was a hoax after all

It was increasingly lackluster, but up until that last week I was fairly impressed with the energy going into it. I can't but wonder whether the Fallout 4 we finally get is going to be any better than the one Survivor seemed to be promising us.
The creator must be like:

"The truth is, kid, the game was rigged from the start"
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I'm practically inconsolable.

There there, take solace in the fact that we at least won't see any more Bethesda Fallout for a while. :P
In the most optimistic scenario (unlikely though) it may have made Zenimax aware that there is a demand for new Fallout, and with Bethesda busy on Elder Scrolls they hire Obsidian again to make a new Fallout spin off that will truer than any official labelled sequel ever will.
It was increasingly lackluster, but up until that last week I was fairly impressed with the energy going into it. I can't but wonder whether the Fallout 4 we finally get is going to be any better than the one Survivor seemed to be promising us.

Yeah, what actually did disappoint me is that it was shaping up to be quite an interesting story and I think it would be a cool area to use in a Fallout game. But the guy behind the hoax apparantly wrote an entire script around the Survivor and this was all taken from that. Maybe he will release it for our reading pleasure.
I always take things that aren't confirmed announcements with salt. I thought it might be real but didn't assume it was. It did kind of fall apart after that nuclear winter timer came to an end. Still, hat goes off to the person who made it, it was well done. Fallout 4 is almost certainly in development anyway.
Wasteland 2 is just around the corner, and so is Age of Decadence. I see no reason to be sad...
It's laughable that anyone thought it was for-real to being with. People will see/hear/believe what they want to see/hear/believe.

Emporer: Nice avatar, love that pic. Also, I like the quote from Benny and that character, but I gotta say, the beginning of New Vegas made me never want to play the game. Miraculously surviving a gunshot wound to the head, and wake up with Fallout Cowboys? What is this, Supernatural crossed with a western? No thanks.
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I was always on the fence wether to believe it or not, then the first countdown came and I inmediately just leaned to the side of "Fake and/or Gay".
You people want to see another Fallout from bethesda?... Tis a sad day...

Not really, just morbid curiosity what they would come up with now.
Much rather would have another 'spin off' by Obsidian.

I guess we just want to see something PA themed that doesn't involve damn zombies (yes, I hate how they have turned the majority of ghouls into running zombies) and allows us to do some Role Playing and free roaming rather than having yet another linear action-adventure experience.