Theories of the World

No, actually, I should learn to quote the correct piece of text. Imagine that bit of reply with this quote:
But that won't happen, you know. Another lesson that history teaches us is that government systems, or government bodies never change spontanely to reflect the times. They cling conservatively to what they have known, and only give it up after great turmoil or rebellion. And it's always been that way. The French monarchs, the Chinese Mandarins, ... It's always been that way.

Oh, and my point with the first quote was a bit of clarification and elaboration.
Yes, well.

What you talked about while quoting that text has nothing to do with the text itself. I'm talking about government systems, not the way minorities are treated. Governments systems are things like communism, dictatorship, democracy, etc. etc. in general, and the shades of grey in between. Well, not this absolute really, but even how the system would work internally.

You speak of a women's right to vote? That is but a small change. It's a change in ideology, allright, but no big change in the system. It's not of the same calibre as the change of the levy-electorate system (or however you call the system where the richer people get more votes in english) to the general vote of right. It might seem as a big change, too, but in the end it isn't; since the system itself didn't change, then.

Also, you can't say these changes happened willingly. There was turmoil in both cases. It might not have been as bad as in other countries, but there still was turmoil. Because if there wouldn't have been, these changes wouldn't have been made. Well, actually, there is a small change they would have, because the 'no taxation without representation' principle had already been more or less accepted back then, after centuries of fighting for that right.

So anyway, I see where you're coming from, but you should read what I write better before criticising the little, tiny details with little, tiny insignificant things.
Jeez. You guys can really turn a spammy, fun thread into another 6 page-bickering *every time*.

Make Gar head hurt.
Wooz said:
Make Gar head hurt.

Is that really? How can you be the judge of what would make Gar's head hurt?

Gar has always been represented as a person with limited mental capabilities, but is it fair to assume that every subject would be out of his mental reach? One may never forget the fenomon of the 'idiot savant', where a person who seems of inaquedate intelligence in several field suprisingly exels in other fields. Like Kahgan who is good in programming, for example.

So, how could you know these kind of discussions would make his head hurt? Perhaps Gar had been discussing the nature of democracy with his brahmin all along, and could he even be a greater light on the subject than any of us is.

Think about that.
What you talked about while quoting that text has nothing to do with the text itself. I'm talking about government systems, not the way minorities are treated. Governments systems are things like communism, dictatorship, democracy, etc. etc. in general, and the shades of grey in between. Well, not this absolute really, but even how the system would work internally.

You speak of a women's right to vote? That is but a small change. It's a change in ideology, allright, but no big change in the system. It's not of the same calibre as the change of the levy-electorate system (or however you call the system where the richer people get more votes in english) to the general vote of right. It might seem as a big change, too, but in the end it isn't; since the system itself didn't change, then.

Also, you can't say these changes happened willingly. There was turmoil in both cases. It might not have been as bad as in other countries, but there still was turmoil. Because if there wouldn't have been, these changes wouldn't have been made. Well, actually, there is a small change they would have, because the 'no taxation without representation' principle had already been more or less accepted back then, after centuries of fighting for that right.

So anyway, I see where you're coming from, but you should read what I write better before criticising the little, tiny details with little, tiny insignificant things.
Dude, read the first comment I made about the 1848 reforms in the Netherlands. Those changes were major and happened without any form of revolution at all. If you don't know what happened: before 1848 the king had complete control over creating a government, he selected the ministers and the Second Chamber had very little influence, after 1848 this was all substituted for the system you see in the Netherlands and Flanders these days.
Everyone "has" to have a bad time in their life no matter what their social stature is.
If its a plot of the world or just nature itself is yet to be proven.
Jebus said:
Perhaps Gar had been discussing the nature of democracy with his brahmin all along, and could he even be a greater light on the subject than any of us is.

Well, if you want to apply the same scheme to your posts as to your sexual life and go anal all the way, you should probably know that Gar is a character taken out of Arcanum, not from Fallout 2.

The character you're referring to is Torr, biatch.

*Slaps Jebus*

And before you say it, the "brahmin" in Parnell's museum wasn't Gar's.

*Slaps Jebus again*

Ah. Listening to Godflesh and bashing people. The joy.
AHA! But there you have it! Gar wàs smart! He was an intelligent half-ogre!

Repent! Repent!

*Slaps Wooz*

(I've always wanted to do that)
An intelligent *Orc* that couldn't count more than ten.


*kicks Jebus with steel-toed boots*
I predict that the panda is becoming extinct. still.

Oh, and that water powered car is just the hydrogen powered car. Good idea if hydrogen wasn't so expensive.
Oil isn't expensive either, but the machinery to extract it from the earth is.

... What was your point again, Ozzy?
Is this thread part of the 'conspiracy to slowly but surely remove all intelligence from internet forums with crappy threads' I've been hearing about?