Things we learned from Fallout 4

While I get what you mean, I think it's good that they actually recognized FONV in a non-harmful way. It shows that contrary to popular belief, they do care about New Vegas canon, and to me, accepting it in a non-contradictory way, does show ultimately that they do care about continuity from what should, quite frankly be more canon than there games.

Out of curiosity, what is the context behind that?, does he just randomly have a dream where he sees a weird thing, or is there a reason why that is relevant to the plot?
If they did cared about FNV canon they wouldn't says stuff that they just made up for no good reason like "I am a robot with the brain of the girl who was supposed to sing instead of Starlet Vera Keyes" and "Mr House and I were best buddies" and "There is an alien city under the Mojave"... All of those were never mentioned or hinted in FNV and so they are adding their own canon to FNV canon when there is no reason to do it...

278. Crab Fishing Traps make awesome helmets and protect your head if you stick it through them...
Fallout 4 isn't cannon. I could care less about 3. But 1 most of 2 and new Vegas are all Canon to me. The way I see it 4 isn't fallout it's a waste of my time makes me wait longer for real fallout. It's been 6 years c'mon already.
And it will be 6 years more till we get a good one.
Exactly, still don't expect it any time soon.

I know. Fallout 4 got in the way of a real fallout. Because this is the fallout we got now I don't think we'll be getting any fallout any time soon. Not even another shitty spin o- I mean sequel.