Three more The Pitt screenshots

Szeder said:
I could understand that NMA posted pictures and news of the upcoming Fallot 3, because people had some hopes back then.

Now that Fallout 3 is out, and it has been proven that neither the game, nor it's DLCs are Fallout, what is the point in posting these pictures?

If Fallout BOS was far from Fallout and NMA doesn not consider it as such then The Pitt is even farther. Posting these pictures will only guarantee more "snide commenting" and thus, plus work for our beloved Brother None, who likes to keep this forum intelligent.

Unfortunately, there is nothing intelligent, or "Falloutish" to say about these poor pics.

Yeah, well... that's like... your opinion, man.
Beelzebud said:
200 years after a world war for resources, and yet there is still enough fuel to power the foundries of Pittsburgh.

In 200 years of no maintenance that smoke stack would be a crumbling ruin. If the global war was about resources, then why is it that Pittsburgh still has the fuel to keep that smoke stack billowing smoke 200 years after the war?

Why should I care? The people that own the franchise now certainly don't.
My personal favorite was the "it's just a simulation" excuse for all the glaring inconsistencies in the Alaska shit.

Maybe they can do like a wizard of Oz thing were it's just a dream, err nightmare.
The screenshots look pretty nice, especially the panoramic view. Though the art style doesn't really fit Fallout and let's not forget, beth is pretty good at building up hype, so they spend more time choosing the right angles and contrast for the promoting screenshots, than on the actual game.
Beelzebud said:
200 years after a world war for resources, and yet there is still enough fuel to power the foundries of Pittsburgh.

In 200 years of no maintenance that smoke stack would be a crumbling ruin. If the global war was about resources, then why is it that Pittsburgh still has the fuel to keep that smoke stack billowing smoke 200 years after the war?

Why should I care? The people that own the franchise now certainly don't.
I was just about to say the same thing.

Everybody who says that "it looks cool" should think it over again...
Let's see if I can knock this to fit in...

"The pictures are boring, it should be in 2d isometric with late 90's graphics".

Nah, I cant do the Fallout Purist thing with a straigth face, and this is coming from somebody who finished all 3 and Tactics.

Honestly it is looking good, I hope to see the world expanded further. The trogs look a little silly but I would love to see them added to some underground and cavern encounter lists in the regular game. Autoaxe aint my thing, although I do have a melee character that will be giving it a swing.
Iugaru ad hominem argument make sense #1!

lugaru said:
Autoaxe aint my thing, although I do have a melee character that will be giving it a swing.

Don't swing it, just saw through people. You know maybe we should mod this auto-axe back into Tactics?
Second screenshot almost instantly reminded me a game called Painkiller. I am not much into FPP shooters and I haven't played much of Painkiller but I remember it has some kind of weapon which has rotating blades and can be used to slice enemies into pieces.
So in the end all roads lead to FPS.
Beelzebud said:
200 years after a world war for resources, and yet there is still enough fuel to power the foundries of Pittsburgh.

In 200 years of no maintenance that smoke stack would be a crumbling ruin. If the global war was about resources, then why is it that Pittsburgh still has the fuel to keep that smoke stack billowing smoke 200 years after the war?

Why should I care? The people that own the franchise now certainly don't.

If your applying that archaic concept known as ... logic to this then by all rights Pittsburgh should be a smoking crater.
During a war one of the priority targets is the industrial sectors or cities.
TBH, the screenshots look like crap. Even for official screenshots. I keep spotting low-res textures EVERYwhere, for one, and also the trogs look like a cross between a ghoul and a drowner from the Witcher. Yeah, their "originality" never ceases to amuse me.

If you want to talk about the realism in the setting think about this - it's only 200 years after the war. It's a huge city. And metalworks. Lots of pre-war metallic structures too. The thing would still be a radioactive hole that would fry anyone trying to inhabit it. Wouldn't be as bad as the Glow, but still.
TychoXI said:
Szeder said:
I could understand that NMA posted pictures and news of the upcoming Fallot 3, because people had some hopes back then.

Now that Fallout 3 is out, and it has been proven that neither the game, nor it's DLCs are Fallout, what is the point in posting these pictures?

If Fallout BOS was far from Fallout and NMA doesn not consider it as such then The Pitt is even farther. Posting these pictures will only guarantee more "snide commenting" and thus, plus work for our beloved Brother None, who likes to keep this forum intelligent.

Unfortunately, there is nothing intelligent, or "Falloutish" to say about these poor pics.

Yeah, well... that's like... your opinion, man.
Except he's right
eternaut said:
It looks good enough... but seems more like any generic FPS, and they won't stop with that axe thing...
They tried axing the auto-axe, but the axe-man there to ax the auto-axe was axed axidentally. When axed for comment Bethesda replied, "Blow it out your axe!"
Alphadrop said:
If your applying that archaic concept known as ... logic to this then by all rights Pittsburgh should be a smoking crater.
During a war one of the priority targets is the industrial sectors or cities.

Ausdoerrt said:
TBH, the screenshots look like crap. Even for official screenshots. I keep spotting low-res textures EVERYwhere, for one, and also the trogs look like a cross between a ghoul and a drowner from the Witcher. Yeah, their "originality" never ceases to amuse me.

