The Trailer for The Pitt

Crni Vuk said:
Thx god Bethesda are not rulers of any country :P

Crap, you just gave them the idea :X

Look forward to immersive politics, Hope Change and Gfx Candy. TES VIII: Todd for President, coming 2012.

Morbus said:
Or at least there is no objective reason to love a game.

But, love is not rational. It often makes no sense, in requires no reason, it goes against logic :P It's LOVE, man.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Then the video had to have been edited. The textures look too crisp and high-def.

How so? You're saying that Fallout 3 on PS3 has the highest definition and crispiest textures?
Ausdoerrt said:
Morbus said:
Or at least there is no objective reason to love a game.
But, love is not rational. It often makes no sense, in requires no reason, it goes against logic :P It's LOVE, man.
My point exactly.
Ausdoerrt said:

If I wasn't familiar with FO3 I'd think it's some cool new shooter game, and that it looks fun.

Gotta love trailers that are longer and better than the actual product they portray.

Also, was that trailer captured from the PS3 version?

haha i didnt know this was for FO3, i though it was a new game. Man this shows how hard they fucked up this serie.
The Pitt trailer, looks to me just like another well made cinematic trailer for a generic action movie, where in two minutes you’ve seen the best of it,got excited, but when you actually go and watch it, you’re left crying over the time and money you spent.
Clearly game marketing begins following the steps of the movie industry.

lugaru said:
The vast majority out there disagrees, so almost everyone outside of a small group on forum are wrong.

The vast majority out there has Oblivion as frame of reference when judging FO3. No one can deny that FO3 is by leaps and bounds better than Oblivion, but the game wasn’t meant to be a sequel to Oblivion, and I can’t understand what’s the point of doing so, in their critic.
A little minority, who can also identify its flaws, has FO1/2 as a frame of reference,and this is a key point, because one has to expect certain things from a sequel that unfortunately, are nowhere to be found in FO3, and that maybe explains the heat.

lugaru said:
what I dont get is where this mystical sense of authority and ownership that people here comes from. You played the games, so did I, big deal...
As the Fallout franchise was “lying in the backyard” forgotten from everyone but the fans for 10 years, a bond and also emotional value evolved for the fallout universe,through all these years, to most of the fallout gamers all over the world, who had played the games not just one or two times, but I believe a couple dozen. The game was (is) alive and kicking in their mind and heart, despite the forgetfulness by the game industry.
And there comes Bethesda, taking the reins, placing the franchise “at the parlor”, salient to everyone, leaving out in the cold, old-time fans and core characteristics of the original games in pursue for profit.
Not only that, but Bethesda is trying, through marketing/PR planning, to convince everyone that their game is a sequel and they stay faithful to the past games.

So how do you expect the old fallout fan base to react? By sending flowers and chocolates?
The “mystical sense of authority” can’t be explained by logic and I think you’re aware of that. It is built on emotions and feelings.

You have to understand that there are people/personalities who don’t judge a game only by its “coolness”, “awesomeness” or the fun they have, but also for the experience they live while playing and that special sense of completeness they get, in the end of the game.
There are some rare games/gems out there that, believe it or not, up to a degree can shape characters.
Ausdoerrt said:
Umm, yes?

It doesn't. Maybe Bethesda installed it on a high-end PC and then applied some of the fan-made texture patches. That's the best way to get the game lookin' good
i would love to see an interesting DLC come out... so far, it's quite the opposite. everything seems so bland, action based, and poorly made. seeing the F3 news on NMA lately is like watching a horrid, gruesome trackwreck over and over. i know exactly what i'll see each time i come to the site, but i can't look away. not sure why. i didn't even have the interest to finish F3. maybe in a year or two a full on mod conversion comes out that'll bring us a good game.

i defended beth / F3 while it was in production, keeping my fingers crossed and hopes high. boy was i severely disappointed. sad...

and brother none, i applaud your reply to the nuisance. made me smile.
someone was showing pics around here as comparison between the PS3 and X-Box version of Fallout 3. I dont know but either he confused the images but the PS3 version looked really "better". Cant say of course how acurate that was.
That's what most reviews I've seen say. I haven't seen a PS3 version myself.

The playstation 3 magazine says:
The PC version of Fallout 3 is gorgeous. The colours are vivid, the draw distance is endless, the textures are high-res and the lighting effects are beautifully subtle, especially when you're gazing over the Capital Wasteland at sunset. It's the best-looking of the three.

The Xbox 360 version's textures are noticeably rougher than on PC, and objects in the distance aren't quite as clear. It does, however, boast an impressively solid frame rate. The game is, otherwise, identical.

NOW, the PS3 version looks the same as on Xbox, but things in the distance are slightly jaggier/rougher, the textures seem 'muddier' up-close and the frame rate is choppier, especially during the last few story missions (which may be the same on Xbox, but we've not seen the equivalent scenes to comment). We won't spoil anything, but the set-pieces here are MASSIVE, and the engine quivers under the weight of what's happening.

Overall, though the game looks much better live than it does on pics and videos, at least the world does. I don't know why but that's the impression I got from the PC version. The only thing is that it has horrendeous looking character models and animations (seemed worse than Oblivion's to me). The weapons also look and feel like something out of Zero Tolerance for Genesis.
maximaz said:
Overall, though the game looks much better live than it does on pics and videos, at least the world does. I don't know why but that's the impression I got from the PC version. The only thing is that it has horrendeous looking character models and animations (seemed worse than Oblivion's to me). The weapons also look and feel like something out of Zero Tolerance for Genesis.

Same here.
I’ve seen the vanilla game played in a quad 9550,4 Gigs of Ram,GTX 280,@1920,everything maxed out on a 50” panny plasma TV and the environs looked just amazingly fantastic.
Animations though looked utterly ugly in comparison.
They have probably used the same old technique, unchanged, from Oblivion.
the biggest failure of F3 is that it is an empty world without worthwile quests. trying to fix that with some lousy addons isnt the way to do it.
steppenwanderer said:
the biggest failure of F3 is that it is an empty world without worthwile quests. trying to fix that with some lousy addons isnt the way to do it.
Empty? I thought there was people, mutants, enemies and other blow-up-able creatures out there every step and every corner. Like in Serious Sam.
Those don't count as content. They are mostly randomly generated anyway.
maximaz said:
The playstation 3 magazine says:
The PC version of Fallout 3 is gorgeous. The colours are vivid, the draw distance is endless, the textures are high-res and the lighting effects are beautifully subtle, especially when you're gazing over the Capital Wasteland at sunset.
high res textures? Please don't make me present screenshots & compare F3 with other games, lol please. Sure some of the characters (NPCs/creatures) have not too bad textures but much of the rest (world & inanimate models) are not. Also "endless" draw distance I don't think is in effect......*sigh*.......OH WAIT!......I forgot to take my happy candy! (I always forget) *mmmm mmmmm mmm* Ok better now..F3 is tha shizz BOMB!