This one is good for a laugh

Our hatred for stupid "lolz how is refool the carr no diz is teh rite foram!!!" newbies is surely outstripped by other gaming communities' hatred for us. The only thing to do is wear it like a badge.

Glittering gems forevah!

I wonder if people who read threads like that ever come over here and read threads like this.
These people crack me up.
They think we think Fallout 2 is a crap game (which we don't, we think it conflicts with the Fallout setting a lot, though). Hell, they link to a thread where this is explained yet still maintain that we completely hate Fallout 2.

Hell, one of them thinks that Rockstar should make it because of the humor (eh?), and otherwise Bioware because of the finesse. Fuck, man, Neverwinter Nights, finesse, WHAT?
It's like an Internet meme that will never be halted because propagating it is much more fun than stopping to think. There just was a minor tussle on the Wasteland Yahoo group, and someone chimed in with "Let's not all act like Fallout fans. :)" Not maliciously, we've just become the ur-type of evil fandom regardless of fact.

Edit: wtf
We eat n00bian flesh... tastes like chicken!

I find this group in gerneral to be quite entertaining and you must have a thick skin in order to remain here. These others must be very sensitive and have their feelings hurt easily. It is like a guy at work, if you tell him he is full of shit in a nice way, he won't talk to you for a week.

All I have to say is fuck them and pass the shaver.

The hypocrisy in that thread is overwhelming.

One guy says he won't pre-judge Fallout 3, but he's apparently willing to pre-judge a community of actual people.

After Davaris says he doesn't find NMA that horrible, another immediately shouts him down saying he's lying, and in the same post repeatedly says that the problem with NMA is that we don't accept different opinions.

This is fun:

Besides, all the travelling in Fallout kind of confused me. It's a barren, hostile wasteland- how far is someone really going to stray?

"I'm on a critical quest to save my people, but I don't see why I should have to venture more than a mile away from home!"

Yes, and we don't allow anyone to say or think Fallout 2 is any good. Which must be why it's my favourite game.

Did they delete the post that caused the lock?
Deleted? Suffer thinks it was just locked because of cross-board trolling, which is generally not a bad policy. You shouldn't put up with users randomnly trolling some site.

The moderator post goes, "Dispite the considerable bile our recent, banned-and-baletted user spewed, he had a point." I don't see any such post around, and I doubt he meant any of the regulars there, so I thought maybe it was Josh's "fagz" post or something similar.

They get points for referencing my guides in another thread, though.
A post may have set it off, but it was general "no trolling other forums"-rules that made him lock it

And everyone references to your guides. Everyone with a brain.
Per said:
Our hatred for stupid "lolz how is refool the carr no diz is teh rite foram!!!" newbies is surely outstripped by other gaming communities' hatred for us. The only thing to do is wear it like a badge.

Glittering gems forevah!

I wonder if people who read threads like that ever come over here and read threads like this.

Perhaps at all other gaming forums we should use the sig pic i believe wooz made.


This will identify us as NMA members and thus warn others that we wont tolerate bullshit and idiocy.

And, It feels kinda good being known as one of the Glittering Gems of Hatred.
Wooh, i brought piece and order! The word fag brings everyone together, as does illiteracy.
shodan said:
Interestingly, while I loved the setting of Fallout, I could just never get into the game itself.
I want to be mean to you in so many ways.

shodan said:
The gameplay itself didn't agree with me, and just kept "getting in the way"
Oh, you wanted a fast paced FPS? I'll show you FPS!

shodan said:
If it uses the Oblivion engine, though... That sounds like it'd be much, much more fun for someone like me to play
On the nma forum, guys like you forget their login passwords... think this place carries such a reputation...good to see a few realise its "love of the quality" and not simple "fanatic hatred".

In fact I'm very happy to say that a significant amount of them are saying that after Oblivion they dont expect F3 to do well and that the "qualities" will have been lost.

Seems like you dont have to be a "NMA fanatic" to still understand and give a damn.

The Vault Dweller
I love it when the kiddies from B-grade spamfest forums like those, who do nothing but act as surrogate ass-lampreys to GameSpy, try to whine because they aren't automatically accepted here, because they took enough effort to get off of their lazy ass to register so they assume they are allowed to post anything. Then they whine because they're expected to THINK and know what the fuck they're attempting to talk about. Wah, just like Usenet, children.

Then they wonder why we mock them when they call Diablo a "classic CRPG". They really are that stupid. And young. Can you really blame them, though? To them, the industry started with Diablo or Baldur's Gate, and just now they're figuring out what exists between their legs, so of course none of them have a pair and must collectively whine and snivel like the sulky little emo children because Someone's Forums Have Standards, unlike that aforementioned digital trash pile filled with human cockroaches that equates fact about game design with their personal "wouldn't it be COOL?!" brand brainshit. Then whine due to why we don't think FOT "was cool" like it was for them, because we HAVE played games in the same genre and also Fallout games, and know how it fails on both. It further amuses me that the ungrateful little shits don't realize that it was due to the critiques by myself and others, through the development process, that got that game to where it was upon release. On these very forums, if the Oblivious fucktards would ever care to not be lazy and research what the fuck they're talking about before spewing their idiocy. And I love those mouth-stuffing and lying little shits who say F:POS wasn't liked because it was a console game. I love it when the idiots have to invent their own reality, and then miss that we care about the quality of the games. As if quality matters to them, when they probably don't remember when Bethesda used to do good work, only that it's easier to mod in furry Khajiit tits and similarly lame munchkin loot mods. I love it when that kind of trash has to whine that we don't take them or their babbling too seriously.

