The Trailer for The Pitt

zag said:
if there's one thing i hated about fallout 3, it's that it forced me to play DOOM all the time. but with worse animations. same here.
I have's still on my HD (I've yet to finish it but will). I would never get rid of Doom3. ID know how to make a challenging, enthralling, interesting game. F3 however disgusts me on so many levels.
Ausdoerrt said:
Also, was that trailer captured from the PS3 version?

Fallout 3 DLC is exclusive to 360 and PC.

It's funny how they aknowledge the fact that the game sucks as an FPS, yet they make these action DLC's. It would help if they introduced some weapons that didn't feel and sound like air guns.
So, the slavers, for some reason, were investing resources in figuring out a way to cure their slaves of their affliction. An affliction which, apparently, is essential to keeping them enslaved. And, they succeeded and are keeping it around so that it can be stolen and given to the slaves so that they may revolt.

Kyuu said:
So, the slavers, for some reason, were investing resources in figuring out a way to cure their slaves of their affliction. An affliction which, apparently, is essential to keeping them enslaved. And, they succeeded and are keeping it around so that it can be stolen and given to the slaves so that they may revolt.


Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the raiders found it in some Pre War laboratory.

The question that opens of course is how the scientists before the War could determine the exact conditions that would come into existence in Pittsburg after the War that would turn people into Trogs.

The compound seems to be specifically designed to cure that (if there is a cure), not other human mutants like Ghouls or Super Mutants.
Kyuu said:
So, the slavers, for some reason, were investing resources in figuring out a way to cure their slaves of their affliction. An affliction which, apparently, is essential to keeping them enslaved. And, they succeeded and are keeping it around so that it can be stolen and given to the slaves so that they may revolt.


Well, it's not really unfeasible that some of the slavers are mutating as well. So they might use it to cure themselves, but not give it to any of the slaves.
"The Pitt", whats next "They saved Hitlers Brain".... this is ridicules, they need to find professional writers.
Perhaps if there was a city state in pittsburg, formed near it, that would be ruled by authoritian "chancellor" , rule would be tough but the state would stable and somewhat safe. Downside, the citzens lack freedom of speech etc., and there are "land-slaves", farmers that are forced to farm and ar enot allowed to move away from the farms.
Then there would be the rebels, a group inside the city state that wants freedom. Dowside is, if they get power, there will be a bloody civil war in the city state between the old rulers and the new rulers, resulting in many deaths.
Then there would be corrupt senate. Giving them power would avoid civil war and result in more freedom but would result in corrupt, inefficient state that could fall apart.

Now make player choose between those.
That might be called ambiguity.

I dont see moral ambiguity in choosing between slavery or no slavery.
It is clear cut good or bad in this case. The slavers in the pitt so far seem PURE evil, there is no moral choice, i mean come on !
Patton89 said:
Perhaps if there was a city state in pittsburg, formed near it, that would be ruled by authoritian "chancellor" , rule would be tough but the state would stable and somewhat safe. Downside, the citzens lack freedom of speech etc., and there are "land-slaves", farmers that are forced to farm and ar enot allowed to move away from the farms....

you mean something comperable to a feudal system. I doubt Bethesda ever thinks so far.

By the way the Pitt seems like a very bad rip of from Vault City. But the moral ambiguity was a lot better solved there. Slavery for the prise of medical care, savety and trading it wasnt plain easy to see the population of Vault City as "bad" or calling them even just plain "raiders". And no simple "we cure wondrously mutations for the slaves". The situation between ghouls and the Vault City inhabitants was as well much better then anything F3 offered.
In the words of Calculon: That was so terrible I think it gave me cancer!!!

Voice acting is appaling, and animations bad as always. I really don't understand why people play games such as this.
Cold Zer0 said:
Voice acting is appaling, and animations bad as always. I really don't understand why people play games such as this.

Because you get to live out a fantasy of being a hero and saving people in a morally clear situation through violence. I mean it's a pleasant fantasy, and violence is a good way to recover your manhood/individuality that's been stripped from you by social structures. Nobody's going to fuck with me! you say before returning to your bad job (if you're lucky enough to have one - writing from Michigan here).

And then you can show your friends you got all these points, talk about how great it was because a lot of people will play it.

I don't know.
Say what you want about Doom 3, but it does what it's supposed to do extremely well.

The fact that Fallout 3 can be more easily compared to Doom 3, than to Fallout 1-2 is the sad thing.
Boo hoo. Waaaaaaa.

So what developers do you guy's do textures, models, voice acting and writing for?
lugaru said:
Boo hoo. Waaaaaaa.

So what developers do you guy's do textures, models, voice acting and writing for?

Oh I love these types of arguments. "If you don't make games, you can't criticize games."

Bethesda was the ones that said their game would be amazing because the level of detail would produce more immersion than the original games.

So if criticism of the textures, models, voice acting, and writing are off limits, then what are us simple peons allowed to criticize?

That type of argument might work on Bethesda's tightly controlled forums, but good luck peddling that line here.
It's quite the opposite though; here the status quo is to try to one up each other with ever more overblown hyperbole about how this game will give you cancer or how it must have been made by 4 year olds. It just gets to be comical how much people are trying to impress each other over videogames.

Beelzebud said:
That type of argument might work on Bethesda's tightly controlled forums, but good luck peddling that line here.

Wait, you are saying this place is composed entirely of trolls who where banned by less homogenously negative forums?
lugaru said:
It's quite the opposite though; here the status quo is to try to one up each other with ever more overblown hyperbole about how this game will give you cancer or how it must have been made by 4 year olds. It just gets to be comical how much people are trying to impress each other over videogames.
Yay, lets turn the overblowing up to eleven!

