Matt Drax
Smart Ass
But you need Plans for one thing: Standardization
But you need Plans for one thing: Standardization
Also it needs nearly immaculate workmanship to make a good firearm.
Sure, you can slabdash some parts quickly together and make a basic gun, but don't come running when the thing blows up in your face after maybe a few dozen shots.
We are NOT talking gunpowder muskets here, but more or less modern firearms!
Here's some lore fallout 4 got right.
>vault suits are blue and yellow
I think that's it.
I'm not even exaggerating. I'm drawing a blank.
Why would pip boy 3000s not exist? Companies make different models of stuff all the time. Did I miss something in 1 or 2?Even then, we all know pipboy 3000's don't exist, thus there's no reason for the area on the suit where they go, to exist either.
Why would pip boy 3000s not exist? Companies make different models of stuff all the time. Did I miss something in 1 or 2?
I liked the Pip Boy in Fallout 4. Good thing they got rid of the "locked to specific user" bollocks that served no other purpose than making the Lone Wanderer special in the wasteland.
While the menu and UI is as bad as ever in Fallout 4, I do like how there are animations for loading holotapes and opening vault doors. Should have added a special tool that allowed to the Pip Boy to connect to a terminal or an electronic lock and hack/open it that way.
I hate to say it...
So... When Fallout New Vegas tells us and even has an entire quest about the Crimson Caravan needing weapon plans so they can make weapons. You jump into "They are complicated weapons"... They are not complicated weapons, they make some complicated but they also make revolvers, pistols, sub machine guns, chainsaws, etc... The Crimson Caravan woman says they need the plans so they can get into the making weapons instead of selling scavenged ones.
Now you're handwaving what the damn game is explicitly showing you.
Also "People who make guns in some shed in the middle of the desert have no internet." speculation and not really truth, since I doubt you know any source that say there are people in the middle of the desert making weapons without internet.
You're letting your hatred of Fallout 4 cloud your judgement and are resorting to mental gymnastics to be blind to actual facts...
I still stand by the pipe gun. Also, Zeno is referring to the Kyber Pass Copies made by Afghani/Pashtun tribes of the pass for almost 200 years, mostly of poor and outdated quality.
Zeno, go and make a gun in your shed without any plans/blueprints and then show it to us.Not even that, there's gunsmiths everywhere in those places.
Its seriously not that hard to copy a gun, write down how you did it, and do it again and again.
A simple gas piston design is trivial to make with a machine shop, something postwar Fallout has plenty of.