Things Fallout 4 Got Right

Balancing wouldn't be an issue if enemies were actually competent, power armour was actually hard to aquire, and perhaps maintaining it was hard. ;P

Frankly I've heard that before from some Bethesda fans, not saying you're one, but it pisses me off.

"Tee hee, I've got 20 power armour suits, the fusion cores are just for balancing"

Well yeah, the whole thing was a stupid design choice from the start. They give the player a suit of PA within the first half hour of the game (along with a minigun and a deathclaw to kill), so in order to not break the game they have to nerf the suits in some way. That's idiotic from the start, and I've already said how I would have done it.
Different power armor frames with different options and properties. T45, T45/60, T51, APA/X-01 frames. T45 is slow and requires a shitload of energy cells to recharge. T60 is a refit of the T45 with slight improvements and maybe an internal reactor like the T51, made by the BoS. Only available to them, of course. T51 frames have an internal reactor, but suits that you find in old military locations have run out of fuel after 200 years so you have to refuel them first, which isn't easy (should require some sophisticated machinery that you'd have to liberate from an army base or something like that). T51 is better than T60, but at least the T60 comes with a full load of fuel. APA is of course super rare (maybe one or two suits in the game) and best, and comes with a fresh tank of nukey stuff.
Also, maybe add civilian frames, like a sort of powerloader thing. Proctor Ingram has a prosthetic PA, would make sense for people to use bare frames in construction work. And more power armor gangs that hotrod their frames to be faster and flashier at the expense of fuel efficiency and protection.
I think all of this is somewhat lore-friendly, balanced, and can even be made into an interesting quest line (like having to find a way to refuel that old T51 you found, and finding clues about an old army stash with dozens of mothballed power armors that all the major factions would very much like to get their hands on).
Also, I wouldn't give too much on the fact that PA never used to mess with the animations. In the classic Fallouts it was complicated to make vastly different animations for the characters, and little differences can't really be seen in an isometric perspective. And let's face it, the running animation in Fallout 1/2 with the armor on looks goofy as shit. As for the intro, well, it's overanimation necessary to deliver the message of the scene, and it's necessary because the overall graphic fidelity of the scene is quite low. Wouldn't read too much from it.
In Fallout 3 and NV PA is treated as normal plate armor, which makes it look all skinny and weak (which, if I remember correctly, was one of many criticisms people had about them).
I like how Fallout 4 added some bulk and weight to the feel of the armor, but I disagree that it makes it too much like a mecha sort of thing. But as I said, the whole PA thing could have been much better and more in-depth...
I have to disagree with the complicated making animations for the classic games. They made tens of quite detailed death animations with many frames, all they needed to do if they wanted to Power Armor affect your speed or movements was making the frames play slower, or limit you to just walk and not run or anything else like that.

And I should dismiss the video that shows power armored soldiers using it on the first game because we shouldn't read too much into it? I am not reading too much into it, I am seeing what is going there. If anything you are reading too much into it by saying it is "overanimation necessary to deliver the message on the scene". You're deducting that is why it was made like that. I am just seeing it playing how it shows on the screen, not deducting that the armor wouldn't behave like that because it only does in there to deliver a message. They could have made the scene containing some extra soldiers without PA laughing and it would deliver the same message. :confused:

Again, it affects the wearer movements and actions like normal armors in 7 games (8 if we count Van Buren tech demo, but I don't count that one since it is not canon), not just the first two or Fallout 3. It's all the games except Fallout 4.
Does the power armor actually affect movement speed in Fallout 4? I can't find any proper numbers and it doesn't really look like it in the game. And it only affects actions in that you can't use certain terminals, as far as I know.
Did I also say how much I liked the inclusion of pipe guns again?

I know we're post-post apoc, but that doesn't mean everyone has a gun-runner outlet store. The pipe guns just felt natural. (The Laser 'Muskets' didn't - too forced into a caricature).
>Can't weild a power fist with power armour.


In F4, they somehow made a Powerfist as a demolition tool (a friend and I discussed how silly this was and we just accepted it's stupidity in another forum). Personally, Power Fist would be developed alongside Power Armor as the top-of-the-line military technological marvel. It's literally a gauntlet powered by small energy cells to release a powerful, energy blast upon hitting a target, without hurting the wielder (at least too much). Obviously designed to be wielded by a person in Power Armor (and obviously designed to be dual wielded). Instead, it's become sort of kinetic energy weapon that uses hydraulics and pistons to hurt someone. Meh.
Did I also say how much I liked the inclusion of pipe guns again?

I know we're post-post apoc, but that doesn't mean everyone has a gun-runner outlet store. The pipe guns just felt natural. (The Laser 'Muskets' didn't - too forced into a caricature).

Pipe guns are nice.

Pipe guns being fucking everywhere, fairly 'high tier' if high level, and being pre-war creations, isn't nice.
Pipe guns are nice.

Pipe guns being fucking everywhere, fairly 'high tier' if high level, and being pre-war creations, isn't nice.

