I love it when the kiddies from B-grade spamfest forums like those, who do nothing but act as surrogate ass-lampreys to GameSpy, try to whine because they aren't automatically accepted here, because they took enough effort to get off of their lazy ass to register so they assume they are allowed to post anything. Then they whine because they're expected to THINK and know what the fuck they're attempting to talk about. Wah, just like Usenet, children.
Then they wonder why we mock them when they call Diablo a "classic CRPG". They really are that stupid. And young. Can you really blame them, though? To them, the industry started with Diablo or Baldur's Gate, and just now they're figuring out what exists between their legs, so of course none of them have a pair and must collectively whine and snivel like the sulky little emo children because Someone's Forums Have Standards, unlike that aforementioned digital trash pile filled with human cockroaches that equates fact about game design with their personal "wouldn't it be COOL?!" brand brainshit. Then whine due to why we don't think FOT "was cool" like it was for them, because we HAVE played games in the same genre and also Fallout games, and know how it fails on both. It further amuses me that the ungrateful little shits don't realize that it was due to the critiques by myself and others, through the development process, that got that game to where it was upon release. On these very forums, if the Oblivious fucktards would ever care to not be lazy and research what the fuck they're talking about before spewing their idiocy.
And I love those mouth-stuffing and lying little shits who say FOS wasn't liked because it was a console game. I love it when the idiots have to invent their own reality, and then miss that we care about the quality of the games. As if quality matters to them, when they probably don't remember when Bethesda used to do good work, only that it's easier to mod in furry Khajiit tits and similarly lame munchkin loot mods. I love it when that kind of trash has to whine that we don't take them or their babbling too seriously.
You have to understand that this munchkinfesting trash has filled the RPG audience, and wouldn't think a game is a real CRPG unless it's got the D&D or some other license. Or was SHINY enough for them like Oblivion. The old-school has moved into reclusive circles, and some from computer RPGs entirely,
because of these moronic little children. Maybe we'll get the old-school back, or more people with intelligence around the genre, when developers STOP PANDERING TO THE EXPLICITLY INBRED.
Yes, Virginia, the RPG industry HAS gone to shit, BOTH computer and P&P, the RPGNet forums are proof of these insipid goldfish. Maybe it wouldn't be such a shithole if Killfalcon or others didn't coddle stupidity, hyperbolic lies that prove the little fucktards can't even understand simple fucking English and must invent their own reality, and clannie trash ability to form a spine only in groups, until it's put into their face. It took a lazy three days and 10 pages for their moderators to bother doing anything, since having it back in their face and apparently with some of the lies debunked seemed to make them worry and enforce their "dislike". Aw, the lying game doesn't quite feel that fun when it's busted, now does it? I'm not the one who posted, but I'm sorry I missed the post that ended the RPGNet forum circle-jerk of stupidity.
Again, NMA formally apologizes for having forum standards and knowledge about game design other than "kill shit = get phat lewt". We will gladly welcome any RPGNet forum denizens that care to do the same, the rest of the children we don't care about except to laugh at.