Odd, so basically you're saying judgement calls based on the complex conclusions of socioeconomy (which include racial status, social status, monetary matter etc. etc.) are in fact more simplistic than saying "they do it because they're black"?

Where's El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz when you need him?
Kharn said:
Odd, so basically you're saying judgement calls based on the complex conclusions of socioeconomy (which include racial status, social status, monetary matter etc. etc.) are in fact more simplistic than saying "they do it because they're black"?

Where's El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz when you need him?

No, I'm saying that human beings are a little more complex than "blank slates" at birth. There is programming. The dispute over nature versus nurture has not been settled yet. Everyone is different, it seems most people can agree on that atleast. If there are differences between individuals what is so hard to accept about there being differences amongst families, whole groups, subsets and EVEN races? I treat people fairly and equally as they come to me but as a man interested in seeking out the truth I'd be a fool to ignore such hard data that comes my way as I would be to ignore a black man who has a job position for me. Placating my argument to the realms of me saying "cause they're black" is so typical and doesn't help anyone.

Worst comes to worst this discussion is moot because genetic engineering will make us ALL the same soon enough whether I'm right or not. What a lovely day for bleeding heart liberals that'll be, huh?
Ok, the argument that race can be related to criminal activity does stand, yes, even though it is not pc

Race, however, is only one fragment of nature, it being vastly more important who your parents are. Or is all black heritage criminal?

And what about trailor trash and their criminal tendencies. If whites put into roughly the same situation as ghetto blacks turn criminal, where does that leave your theory?

How about expanding your original numbers with both international numbers and, more important, socioeconomic numbers. Then look at what corrolates most; crime rates and socioeconomics or crime rates and race. Because right now you're just calling a conclusion based on one stat because that's the conclusion you want to call, not very convincing
Im interested in seeing stats showing other countrie's races/crime rates. Im going to bet that american rates are MUCH higher then most, if not all, european countries.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Im interested in seeing stats showing other countrie's races/crime rates. Im going to bet that american rates are MUCH higher then most, if not all, european countries.

For African-Americans, probably, for "foreignors" as a whole, probably not. Europe's integration problems may not stem simply from slavery like yours, but that doesn't mean we don't have a shitload of them. Urgent ones, new ones.
Kharn said:
Ok, the argument that race can be related to criminal activity does stand, yes, even though it is not pc

Race, however, is only one fragment of nature, it being vastly more important who your parents are. Or is all black heritage criminal?

And what about trailor trash and their criminal tendencies. If whites put into roughly the same situation as ghetto blacks turn criminal, where does that leave your theory?

How about expanding your original numbers with both international numbers and, more important, socioeconomic numbers. Then look at what corrolates most; crime rates and socioeconomics or crime rates and race. Because right now you're just calling a conclusion based on one stat because that's the conclusion you want to call, not very convincing

Well obviously, just because asians, statistically, have smaller penises doesn't mean that there are not asian John Holmeses... just because most pit bulls are violent doesn't make them all violent and just because most greyhounds are timid does not make them all. I have a pure blood chihuahua that weighs 40lbs and isn't fat but he came from a litter that had 2-4 pound full grown dogs. BTW there is more genetic variance amongst humans then there are between dogs.

Don't believe me on what a large roll genes play on the development of your personality and choices in life? read this

You'll see. I'll try to get some more global statistics for you. I know they exist, seen em and they say the same exact thing.
" The global nature of the racial pattern in crime is shown in data collated from INTERPOL using the 1984 and 1986 yearbooks. After analyzing information on nearly 100 countries, I reported, in the 1990 issue of the Canadian Journal of Criminology, that African and Caribbean countries had double the rate of violent crime (an aggregate of murder, rape, and serious assault) than did European countries, and three times more than did countries in the Pacific Rim. Averaging over the three crimes and two time periods, the figures per 100,000 population were, respectively, 142, 74, and 43.

