whats about this hate for the sniper rifles ... I have trouble to get it ...
Dont get wrong, I dont see it as insult. But really as someone mentioned how much can you talk about balance in a singleplayer game when its only the player that cares about. Sure it can become a cakewalk. BUT not from the first day you play the game ! With a high leveled character using the best armor, best weapons with the highest skills. Why should he not just fear only very few enemies in the wasteland ? Thats why I level up god damnit
For example. If you make the snipers so weak that they become useless there is no reason in using them. Second you will not get always everywhere amunition for it, its enough sure, but its not the 10mm or 9mm I tell you. Third the sniper particularly the gobi rifle are not available to you at the very begining, the crate which has the rifle needs a lock pick skill of 100 AND you need some high skills in guns to be a one-hit-wonder with the snipers. I also in the 2-3 times I played the game now didnt found that many sniper rifles in the wastes ~ doesnt mean there are no one around, just that they are not as common like the caravan shootgun for example.
I can see why you think its powerfull but for me its part of beeing a "sniper". As one can read with the experience Lexx had, you are powerfull but when youre surounded by 5 deathclaws its reload-time and I had those too, with ghouls, robots and cazadours. The second time I got the sniper I thought it would be easy now, quite the opposite. Radscorpions ... have a nasty sting. Its not always that easy.
Also to say that, some people are gunslingers with small arms like the colts and such. Some use energy weapons like the gaus rifle killing everything in their way. Others do it with shootguns and fear no enemy with the right weapons and skills. They all could be seen as "overpowered" when its simply to have a choice. Certain meele weapons do a lot more then 100 damage and can kill everything in close combat. Does it mean they are overpowered ? No. You have to give those that love meele something they can use effectively or its a useless item.
The real problem with the sniper is the dump AI one might say as they dont care if the head of their friend next to them exploded if you scored a critical sneak attack. Every other inteligent beeing would search for cover as fast as possible.
I think in the end it really comes down to what kind of weapon you prefer as eventually the player will ALWAYS find ways to exploit every advantage he has. Be it with a sword, rifle or what ever else you have. Its just the way it is. The only thing I find a bit "sad" is the heavy weapons like minigun, machinegun etc. which even with high skills eat so much amunition that I personaly found them useless so I changed their spread and acuracy a bit with the GECK which makes now less of a miss weapon at least on point blank range dont want them to make snipers but you know when the enemy is just 5 meters from you I want to hit them. Well ... the same of course counts for enemies using them.
vanzizzle said:
I tried sneak criting a veteran Ranger.. in the head.. but lost no health..?
I am not sure but I think its cause of the auto aim feature ... eventually.
happens to me somtimes as well. Even with 100 in guns and all relevant gun skills very high, I aim for the head, but the guy is just droping his weapon with full health!
I never understood what "auto aim" has to search in a PC shooter game with a mouse ...
Luckily there are ways to fix that
*Modders doing developers work since ... ever I think.