Ok, Gobi sniper rifle and regular sniper rifle are the kings of everything in this game. Literally. Not just sniping, but non-VATS dps and VATS damage too!
Let me explain.
The hand loader perk makes you able to craft .308 ammo that gives x1,5 DAM with no drawbacks.
With 10 LK, Finesse and 1st Recon Beret, you get 20% CC. Sniper rifles have a CRAZY x5 modifier which means - yeah - 100% critical chance, VATS or no.
Which means a Gobi Sniper rifle will do... (I don't know whether Ammo damage mod increases critical part of damage, But I assumed it does.)
61x1,5 (ammo) + 62x1,5 (ammo)x1,5( better crits)
232 damage per hit.
Gobi sniper rifle has 2,5 attacks per second AND a VATS cost of 33. Now with fast shot and math wrath, 10 AGI and double action boy you will be able to shoot 5 times - and weapons like this machine or brush gun will shoot maximum 7 times in VATS before depleting your AP.
Even with 35% CC (all the modifiers above + VATS cc bonus), This machine maxes out at 1060 damage per VATS sequence, so it's a good chunk of damage less than Gobi does.
Brush Gun with cowboy and hand loader ammo maxes out at 1199 damage. Which is higher, but... it requires cowboy and crafting from a super rare ammo. Arguably you could take blood mess with Gobi to get 1218 dam per VATS sequence instead of cowboy to do more damage, too. Brush Gun also has horrible reload animation - so long that it will make enemies advance significantly even if you're running backwards and the gun only has 6 ammo capacity. Also, if your VATS sequence ends up with reload, you will trigger a small glitch where you can't shoot or enter VATS despite seeing the reload animation has ended.
No other weapon even comes close to those, and Gobi, due to best VATS accuracy modifiers and easiest ammo to come by, wins over the other only contestant - Brush Gun.
Gobi Sniper rifle is the best of all VATS weapons but it's also the best of non-VATS weapons in terms of DPS. Yup. Even Plasma Caster with HS electrode, loaded with max overcharge MFCs, will do less damage. 532 dps, if I recall correctly.
Gobi sniper rifle has a DPS of 536. No weapon can ever come close. As for the caster: it is close, but it sucks - it has a massive spread, no iron sights, misses a lot because projectiles don't hit instantly like bullets --> easy to miss mobile enemies, and decreases in durability so fast it makes me cry. Also, Max overcharge cells needed to reach the dps of 509 have x2,5 weapon condition, so it will literally break after like 50 shots!!! Horrible. Without jury Rigging you will have to craft kits or waste time stealing your caps back from major knight every fight. Even with Raul it's horrible. Not to mention that each Max Overcharge MFC is worth 2,5 regular MFCs, while Gobi only takes one bullet.
In comparison, regular MFC plasma caster has a DPS of ~300. (with CC of 20% and better criticals included, damage averaged). Riot Shotgun - with small range and very weak criticals while using slug ammo which is REQUIRED for the shotgun to work on anything with 15 DT or more - has 277 DPS. This Machine has about 230 DPS. As you can see, Gobi sniper rifle does twice the other weapons' DPS outside VATS with - again - no drawbacks.
It also has a scope, long range and can snipe everything with a bit of stealth with one deadly hit - sniping is soo powerful in NV.
Of course, it's loud and can't be modified, so ironically you might want a silenced regular sniper rifle instead of Gobi sniper rifle for sniping.
What else can I say... Sniper weapons own everything in this game, statistically. At any range, they are jack of all "ranges" and master of all. They are best choice in VATS, outside VATS, at close range, at far range.. you name it. And they only need one perk (Hand Load), 10 LK (which isn't something bad seeing it increases all skills and makes you rich at casinos - I start with 8, take intense training:LK at 2nd level and buy LK implant), two perks you'd pretty much want anyway (Better Criticals) and 1st Recon Baret which gives you 1PE and you can use with with rebreather if you want 3 DT in addition to all bonuses.