I have corroborated these results using the most recent INTERPOL yearbook (1990). The rates of murder, rape, and serious assault per 100,000 population reported for 23 predominantly African countries, 41 Caucasian countries, and 12 Asian countries were: for murder, 13, 5, and 3; for rape, 17, 6, and 3; and for serious assault, 213, 63, and 27. Summing the crimes gave figures per 100,000, respectively, of 243, 74, and 33. The gradient remained robust over contrasts of racially homogeneous countries in northeast Asia, central Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa, or of racially mixed but predominantly black or white/Amerindian countries in the Caribbean and Central America. In short, a stubborn pattern exists worldwide that requires explanation..................

Transracial adoption studies indicate genetic influence. Studies of Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into white American and white Belgian homes showed that, although as babies many had been hospitalized for malnutrition, they grew to excel in academic ability with IQs ten points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, Sandra Scarr and her colleagues at Minnesota found that at age 17, black and mixed-race children adopted into white middle-class families performed at a lower level than the white siblings with whom they were raised. Adopted white children had an average IQ of 106, an average aptitude based on national norms at the 59th percentile, and a class rank at the 54th percentile; mixed-race children had an average IQ of 99, an aptitude at the 53rd percentile, and a class rank at the 40th percentile; and black children had an average IQ of 89, an aptitude at the 42nd percentile, and a class rank at the 36th percentile." -Dr. J. Phillipe Rushton

I'm not having ANY luck at all finding data that reflects differently. Perhaps you can help me.
Because scientists have completely demystified genetics and there isn't any debate or further research on the subject?

So let us get this clearly from you: you believe that Africans, globally, are genetically predisposed towards violent crime, at least to a greater extent than other 'races.' Jesus fucking Christ, we have the equivalent of a retarded racist Victorian scientist. Going to tell us how the Irishman is an inferior breed now, since they are ruled by their baser instincts? Of course, I sincerely doubt you could even put together such a complicated sentence. Do I think you are stupid because of your race? No, though I admit genetics plays a role it. Your bigotry on the other hand, I would say cultural. Your parents should never have been allowed to procreate, obviously. I apologize for the fact you will need a dictionary to understand me, but I won't debase myself for your understanding.

*Psst* DiDrDe, you're making me look bad. *Ahem* Anyway, since this is developing into a serious tangent, it's an appropriate call.
Yes, for the most part.

Don't get me wrong, I love genetic variance. Without it our world would cease to be anything but a dreary cookie cutter piece of shit.

Also it's noteworthy that Africans are the most hetero-genus "race" in the world. There are more genetic variances amongst the various subsaharan African than there are between whites and asians. It stands to reason that the variances outside of the mean values in statistics amongst Africans are much wider too. Another interesting side note is that the more easterly African races tend to score higher on IQ tests and are less predisposed to violence. Grouping all races from subsaharan Africa into one race is EXTREMELY preposterous. The bushmen of southern Africa are another interesting grouping, they seem to be much more timid and their instances of crime (whilst admittedly poorly graphed and not complete) are on par or below that of whites. Their neighbors are much more violent.
inane said:
human beings are a little more complex than "blank slates" at birth. There is programming.

That may be true, but as proof of this you're using...crime rate statistics? Please. Many African-Americans live in low-income housing (projects), which are obvious hotbeds of criminal activity. Of course statistics are going to prove blacks kill people more than whites. Whites don't live in projects.

And as a great man once said, if you torture numbers long enough, they'll confess to anything. Take these stats, as well as any others, with a grain of salt.
Subhuman said:
inane said:
human beings are a little more complex than "blank slates" at birth. There is programming.

That may be true, but as proof of this you're using...crime rate statistics? Please. Many African-Americans live in low-income housing (projects), which are obvious hotbeds of criminal activity. Of course statistics are going to prove blacks kill people more than whites. Whites don't live in projects.

And as a great man once said, if you torture numbers long enough, they'll confess to anything. Take these stats, as well as any others, with a grain of salt.

Thanks for your expert opinion... now why don't you read all the posts involved, k?


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