This made me cry.


Background Radiant
Well, we all have been, or are, going through puberty. So we all know what pieces of shit young teenagers can be.
In some situations, for example in broken homes or after nasty divorces, they can even become serious problems. Drug abuse, violence towards other family members, etc. etc.; in short: all kinds of things that can make parents lose their minds.

So some parents are desperate to try and get their children back on the right track. But some have gone too far.

More articles:

A family managed to get a kid out of there
The reason why the Puerto Rican branch got shut down.

This really, really made me depressed. It absolutely sickens me parents send their kids to these kind of concentration camps, just because they seem think obediance and love are things their children are legally obliged to give to them.

Spotted at the Something Awful forums
Maybe the parents should've been... I dunno, parenting instead of relying on TV and brainwash camps?
"I got some good out of it," said Colin Johnstone, 15, of Louisville, Ky., who came to Tranquility Bay at 13. "But it is kind of like torture. It did me more damage than good."

He was not drinking or taking drugs, said his mother, Lisa Todd. He was "just immature."

So... this boy was immature at the age of thirteen? And his momma couldn't cope with a thirteen-year-old kid? Well fuck me, but what did momma Todd expect exactly? A thirteen-year-old grownup? Jeez... :roll:

Depressing indeed, Jebus. The case where the father sends his son to Tranquillity Bay because his son doesn't like his new mom, is sad as well.

These 'reform schools' are now on my 'Stuff-to-bomb-when-I-get-my-hands-on-some-missiles-list'. :twisted:
Another little piece to fortify my opinion that parenthood shouldn't be a free right, it should involve some form of schooling and a license.
I just don't get it. Here we have mostly upper-classer parents (you have to be, otherwise it would be pretty hard to cough up the $ 50 000 to enlist your kid), which you'd expect to be sensible enough to know that EVERY kid experiments with drugs, stands up to his parents, and wants to get laid as soon as possible; but yet they send their kids away to some prison where they actually treat the children in ways that even prisoners of war aren't allowed to be treated.

Take one of the girls there, for example. She had to lay flat on her face, immobile, on a tile floor, that was mobbed with URINE, with pubic hair floating around and bugs crawling, her legs and arms hyperextended regularly, only being allowed to sit up for five minutes every hour... FOR EIGHTTEEN MONTHS! How THE FUCK do they expect to change her behaviour for the better by the time she gets out of there? Releasing people who have been through that into society is creating ticking timebombs. I know for sure that the first thing I'd to if I got out there, after being abused for that long in such a way, is to MURDER my parents. And I really MEAN that. I would TAKE THEIR LIVES. And then I'd go back to that institution, armed with a sub-machine gun, and mow down every damn worker at that place. THEY ARE KIDS, for crying out loud!

I guess this is a result from the USA being the only country in the world, outside of Somalia, that hasn't signed the charter on the Rights of Children of the UN.

Good lord, I am angry about this...

Fucking sick is what this is.

Haven't these people ever heard of a "time out" or a "family talk"?
This world is going to hell in a dainty little bag.

'Oh, you would not believe the change in her! It's amazing, the way they change a kid's life. She's so polite now, I wouldn't know her. They all look so happy!
I swear, if i ever meet that woman, i will cut off her toes with a boltcutter.
Brainwash good! Make good student! Make good worker! crushing joints promote discipline!
Please stand in fashionly order.
Put your clothes and personal belonings on the table to your right.
We are going to take a shower....

and i got picture of that Jay Kay bastard-

If i was sent there,i would wait till 18,got out and never talked to my parents again.
Jebus said:
I guess this is a result from the USA being the only country in the world, outside of Somalia, that hasn't signed the charter on the Rights of Children of the UN.

Shame on, thee , Americans...

By signing the Convention, the United States has signalled its intention to ratify – but has yet to do so. The United States undertakes an extensive examination and scrutiny of treaties before proceeding to ratify. This examination, which includes an evaluation of the degree of compliance with existing law and practice in the country at state and federal levels, can take several years – or even longer if the treaty is portrayed as being controversial or if the process is politicized

14 years is not sufficient to ratify a convention...?
Kids who got themselves sent to these facilities are disobedient little bastards who probably deserve a serious whipping several times a day. Their parents, on the other hand, are weak, inept morons who should on no account have been allowed to have children in the first place.

If you have a kid, then it's your responsibility to raise him properly and discipline him when he deserves it, even if it means administering a slap in the face or a snap kick in the ribs.

If my parents sent me to such a facility, I'd grit my teeth and endure the torment, come back home, kick the crap out of them with a PVC pipe for being lazy, incompetent idiots, flee to Mexico and join the communist guerilla led by general Marcos.
Ratty said:
blahblahblah.... flee to Mexico and join the communist guerilla led by general Marcos.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man, you have absolutely no idea how much you're wrong concerning that movement. First, it's sub-comandante Marcos. Second, it's not a communist movement. Third, it's utter and total bullshit.
The "free" lands taken away from big property owners just shift hands to other big property owners. Marcos also ordered an assault of a Mexican army outpost, having indians in the first line with AK rifles. Would sound like a reasonable assault if the rest of the troops weren't armed with STICK MODELS of AK rifles, facing mechanized infantry.

The thing with this so-called guerrilla (it's dead since 1995 anyways) and its wannabe Che Guevara is that the Western Left projects its ideals into it and makes it something it's not. The whole Che Guevara icon itself is ridiculous. The man organized concentration camps for the political opposition in Cuba. I should start sporting a Heini Himmler T-shirt.

I lived in Chiapas ten years and return there almost every year to visit my family. While I agree with Marcos on the subject of Indian abuse and governmental violence, he's doing to people what he's rebelling against.


There, hope it didn't sound too rough.

Back to topic.

"Too lazy to bring up your kid? suspecting him/her of thinking?
Tie him up at 4 am and send him to Tranquility Camp now!"

If I were kidnapped and sent to that concentration camp (it's much like Guantanamo, no?) , I would just splinter cell my way out of there, not hesitating for a second to kill any guards that were in the way of freedom or employees that had been tormenting me. Maybe using some kind of fiber wire-looking thing.

The part with the educational tape in the background constantly saying stuff reminds me of Half-life 2, in a way (the beginning of the E3 2004 trailer, when Gordon steps out of the train into City 17). Yeah, this has to be a joke, or some kind of video game. It's just too unbelievable.

Assuming it's all true though; after escaping, I would come back and blow up the walls with C4, liberating all the prisoners and form my own terrorist organization. Wooz, need new recruits? There you go.