Afraid of a few homosexuals, are we Bob? Why the hell would I be scared of them? It's not like they're somehow out to get me...and your not?
And what, exactly, DO they represent according to you?it what homos represent that scare me.
Sander Why the hell would I be scared of them? It's not like they're somehow out to get me...and your not?
And what, exactly, DO they represent according to you?it what homos represent that scare me.
People have been saying that sense JFK in the '80s, and Marxists proposed that at the beggining of teh cold war. They where both wrong, you will be too. You're just making fucking exsuses while Vlaam's Block, Le Fronte National and the BNP & they're freinds in Russia rapidly consume the continent.Ratty said:I believe that... No, wait, fuck that. I know that a military-corporate cabal comprised mostly of superwealthy CEOs in oil and defense companies, power-mad generals and various stockholders and ex-consultants in army and oil industry (that now happen to hold high positions in the US government) maniphests an increasingly heavy influence and is mere years away from turning USA into an actual fascist dictatorship.
KillerJoe123 said:To keep on subject, the gay population is uniting to overthrow those of the heterosexual population for world domination... This will ultimately lead to a land of homosexually miotic dividing race of super beings which have no need for female eggs. heterosexuals will become slaves to the new sport of the anal olympics.. scary huh?
Oh, please. You can't honestly believe that a bunch of lame loudmouth extremists nobody gives a shit about poses a greater threat than people who own the entire defense and oil industry and are by definition interested in establishing absolute and unchallenged control over the state and economy. Vlaam's Block... Don't make me laugh.ConstipatedCraprunner said:People have been saying that sense JFK in the '80s, and Marxists proposed that at the beggining of teh cold war. They where both wrong, you will be too. You're just making fucking exsuses while Vlaam's Block, Le Fronte National and the BNP & they're freinds in Russia rapidly consume the continent.
You can't honestly believe that a bunch of lame loudmouth extremists nobody gives a shit about the federal parliament, it is now the fifth-largest party in Belgium, with 11.6 percent of the Belgian vote and 17.9 percent of the Flemish vote. It has 18 seats in the federal chamber of representatives. It had its best electoral result to date in the Belgian regional elections, 2004, becoming the second largest party in the Flemish Parliament, with 24.1% of the vote, increasing its number of seats with 10 to 32 out of 124. With 7 seats out of 24, it is the largest party on Antwerp city council [4] ( The other political parties have imposed a cordon sanitaire on the party since the general elections of 1991, refusing all cooperation. the 2002 presidential election many commentators were shocked when Jean-Marie Le Pen acquired second-most votes and entered the second voting round. Almost all had expected the second ballot to be between Jacques Chirac and Lionel Jospin. The election brought the two round voting system into question as well as raising many concerns about apathy and the way in which the left had become so divided.
The Front National has a security branch called Department of Protection-Security, which some argue is an illegal armed formation.
Marxist-Lenninist bullhouy. Eisenhower said the same thing in the 50's, and he was right to a point, but we're getting over it at this moment, and most of what you're talking about is BS anways, American politics have always been a little corrupt, now almost more so then the Guilded age, but we've got past it, see Nixon & Friends, we don't have blue men walking around in outer space, Nixon in the Whitehouse and Vietnam as the 51st State, do we?about poses a greater threat than people who own the entire defense and oil industry and are by definition interested in establishing absolute and unchallenged control over the state and economy.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:In the federal parliament, it is now the fifth-largest party in Belgium, with 11.6 percent of the Belgian vote and 17.9 percent of the Flemish vote. It has 18 seats in the federal chamber of representatives. It had its best electoral result to date in the Belgian regional elections, 2004, becoming the second largest party in the Flemish Parliament, with 24.1% of the vote, increasing its number of seats with 10 to 32 out of 124. With 7 seats out of 24, it is the largest party on Antwerp city council [4] ( The other political parties have imposed a cordon sanitaire on the party since the general elections of 1991, refusing all cooperation.
