Thieves' Guild + Modoc Rebuild

Chris Parks said:
I've just emailed the mod for uploading. Don't know how long it will be so just keep an eye out for it.


Silencer is without internet for a week. If you sent it to him, better send it to me, I'll upload it and frontpagenews it.

Silencer is without internet for a week. If you sent it to him, better send it to me, I'll upload it and frontpagenews it.

Hi Kharn,

I sent it to Silencer via email to upload. I don't know your email address though. :oops: If you give me that, I'll send you the mod tomorrow.

Much appreciated.
Sorrow said:
I played Fallout yesterday and I discovered that there's a blacksmith in Adytum. He said that he was self-taught and that he made his tools himself.

Seriously. I like how people are like, "You can't have a blacksmith / thieves / anything from the supposedly crappy Fallout 2 because it doesn't fit with Fallout!", and yet all this has already appeared in Fallout 1.
Will the Modoc blacksmith be able to upgrade my Plasma Rifle?

He's a blacksmith! Take a look when it's uploaded but in general he makes things like metal armour, crow bars knives, spears, lockpicks... nothing overly technical!
Vicious_Squid said:
Yeah Kharn is right. The blacksmith does sound pretty lame.


pretty brave of you, hiding behind Kharn's back...

Anyways I like the idea of having an blacksmith. I believe in a fallout world there would be need for an blacksmith. Tools that are broken needs the be fixed etc.

As for the mod, I will try it later when i'm able to play it.
Great work.

Any new plans on futher projects ?
Vicious_Squid said:
Yeah Kharn is right. The blacksmith does sound pretty lame.


Sorry but no Kharn and you aren't right, it's just your opinion like everyone else...
Having a guy that makes knifes and crude metal armour in a post apocaliptic world doesn't sound too far from truth either.
I wish to thank the guys that created this mod, and I wished that there were more like them :)
I wish to thank the guys that created this mod, and I wished that there were more like them

Thanks! :D We will continue to work on other mods.

As for the mod, I will try it later when i'm able to play it.
Great work.

Any new plans on futher projects ?

Thanks Oracle, I emailed the mod to Kharn this morning. I don't know exactly how long it will take but it is on its way!

I do have quite a few projects planned as it happens. :wink:
Hi Chris. I published your work on MadBrahmin, perhaps some czech fan will be pleased by your and dude101´s work.

Concerning local criticism, don´t take it too much to heart. Maybe some of your ideas are not so "Falloutish", but you are still a nimble modder dealing with a 10 years old game. I think that´s admirable...

By the way, what is exactly your on-coming project? Submarine Mod? The Vipers? Worthy joining to BGE? :D
Concerning local criticism, don´t take it too much to heart

I don't have any problem with constructive criticism. It helps me improve on what I'm doing. Dude101 and I spent many hours discussing the mod and we didn't think anything was out of place or we would have cut it.

By the way, what is exactly your on-coming project? Submarine Mod? The Vipers?

Vipers? I remember something vaguely about them but my mind's drawing nothing. Weren't they supposed to be in fallout 1? Remind me.

Submarine mod has to be postponed as the art was never completed. The guy I asked was busy with loads of other stuff. It's still there and waiting however.

Worthy joining to BGE?

Chris, the Vipers and other two gangs are metioned in Fallout Bible. The intention was for three Raiders gangs(the fourth, Reapers, was found in the proto files).The Vipers is the most documented gang from all.
Anyway, I'm waiting for MiB88 Megamod to play the Modoc mod. Keep up the good work and thanks for the time spent on doing mods for F2.
Yes, Wolfsrain is right. But concerning Reapers - weren´t they planned as a Tangler´s family gang in Boneyard? I think that Chris Avellone said this, but maybe I forgot the right point and mashed it with some other informations. 8)

In fact, I have to use The Vipers in BGE in some way and I strictly want to start from Scott Cambell´s concept. I hope that we will not fuck it up... So, don´t think about my note about Vipers too seriously. One same Vipers in a two mods, it could be a bad problem. :D
Yup, should reread the Fallout Bible again.The article on Vipers and the gangs was pretty detailed. And let the best mod win:D
Re: Installment

Circa1989 said:
Sorry... but... how do I get this mod to work? I'm really itching to try it.

Copy the data folder into your F2 directory. Mark the proto folder and all files as read only.


Install the megamod 2.0 and 2.1 and perform the above. This is the better option IMO.
Re: Installment

Dude101 said:
Circa1989 said:
Sorry... but... how do I get this mod to work? I'm really itching to try it.

Copy the data folder into your F2 directory. Mark the proto folder and all files as read only.


Install the megamod 2.0 and 2.1 and perform the above. This is the better option IMO.

Thanks a lot. I downloaded those the other night. Havn't installed them yet. I dind't know this mod was included in megamod.

Thanks again.
Hey guys, I'm pretty sure this is the mod included in MIB88's megamod that's causing me trouble in Modoc. When I go to the house west of the main map in Modoc and go underground, my savegames get messed up. On the first level, they say "Arroyo error" in the save/load screen for the location on the right under the date and time, but the game runs fine. After blowing up the giant rock and going to the next level down, the game lets me play for a little while, but eventually it will crash. Over and over. No matter what I do that save game will not work. Any idea what may be causing the problem? I've not had any other crash problems in Modoc so far.
Polynikes said:
Hey guys, I'm pretty sure this is the mod included in MIB88's megamod that's causing me trouble in Modoc. When I go to the house west of the main map in Modoc and go underground, my savegames get messed up. On the first level, they say "Arroyo error" in the save/load screen for the location on the right under the date and time, but the game runs fine. After blowing up the giant rock and going to the next level down, the game lets me play for a little while, but eventually it will crash. Over and over. No matter what I do that save game will not work. Any idea what may be causing the problem? I've not had any other crash problems in Modoc so far.

I have corrected the issue with the mislabeled saves/loads.

As for the other crashes, it sounds as though you have a corrupted game...meaning a number of protos are messed up. You might need to just load a game well before the crashes started to occur, as there is no real way to tell when the corruption entered.