Wow. Seems this game wasn't really beta tested well
Let me explain.
The hand loader perk makes you able to craft .308 ammo that gives x1,5 DAM with no drawbacks.
With 10 LK, Finesse and 1st Recon Beret, you get 20% CC. Sniper rifles have a CRAZY x5 modifier which means - yeah - 100% critical chance, VATS or no.
Which means a Gobi Sniper rifle will do... (I don't know whether Ammo damage mod increases critical part of damage, But I assumed it does.)
61x1,5 (ammo) + 62x1,5 (ammo)x1,5( better crits)
232 damage per hit.
Gobi sniper rifle has 2,5 attacks per second AND a VATS cost of 33. Now with fast shot and math wrath, 10 AGI and double action boy you will be able to shoot 5 times - and weapons like this machine or brush gun will shoot maximum 7 times in VATS before depleting your AP.
Even with 35% CC (all the modifiers above + VATS cc bonus), This machine maxes out at 1060 damage per VATS sequence, so it's a good chunk of damage less than Gobi does.
Brush Gun with cowboy and hand loader ammo maxes out at 1199 damage. Which is higher, but... it requires cowboy and crafting from a super rare ammo. Arguably you could take blood mess with Gobi to get 1218 dam per VATS sequence instead of cowboy to do more damage, too. Brush Gun also has horrible reload animation - so long that it will make enemies advance significantly even if you're running backwards and the gun only has 6 ammo capacity. Also, if your VATS sequence ends up with reload, you will trigger a small glitch where you can't shoot or enter VATS despite seeing the reload animation has ended.
No other weapon even comes close to those, and Gobi, due to best VATS accuracy modifiers and easiest ammo to come by, wins over the other only contestant - Brush Gun.
Gobi Sniper rifle is the best of all VATS weapons but it's also the best of non-VATS weapons in terms of DPS. Yup. Even Plasma Caster with HS electrode, loaded with max overcharge MFCs, will do less damage. 532 dps, if I recall correctly.
Gobi sniper rifle has a DPS of 536. No weapon can ever come close. As for the caster: it is close, but it sucks - it has a massive spread, no iron sights, misses a lot because projectiles don't hit instantly like bullets --> easy to miss mobile enemies, and decreases in durability so fast it makes me cry. Also, Max overcharge cells needed to reach the dps of 509 have x2,5 weapon condition, so it will literally break after like 50 shots!!! Horrible. Without jury Rigging you will have to craft kits or waste time stealing your caps back from major knight every fight. Even with Raul it's horrible. Not to mention that each Max Overcharge MFC is worth 2,5 regular MFCs, while Gobi only takes one bullet.
In comparison, regular MFC plasma caster has a DPS of ~300. (with CC of 20% and better criticals included, damage averaged). Riot Shotgun - with small range and very weak criticals while using slug ammo which is REQUIRED for the shotgun to work on anything with 15 DT or more - has 277 DPS. This Machine has about 230 DPS. As you can see, Gobi sniper rifle does twice the other weapons' DPS outside VATS with - again - no drawbacks.
It also has a scope, long range and can snipe everything with a bit of stealth with one deadly hit - sniping is soo powerful in NV.
Of course, it's loud and can't be modified, so ironically you might want a silenced regular sniper rifle instead of Gobi sniper rifle for sniping.
What else can I say... Sniper weapons own everything in this game, statistically. At any range, they are jack of all "ranges" and master of all. They are best choice in VATS, outside VATS, at close range, at far range.. you name it. And they only need one perk (Hand Load), 10 LK (which isn't something bad seeing it increases all skills and makes you rich at casinos - I start with 8, take intense training:LK at 2nd level and buy LK implant), two perks you'd pretty much want anyway (Better Criticals) and 1st Recon Baret which gives you 1PE and you can use with with rebreather if you want 3 DT in addition to all bonuses.
Wow. Seems this game wasn't really beta tested well