Bah, I'm not worried. It's not like they won the elections. Just because some 11.6% of Belgians are right-wing dumbasses doesn't mean that in a few years they will all be right-wing dumbasses. Remember what happened in Austria when ministers from Jörg Haider's extreme right party FPÖ entered the coalition government - even though they swore on their democratic orientation and new, moderate policies, internal displeasure and foreign pressure caused them to eventually lose power. Even if these right-wing nutjobs in Belgium, France or where will you managed to creep into the government, it would cause so much public uproar among moderate citizens that they would have terrible difficulties staying in power until the end of the government's mandate, let alone winning the next election. And if they attempted to tamper with democratic mechanisms, the masses would tear them apart. Americans aren't the only ones sensitive about their democracy.In the 2002 presidential election many commentators were shocked when Jean-Marie Le Pen acquired second-most votes and entered the second voting round. Almost all had expected the second ballot to be between Jacques Chirac and Lionel Jospin. The election brought the two round voting system into question as well as raising many concerns about apathy and the way in which the left had become so divided.
The Front National has a security branch called Department of Protection-Security, which some argue is an illegal armed formation.
I agree, but I don't think European democracies are frail. Berlusconi? Bwahahaha! The next world conflict won't be started by actions of a corrupt, blundering idiot, but by people much more powerful and sinister. Some of these people sit in Kremlin and the White House as we speak.This is a new fucking age, Ratty. Frail democracies will fall, barbarism will once again prove itself to be more powerful then relitivism. Berlisconi is the opening shot of the next world conflict.
I bet that's what they tell you on the Fox News. CCR, do you honestly think that people like Dick Cheney, ex-CEO of Halliburton, and Tom Ridge, shareholder in Exxon-Mobile, work in interest of American people? Perhaps yes, but only when it coincides with their own interest. If well-being of Americans was on their mind, they wouldn't be constantly increasing the defense budget when the economy is suffering a recession, they wouldn't be giving tax breaks to America's wealthiest people, they wouldn't be cutting on social expenses, they wouldn't allow millions to lose their health insurance, they wouldn't be wasting billions on useless megalomaniac projects like anti-missile defense, orbital weaponry and missions to Mars, they wouldn't be abolishing civil liberties, they wouldn't be instituting Nazi bullshit like the Patriot Act and TIA, and they certainly wouldn't be pushing the world towards a bloody and expensive war for oil. No, Bush, Cheney & co. are mere representatives of an immensely rich and powerful corporate cabal that has its own agendas, and their actions are entirely defined by their belonging to that cabal. Same goes for your so-called "liberals", who would, just like Republicans, rather see millions of Americans dead in deserts or starving in slums than change the perpetually destructive policies of the US government. You may not believe it, but the difference between Bush and Kerry is only in semantics. French, Belgians and Austrians may be in danger of electing a dangerous and extreme party, but you Americans have it far worse - no matter which party you choose, you will still continue down the same spiral of fear, violence and unending economic downfall.Marxist-Lenninist bullhouy. Eisenhower said the same thing in the 50's, and he was right to a point, but we're getting over it at this moment, and most of what you're talking about is BS anways, American politics have always been a little corrupt, now almost more so then the Guilded age, but we've got past it, see Nixon & Friends, we don't have blue men walking around in outer space, Nixon in the Whitehouse and Vietnam as the 51st State, do we?
ConstipatedCraprunner said:Frail democracies will fall, barbarism will once again prove itself to be more powerful then relitivism.
There's a reason there where 5 Republics. Massive, booming, disenfranchized Muslim minority combined with spike in reactionarie politics...not a great time to eat Frog legs.Are you calling Belgium and France frail democracies?
France is a Dictatorship broken by riots. No, I did'nt coin it. France is the one with the 2 party rule, we just have it as the way it goes.If anything, Belgium and France are more democratic now than America ever was.
Strom Thurmond's grave is'nt cold, you have NO RIGHT to say that.Over here, extremists are al least able to gain power. And as much as I don't like it, THAT is democracy.'d be okay with Objectivists taking 1/4th of the Congress, as well as Falangists? Tsk tsk, stabilitiy for the most powerful nation in history is ESSENTIAL. Last thing we need is another Wiemar.In America, en contraire, such people are hunted down. Remember McCarthy!
You know, you're entirely right, I could'nt agree with you more, but then again, we/you cannot allow it to happen. Do whatever you can-not dealing with Vlaams Block is a start, but I'd (personally) say you Welfare Party/Le Pen it.The paradox lies there, CCR: if the Vlaams Blok and FN gain power, that would be the pinnacle of democracy.
The what-what? I'm even pro-gay-marrige now.And, you idiots are only kidding about that 'gay conspiracy', are you? Because if you aren't, you'd better start putting numbers on your teeth.