The Trailer for The Pitt


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! has it:

<center><embed src="" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392"></embed></center>

Thanks maximaz and Vistaer.

If I wasn't familiar with FO3 I'd think it's some cool new shooter game, and that it looks fun.

Gotta love trailers that are longer and better than the actual product they portray.

Also, was that trailer captured from the PS3 version?
If You mean hollywood films like those with Steven Seagall, than i think yes:)

Btw. did You see how crapy animation is when this Throg jump from the stairs?:D
That's an awful awful animation.
Looks more like he's hoping and freezing in mid air rather than falling.

The sawing animation isn't very good either. They look like they are cutting through warm butter rather than metal.
Bad animations are nothing new.
Bad dialogue, nothing new either.
Also, this looks..stupid. Stupid like the high school dropout KKK member 7/11 robber wearing a clear plastic bag with no holes while looking at security cam stupid.
Yeah, the combat looks pretty jerky, but is that par for FO3?

Also: laugh out loud you impressed the boss with your work ethic - and yes I know you probably killed trogs on your shift or something
Southpaws said:
Trog while leaping into the air said:

Kinda cute.

I wonder who has come upt with that one.

God that was awful. The voice acting was enough to make my ears bleed.

It was like watching a cartoon about italian mafia.

If I wasn't familiar with FO3 I'd think it's some cool new shooter game, and that it looks fun.

I would be more like "Uhhh, another mediacore shooter about a guy who saves the world..."
^ Aren't all shooters about some guy who saves the world? =)

Well, most of them anyway. Some of the best ones too. That's not really the issue.
Whoa! This actually looks like a cool and fun game! Too bad it looks cool and fun FPS game. Anyways, the voice acting was a lil better! It wasnt as monotonous and almost broke into some protoemotion in a few places.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Aren't all shooters about some guy who saves the world? =)

Well, most of them anyway. Some of the best ones too. That's not really the issue.

There is a difference between a mediacore shooter where a guy saves the world, a good shooter where a guy saves the world :P

But you're right though.

IMO the issue is that there are too many shooters out there.
The voice acting was mediocre to average but the animations were just plain terrible, I really don't see how anyone could not criticize it when the best of what they have is crap like this. I found the person following a path and taking a 90 degree turn particularly terrible, though pretty much on par with Fallout 3. Saw some armor designs that looked cool but otherwise I'm not impressed.

if there's one thing i hated about fallout 3, it's that it forced me to play DOOM all the time. but with worse animations. same here.

also, the guy that sais "what are you doing in mah city" in the end of the trailer sounds like Ice-T.
Morbid said:
If You mean hollywood films like those with Steven Seagall, than i think yes:)

Btw. did You see how crapy animation is when this Throg jump from the stairs?:D
With Uwe Boll directing I suppose. And Van Dame as co producer while Chuck Norris as investor.

moyogo said:
Yeah, the combat looks pretty jerky, but is that par for FO3?

Also: laugh out loud you impressed the boss with your work ethic - and yes I know you probably killed trogs on your shift or something
I guess that even sums up the whole plot at some point. I dotn expect a better storyline then we have alraedy seen with Fallout 3.

Fetch Ex quests and repetitive Trog killing. Yaaay!!! Will we have to fight a Uber-Trog in the end though as finall enemy with the help of another super big Robot or Big Mutant the Slavers have created and you have to team up with even if you killed all of the Slavers except the leader since he is invincible ?

what just happend with complex stories and gameplay :(
Too much roleplay...I feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities given to me...
