It Wandered In From the Wastes

He wasn't as repetitive as Mr. New Vegas, Walpknut.
Quagmire69 said:Every play through I've done with F3 involves 3dog dieing at either the hands of a ripper or a flamer. Why do you ask would I kill the man who fought the "GOOD FIGHT", heres why.
1. He's annoying as Hell, id rather just listen to the music.
2. I didn't like the press he gave me, it pissed me off how he bitched at me to killing roy phillips who wanted to massacre tenpenny tower.
3. He's the bitch of the Brotherhood, when the Brotherhood kills people or gouls he could'nt give a shit.
4. He not half as important as he thinks, despite him being the brotherhood bitch I never heard someone in the Citidel mention him once.
Four Suited Jack said:Quagmire69 said:Every play through I've done with F3 involves 3dog dieing at either the hands of a ripper or a flamer. Why do you ask would I kill the man who fought the "GOOD FIGHT", heres why.
1. He's annoying as Hell, id rather just listen to the music.
2. I didn't like the press he gave me, it pissed me off how he bitched at me to killing roy phillips who wanted to massacre tenpenny tower.
3. He's the bitch of the Brotherhood, when the Brotherhood kills people or gouls he could'nt give a shit.
4. He not half as important as he thinks, despite him being the brotherhood bitch I never heard someone in the Citidel mention him once.
Being annoying hardly warrents murder.
Any publicity is good publicity they say, although, in the case of tenpenny tower, I hated that too, not to mention the bad karma, overall though, Three Dog did not bother me that much.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you they say.
They are protecting him in the ruins, It is hardly a good idea to complain about them.
Unwarrented self importance also hardly warrents murder.
zegh8578 said:not only does he annoy me with his goodie-two-shoes attitude (and turn into a royal pain after i save the lives of all the tenpenny residents), but he goes and spoils the ending, by rambling on about the future >:0
"free water to the whole wasteland!" and im all "oh come on, im still working on that! thanx for letting me know how it all ends up you bastard!"
Felspawn said:It would also explained the time i was walking back to megaton from the supermarket (super early in the game) when an enclave trooper (i didnt realize what it was at the time) randomly spawned and kill a nearby mole rate right before He 1shot me and went on his merry way....
Atomkilla said:Felspawn said:It would also explained the time i was walking back to megaton from the supermarket (super early in the game) when an enclave trooper (i didnt realize what it was at the time) randomly spawned and kill a nearby mole rate right before He 1shot me and went on his merry way....
That's actually a Broken Steel bug.
After installing the DLC, Enclave troopers are supposed to roam the wastes, and to be found on several locations, one near Megaton. Problem is, if you started a new game with Broken Steel installed, they're automatically present in the wastes, as opposed to appearing later in game.
I guess Bethesda presumed that you'd be installing Broken Steel after meeting Enclave.