They're zip guns. It's not that illogical that in the pre-war generation which was chaotic and collapsing that the gangs would churn 'em out. It is however a bit too egregious to have the exact same model on a magazine cover, however.
They're zip guns. It's not that illogical that in the pre-war generation which was chaotic and collapsing that the gangs would churn 'em out. It is however a bit too egregious to have the exact same model on a magazine cover, however.

We know for a fact that 9 and 10mm pistols were commonplace, even .22lr existed.

There is abolutely no reason for pipe guns to exist, when 9mm handguns and such are a dime a dozen.

We found, what? ONE pipe gun, postwar-made in Fallout 2, none in any other game, until magically 4 places them everywhere.

No, the reason why pipe guns exist, is to simply add another gimick.

Does the power armor actually affect movement speed in Fallout 4?
It does reduce speed. I do not remember the exact value since last time I checked anything on Fallout 4 was almost last year and I don't have it installed at the moment (laptop doesn't have much HDD space and I wouldn't play the game anyway).
It can be countered by using those armor "enchantments" that increase speed by 10% or sprinting (which depletes power cores much faster while still consuming AP for some reason).

I have no problem with pipe weapons being in the game, I do have a problem with how they look and seem to be made, those things would explode on your face if used...
I have no problem with pipe weapons being in the game, I do have a problem with how they look and seem to be made, those things would explode on your face if used...

The reason I hate pipe guns, is because by default they imply that the world isn't rebuilding, and rather that they are just scrapping.

Every 'good' fallout game has factions which produce, and sell guns, ensuring that if you need a gun, you can get one.

Literal camel farmers in the middle of buttfuck nowhere can make fully functioning AK 47's in their sheds.
Literal camel farmers in the middle of buttfuck nowhere can make fully functioning AK 47's in their sheds.
Only if they have the plans/blueprints. Which anyone these days can get access to thanks to internet.

200 years in a future after an apocalyptic nuclear event, where information couldn't be easily shared even before the bombs fell, makes it harder to achieve this.

Remember that even a powerful trading company like Crimson Caravan needs the Courier to be able to steal the plans to make weapons from the Gun Runners. So even a rich and powerful company (one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful West Coast companies) doesn't know how to make guns without the plans (which are highly guarded/protected by those who have them).
Only if they have the plans/blueprints. Which anyone these days can get access to thanks to internet.

Not...Really? The knowledge on how firearms work isn't that complex, modern gangs and terrorists can make perfectly functioning, and good looking firearms, quite often based on AK's and such.

I'm pretty sure Mohummand Derkaderka from Shitfuckstan doesn't have internet, he has sandals, a camel, and lube.
200 years in a future after an apocalyptic nuclear event, where information couldn't be easily shared even before the bombs fell, makes it harder to achieve this.

200 years into the future where people can easily aquire laser weapons, combat armour, and fusion powered robots roam the wastes...
Remember that even a powerful trading company like Crimson Caravan needs the Courier to be able to steal the plans to make weapons from the Gun Runners. So even a rich and powerful company (one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful West Coast companies) doesn't know how to make guns without the plans (which are highly guarded/protected by those who have them).

A difference, I'm talking about making simple AR's and such, not the Gun Runner weapons, which are very high quality firearms, including some seriously custom pieces of equipment.

You seriously don't need plans to make functioning gear which resembles real life weaponry.
Weirdly enough, Fallout 4 does have what appears to be a fully functioning AK clone handmade in the wastes, the Handmade Rifle from Nuka-World.

I hate to say it...But this is fucking appaling.

Who fucking modelled this? Seriously, who?

The AK from fucking Stalker looks better quality wise of textures and mesh...
So... When Fallout New Vegas tells us and even has an entire quest about the Crimson Caravan needing weapon plans so they can make weapons. You jump into "They are complicated weapons"... They are not complicated weapons, they make some complicated but they also make revolvers, pistols, sub machine guns, chainsaws, etc... The Crimson Caravan woman says they need the plans so they can get into the making weapons instead of selling scavenged ones.

Now you're handwaving what the damn game is explicitly showing you. :confused:

Also "People who make guns in some shed in the middle of the desert have no internet." speculation and not really truth, since I doubt you know any source that say there are people in the middle of the desert making weapons without internet. :confused:

You're letting your hatred of Fallout 4 cloud your judgement and are resorting to mental gymnastics to be blind to actual facts...
So... When Fallout New Vegas tells us and even has an entire quest about the Crimson Caravan needing weapon plans so they can make weapons. You jump into "They are complicated weapons"... They are not complicated weapons, they make some complicated but they also make revolvers, pistols, sub machine guns, chainsaws, etc... The Crimson Caravan woman says they need the plans so they can get into the making weapons instead of selling scavenged ones.

All that implies is that Crimson Caravans don't know how to read.

You don't need complex designs and plans to make a gun, how do you think the first guns were made in the first place? Was there a pre-made schematic from god?