The Scariest Hike in the World?

I guess its only dangerous if you attempt to go hikking there in a drunk state.

The people which have build this path really had some serous balls though! It also reminds me to Half Life 1 the canyon. I guess some will know which part of the game I mean :mrgreen:
Crni Vuk said:
I guess its only dangerous if you attempt to go hikking there in a drunk state.

That shit is in a serious state of disrepair. No railings for about 90% of it and entire chunks of the path are broken/missing.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be on it when another piece decides to give way and splatter me all down the side of a cliff.

PS: I fucking hate heights.
That's just crazy... that path is all cracked and broken and the metal rusty and bent, i mean, it looks like you'd need to walk very stealthily on it, step too hard and the whole thing could collapse. And the railings look like the would break by the slightest touch of a hand, so ironically, i'd say it's better that there's no more of them!, can you imagine if some strong winds starts blowing while you're walking that??! :lol:
Being Norwegian, I really wanted to say it wasn't all the bad, but those parts where pieces of the path is missing looks pretty scary. But the cameraman wasn't helping by holding the camera just over the edge of the path, as if he was balancing on the edge. The metal won't give just because it's rusty, railway pieces take a loooong time to decay. And it's in a climate with very little rain.
I've watched that video a number of times, and every time it astonishes me. That fact that the guy filming does the entire hike without being clipped onto the wire running along the side is...deadly.
Jesus, there's no way you would get me up there with my fear of heights. :shock:
Especially scary when he walked past the guy at 2:14 and over all the rusty, narrow beams.
Wow, at first I was thinking "Well it doesn't look too bad, just really old", but after he started getting to the segments that had holes punched through the walkways and entire platforms nearly missing, that's where I would've just said forget this crap.
nice lil' trek. i'm tempted to do that next time i'm in the area. looks cool. i'd secure myself for the more dangerous parts though.

might be a nice holiday ride. 2500 km through most of western Europe on the motorcycle, then 2500km back. take some time to loiter around along the way.

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Or how he manages to hold his balance when crossing those beams.. while having his hands occupied by a camera.
only need one hand to hold the camera. his other hand is on the guide wire.

if you look closely, you'll see the guide wire move about quite frequently, even when he's walking alone.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Crni Vuk said:
I guess its only dangerous if you attempt to go hikking there in a drunk state.

That shit is in a serious state of disrepair. No railings for about 90% of it and entire chunks of the path are broken/missing.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be on it when another piece decides to give way and splatter me all down the side of a cliff.

PS: I fucking hate heights.

I thought there is some wire that you can attach your self too so if youer using that it might be somewhat more save I dont know.

By the way youre suuuch a sissy ! :P
I just realized how much this reminded me of HL2. The style of the structure and the condition it's in are very similar.

At least the cameraman wasn't assaulted by headcrabs while having to negotiate those metal beams...
Good lord.. I would have to be running away from something with my very life at stake to even consider taking that route. It almost reminds me of when I went hiking to a local waterfall, Abram's Falls. The path didn't look treacherous at all but somehow between the rain and the mud I ended up hanging by my umbrella that I had planted into the earth when I went sliding down the path. (My friends had laughed at me for taking the umbrella in the first place.. I was damn sure glad I did.)
AnTi90d said:
(My friends had laughed at me for taking the umbrella in the first place.. I was damn sure glad I did.)
Never underestimate the umbrella.

nothing like a nice bulgarian umbrella to take on a walk, i say...

but AnTi90d, it really isn't that dangerous. there's a nicely secured guide wire & everything...
Bwahahaah.. That umbrella kicks ass! A walking cane, a protector against rain.. AND a neat little Native American capturing device all in one. I'd sell my neighbor's kids for one. . . Hell.. I'd even walk that path for one. . and after my last treacherous path encounter I'm quite apprehensive about lofty heights.
I think that was a generic religious extremist. I don't know, but the safe-detonation umbrella for suicide bombers is the funniest and most entertaining device I've seen in a long time. I guess the umbrella just goes *Puff* and the bomber leaks out underneath it if he detonates.

Also, I wonder if they've ever invented a decent umbrella rapier?

*edit* Answer, Yes indeed. I now need to move to Wales or Seattle just for an excuse to carry.

Rapier Umbrella
Our Price: $148.00
Catalog#: M6126


Rapier Umbrella features European umbrella design. The Rapier Umbrella is of great quality and is mated perfectly to a fully functional rapier.

Rapier Umbrella's blade is constructed of high carbon steel with a superior temper. Secure button-lock opens the umbrella and a separate one releases the fine blade. Rapier Umbrella features rubber non-slip tip and leather grip.

**Cannot be shipped to CA, MA or NY**

Rapier Umbrella was inspired by the English spy craze of the sixties and suggests images of dashing agents. Dependable in a storm or in a pinch, this unique umbrella is for those of you who want to feel what it was like to be on Her Majesty's Secret Service or just stylishly dodge the rain.

Overall Length: 37"
Blade Length: 28 3/4"
Umbrella diameter spread: 50"
Ohhh.. Thats supposed to be a suicide bomber?.. hah.. Looks like a Native American to me. I still want one.

I seriously thought about purchasing a sword cane.. until a cop yelled at me for keeping a crossbow under the driver's seat of my car.. and then I got yelled at by another cop for keeping a machete under my trenchcoat.. and then I got frisked at a party and people freaked out about the machete again.. Nowadays people just expect me to have some sort of crazy weapon on my person, so I don't really need to arm myself anymore. (Although, I have been working on converting a small, black rubber glove and a 9 volt stun gun into a rather unique personal defense device..just for shits and giggles.)