You have to understand that this munchkinfesting trash has filled the RPG audience, and wouldn't think a game is a real CRPG unless it's got the D&D or some other license. Or was SHINY enough for them like Oblivion. The old-school has moved into reclusive circles, and some from computer RPGs entirely, because of these moronic little children. Maybe we'll get the old-school back, or more people with intelligence around the genre, when developers STOP PANDERING TO THE EXPLICITLY INBRED.

Yes, Virginia, the RPG industry HAS gone to shit, BOTH computer and P&P, the RPGNet forums are proof of these insipid goldfish. Maybe it wouldn't be such a shithole if Killfalcon or others didn't coddle stupidity, hyperbolic lies that prove the little fucktards can't even understand simple fucking English and must invent their own reality, and clannie trash ability to form a spine only in groups, until it's put into their face. It took a lazy three days and 10 pages for their moderators to bother doing anything, since having it back in their face and apparently with some of the lies debunked seemed to make them worry and enforce their "dislike". Aw, the lying game doesn't quite feel that fun when it's busted, now does it? I'm not the one who posted, but I'm sorry I missed the post that ended the RPGNet forum circle-jerk of stupidity.

Again, NMA formally apologizes for having forum standards and knowledge about game design other than "kill shit = get phat lewt". We will gladly welcome any RPGNet forum denizens that care to do the same, the rest of the children we don't care about except to laugh at.
We're "negative and intolerable?" Fuck those bitches, fuck them right in the ear.

Oh and nice asshole-rippage Rosh
Oh, and if you want an example of stupid, we're supposed to expect that Professor Phuckwit was only trying to talk about Fallout 3.

Woah, sorry about that...
Professor Phobos

Should have been a little more diplomatic in my "No Mutants Allowed" thread, since all I actually wanted to discuss was Fallout 3.Didn't mean to give you guys extra work.

From one of their supposedly user-only forums, but their search seems to grep those forums just fine while unregistered, you just have to register to see anything after a certain number of characters. :D

So sorry to the forumites at RPGnet if we don't particularly enjoy that level of lying stupidity here. If you're looking for a forum of like-minded people who want to discuss Fallout, try the TES forums, plenty of idiots there for your lukewarm IQ to feel comfortable paddling around in. Maybe you'll even similarly piss all over yourselves, while swimming in the shallow end of the design pool like them, to feel nice and warm about Fallout 3, when simple design knowledge should give anyone with a brain the clue that Fallout and TES are LEAGUES APART IN DESIGN. TES is shiny action, Fallout is about role-playing P&P style (something makes me wonder about the idiots there at RPGnet if they fail to notice THIS...), and Bethesda has NEVER done anything like a P&P RPG, ever, and has stated that isn't what they do; they will do what they do best.

Put it together, children. Or go back to sucking off Bethesda's hype and have fun playing with the absolutely awful Radiant AI that was put in place instead of real design work. Kind of like how they've been fucking everything about TES in favor of making it shiny and simple on console for morons like you. As they're planning Fallout 3 to be, and Fallout's controls don't lend well to console controllers, but that doesn't stop the idiots from making their bash against this site because we DO have the publicly-available details these idiots still can't bother to look at or bother to think about other than "Uhr-hurr...pretty effects!"

And, get this, we know a few non-public things, considering we've probably spoken to more Bethesda developers than these asswipes have read articles involving half that number. I know there's at least one real Fallout fan on the Bethesda team, but like Section8 (Gareth Davies), they aren't in a position to really do anything given Todd, and they're not happy with how the title has been treated.

Of course, the idiots from RPGnet knew all this before having their little sulk-session. :roll:
hehe, always nice to the the claw on a roll.

but on to more serious matters: does anyone know anything about how was founded? once, it must have been a decent and upstanding site, no? if not, i don't see how they could've bothered with the whole Cthulhu, White Wolf and similar stuff.

where did it go wrong? is it a simple case of bad forum moderation, fanboydom & going with the flow?
SuAside said:
but on to more serious matters: does anyone know anything about how was founded? once, it must have been a decent and upstanding site, no? if not, i don't see how they could've bothered with the whole Cthulhu, White Wolf and similar stuff.

where did it go wrong? is it a simple case of bad forum moderation, fanboydom & going with the flow?

My guess is that their aim was for pure Lowest Common Denominator.

Apparently, they have long since achieved that.