If you want to talk about the realism in the setting think about this - it's only 200 years after the war. It's a huge city. And metalworks. Lots of pre-war metallic structures too. The thing would still be a radioactive hole that would fry anyone trying to inhabit it. Wouldn't be as bad as the Glow, but still.

Yup, but the first line in all of the "Pitt" related info says "it was not hit directly". I mean yeah, maybe you are complaining that even though the concept behind the pitt is that it was not hit, that Pittsburgh should of been the #1 target... but then again we would be arguing about everything in fallout that requires suspension of disbelief.
The whole DLC is predicated on the idea that you travel across hundreds of miles of operating railways to a fully staffed and operational steel production facility.
Are these nitpicky questions?

Sure, we all suspend disbelief here and there, but the foundation of this entire DLC is saggy and leaky. Hard to build off of that when it's the vehicle for a game already known fir it's lackluster writing, uninspired VA, a gutted RPG system that more closely resembles a FPS.
I mean, how much can you overlook?
I'm overlooking it completely.
lugaru said:
Yup, but the first line in all of the "Pitt" related info says "it was not hit directly". I mean yeah, maybe you are complaining that even though the concept behind the pitt is that it was not hit, that Pittsburgh should of been the #1 target... but then again we would be arguing about everything in fallout that requires suspension of disbelief.

Well, it's a valid complaint as to why exactly it was never hit. I mean, it's one of the darn big cities that should've been hit.

Plus, even if it wasn't, why are they still making steel? I mean, who's gonna buy it, who's gonna need it? There's a few towns here and there who are barely surviving, and fully functioning factories are very unlikely, who's gonna buy commercial ammounts of steel? And, we're talking thousands, if not millions of tons here. Not to mention the equally valid question as to where they are getting the ore from.

And, while the "where"s and "how"s may be considered "nitpicky", the "why"s are supposed to make the game believable, and should be asked and, hopefully, answered.
Ausdoerrt said:
lugaru said:
Plus, even if it wasn't, why are they still making steel?
Two words.

Chrysalis Motors.
You don't think all the exploding cars are lying around two centuries later do you, man?

No seriously, it's a tie in to the next DLC set in Detroit.
Sure, railroads survived, Pittsburgh is cranking out the I-beams, why not have a car factory too, it's so cool. And it's Detroit so you'll have to fight through pissed off zombie-Indians led by a guy named Pontiac.
That's dark. Ironic.
lugaru said:
Let's see if I can knock this to fit in...

"The pictures are boring, it should be in 2d isometric with late 90's graphics".

Nah, I cant do the Fallout Purist thing with a straigth face, and this is coming from somebody who finished all 3 and Tactics.
Uh-oh. Looks like somebody missed the first few hundred times that straw-man has been presented before.
Honestly it is looking good, I hope to see the world expanded further.
Either your eyes are bad or mine are. Comparing those screens to the quality of graphics in most games of this generation, it looks pretty sub-par to me. Not to mention, I've seen little art direction that is even marginally appealing, and this DLC looks to add very little itself.
The trogs look a little silly[...]
You say silly, I say stupid and ugly (and I don't mean in the way that Trogs should looks stupid and ugly). And I had the unfortunate displeasure to watch one of my friends play Fallout 3 for a little bit... ugh. The little crustacean monsters... worthless. Super mutants... look like crap. Raiders... yawn. The bloatflies... even bigger yawn. Even the enclave soldiers were a big whatever. Plus, the animations are even worse than I remember from the videos.
cmon people... you are taking this to the absurdist extreme with blind rage...

I mean, there werent enough resources for sprawling cities with millions and millions of people... I dont think america reaches 1 million people as it is now..

whats more, the raiders can just be feeding the furnaces with human corpses as fuel, so whatever....

Thats not the problem with FO3...

Beelzebud said:
This aggression will not stand, man!

hehe, of course it wont stand! that rug really tied the room together!
TychoXI said:
cmon people... you are taking this to the absurdist extreme with blind rage...

I mean, there werent enough resources for sprawling cities with millions and millions of people... I dont think america reaches 1 million people as it is now..

whats more, the raiders can just be feeding the furnaces with human corpses as fuel, so whatever....

Thats not the problem with FO3...

Umm, USA has 300+ million people as of today >___<

And just like I said, the "how" is not what I (or many other people imo) care about - they could be powering the plant by a plasma generator they got from the aliens. What-fucking-ever. But why WHY would they do it? Are they so bored that they have nothing better to do? I guess running steelworks is a fun hobby. Well, maybe there ARE working car factories too. Fine. Then, why is the world still in ruins? Did people decide it's more "kewl" to blow the cars up and waste the resources and the well-developed industry, just so that you could suspend disbelief and do some dungeon-crawling?

Seriously, it's not blind rage. I'm just stupified by the stupidity of the setting. Big working private factories in PA setting without centralized authority are about as unlikely as overseas travel or pre-war food that's still good to eat after 200 years.... wait. Oh crap :lol: