The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Prime Operative said:
Basically, for the entire movie, a group of friends are talking to each other during a farewell party for one of them. And that's it.

Sounds like a PG version of Reservoir Dogs
.Pixote. said:
Mad Max RW said:
Sub-Human said:
Speaking of Drive, watched it yesterday and it was quite a fun movie. Ron Perlman!!!

Best goddamn movie of the year.

I was sadly disappointed with certain aspects of this film. The music was too loud and overbearing, why can't they make a film without music, it was like watching a clever music video. I was hoping for a minor masterpiece, but walked away deflated. :|
I haven't seen Drive, but I think I understand what you mean in a general sense. Over the past decade or so movie music has really gone downhill. It's bland and unoriginal, too loud, and it's there all the time, even during moments when it's completely inappropriate.

ATM the only movie I'm looking forward to is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I don't know anything about the story but I'm always willing to give one of Fincher's projects a look.
Last Thursday to celebrate the begining of vacations a friend and I went to watch Breaking Dawn, we ruined the movie for about 20 people laughing and MST3K the whole thing, bad movie, but hillariously so. I had never go to one of the Twilight movies before. I missed out on a lot of mean spirited fun.

Right now I am only looking forward to the new Muppets movie, I grew up watching the older ones, and I have heard good things about the new one.
o other Theactrical release looks exciting right now. Not even that new "Brave" Pixar movie.
thegaresexperience said:
I thought Paul was pretty funny.
So did I. It wasn't an amazing comedy or anything but I generally enjoyed it.

The Muppets was quite good, there was a lot of self-depreciating humor and a fair amount of adult jokes, some more subtle than others. I thought that it started out slow but ramped up throughout the movie.
Farmerk said:
Prime Operative said:
Basically, for the entire movie, a group of friends are talking to each other during a farewell party for one of them. And that's it.

Sounds like a PG version of Reservoir Dogs

I guess you could say that.

A PG "Twilight zoney" version of Reservoir Dogs.
Watched Back to the Future. The last time I saw this I was around 5 or 6, back then it was really sweet, today it just felt gay.
Also, I kind of liked the drunken/fucked up version of the McFly family better...just sayin'
I bought the trilogy on Blu-ray for 15 bucks over the summer and since then I've only watched the first one.

I've been in the mood to watch Chasing Amy lately. Don't know why, maybe cause I haven't seen it in awhile.
I am just watching the whole series again because I'm planning on playing the Back to the Future game. Damn you TellTale!
I just watched [Rec] and [Rec] 2, the Spanish zombie horror movies...they were very good, actually they were some of the best zombie movies I have ever watched. The only factor I found annoying is the hand held camera technique, but since the premises is based on a TV show filming a late night program its understandable. The scenario and acting felt very believable, within the realm of a zombie movie. 9/10


[spoiler:fa7a7af505]I didn't expect there to be a religious undertone to the movies.[/spoiler:fa7a7af505]
Watched several films...

Shutter Island - been trying to watch this for over 6 months. Finally did it, and I wasn't disappointed. Very good psycho-thriller. DiCaprio is truly a great actor.

Contagion - I'm not sure how I've missed this before. One of the best disaster films I've seen, probably because it is an uncommon premise, yet so well developed with great characters.
Out of all films in 2011, this is my favorite. I haven't seen many 2011 films though...

Also, is it only me, or is Marion Cotillard one of the most beautiful "stars" today? Incredible woman...

Some Japanese plastic modeling film - Don't know the name, didn't have subtitles, but that's not the point. I want to get back into modelling again now.
.Pixote. said:
I just watched [Rec] and [Rec] 2, the Spanish zombie horror movies...they were very good, actually they were some of the best zombie movies I have ever watched. The only factor I found annoying is the hand held camera technique...
Zombies and hand-held camera technique? Is it possible to have enough of either one of those things? :wink:

Atomkilla said:
Shutter Island - been trying to watch this for over 6 months. Finally did it, and I wasn't disappointed. Very good psycho-thriller. DiCaprio is truly a great actor.
I saw Shutter Island in a theater. I found the ending too anticlimactic, but I agree the bulk of it was very good. I had no idea what was going to happen next.
Shutter Island.... Only thing I have ever wathed of that movie was some time ago when I was in Finals Week, I was getting the final project of the semester printed, the guys in that Plotter locale seem to be bathing in money having two LCD tvs with premium channel selection, anyways, Me and my friend were laizily walking around and for some reason we directed our view to the tv...
[spoiler:c04b8d1f92] where a scene in wich two kids drown and then Di Caprio pulls their bodies out of the water just to come to his wife who seems to have gone completely insane and then well if you saw the movie you know what happens next. [/spoiler:c04b8d1f92]
So I been meaning to watch the full movie eventually.
You should probably put a spoiler on that, Walpknut.
But yeah, that's an amazing scene, though I would say that you had bad luck - that is one of the most crucial scenes in the film, and you've seen it - guess the film will kinda suck for you...

UniversalWolf said:
I saw Shutter Island in a theater. I found the ending too anticlimactic, but I agree the bulk of it was very good. I had no idea what was going to happen next.

Actually, I find the ending to be quite good. Nicely wraps the whole thing up, and adds sense to some scenes
[spoiler:07e2ed4bc2]such as the rats scene, which I'd found to be tremendously stupid while watching it.[/spoiler:07e2ed4bc2]
It only made sense after finishing the film.
Saw Inception for the first time yesterday. I'm honestly really surprised how smart it was (although the debate about the ending I think is really silly. It's obvious that [spoiler:158a117281] Cobb was awake [/spoiler:158a117281] Otherwise, the whole story would have no point to it and Cobb would have no arc
Sabirah said:
Saw Inception for the first time yesterday. I'm honestly really surprised how smart it was (although the debate about the ending I think is really silly. It's obvious that [spoiler:d0b5521b7a] Cobb was awake [/spoiler:d0b5521b7a] Otherwise, the whole story would have no point to it and Cobb would have no arc
The bit at the end that makes that dubious (you know what I'm talking about) is really just a thinly disguised attempt to be tricky tricky tricky. So I agree with you.

Inception would be a better, trimmer, more terse movie without 20-25 minutes of the tired action scenes...especially the snowmobile stuff. What a waste of time.

Still, it was pretty good. Nolan's best movie by a mile in my book.

I saw Mulholland Drive for the first time a few days ago. Quite an fun experience, just as I expected from David Lynch. I'm not sure I like it as much as some of his other movies though -- Blue Velvet, for instance. More comprehensible than Inland Empire, however. Which is not to say I didn't enjoy Inland Empire.
So in Latino america we are getting 1 month of free Netflix (that didn't even exist here as far as know) so I watched The Big Lebowski, it was pretty funny, lots of cartoons I watched as a kid (and I admit I still do watch) had lots of references to this movie and I didn't even know, pretty bizzare.
UniversalWolf said:
Inception would be a better, trimmer, more terse movie without 20-25 minutes of the tired action scenes...especially the snowmobile stuff. What a waste of time.

I agree with that. I think Nolan's action sequences are on the sucky side in general. As much as I like the new Batman movies and Inception, I felt like the action was very bland.

Anyways, I saw Sherlock Holmes 2 yesterday. A very fun movie. I have to say that I liked the first SH better as it felt more structured and had that mystery throughout. This one starts slow but gets going after a little while. Highly recommended.