lugaru said:
I guess the bottom line is that I’m coming from a different background than most people on this forum. I write game reviews (and movies, and restaurants) therefore I consider objectivity to be my default state
You do realise you're posting on a forum with more than one professional or amateur game writer on it, right?
Also, anyone who tries to defend the lack of plausibility Bethesda blatantly pasted into the Fallout setting, both in the completely illogical game world of Fallout 3 and in the DLCs, is just kidding himself. They're doing it for the cool, and if you're an uncritical consumer that's fine, but our standards are a bit higher than that.
duma said:
Because, you see: you're not trying to tell me that fact people from Shady Sands emerged from V15 and are barely managing to survive explains in *any way* WHY all those huts look the same, do you? This can only be *justified* by considering it is the part of the 2D-graphic convention.
Actually, it's because they used a GECK to construct the village.
duma said:
I believe there is some kind of pre-attitude in you, that won't let your imagination do the work for them "undefinied places" in F3.
It's one thing to simply accept or ignore blank spot in a world that is
overarchingly plausible, but Fallout 3's game world simply makes no effort to be coherent or plausible at all. People's motivations don't work, the economy doesn't work, there's no source of food, there is slavery without there being any need for them, easy-to-access areas are somehow still not looted after two centuries, and even the dialogue is so bad you have to fill in your own blanks.
I'm fine with having to do some work in any fantasy. That's no problem. Fallout 3 is asking me to do all the work, because its designers were too incompetent to draft up a halfway plausible gameworld.
duma said:
In F3 you may surely wonder how did they manage to run Liberty Prime after the war while it was not possible before
Not something I wonder about. Liberty Prime is terrible game design, a sign of Bethesda's pathologic need to do "cool shit", but it's not implausible in-game.
duma said:
See: still running steelworks 200 years after the war is just as possible as doing any farming.
You're going to have to qualify that remark. 200 years in, background radiation would long since have faded, and while the long-term ecological effects would still be there some form of adapted farming is always possible, you just have to find out what kind of low-consumption high-yield crop you can do, and apply crop rotation and the necessary basic fertilization techniques (remember the conversation with the farmer in Shady Sands). Hell, evolution was kind enough to provide the post-war people with the highly adaptable and useful brahmin, who provides horsepower, skin, meat and - presumably - milk, enough to be the cornerstone of any agricultural economy, not to mention being exceedingly tough.
More importantly, farming makes
sense. There's always need for food, and it's one of the first thing you can build and trade in, without any major technological resources.
Steel mills? There just isn't any how and why for it. People are still scrounging parts in Fallout 3, why would there be any need for steel production when I can just tear the doors off the RobCo plant. And where would they get ore, or the energy to run it?
You're trying to equate something extremely plausible with something completely implausible. It doesn't work that way. You have to think about the game-world and see what works. A cigarette or alcohol factory would actually work before a steel mill would (Fallout 2 does in fact have distilleries), simply by the nature of how much steel there is left from before the war. Think of the way the economy functions in Dr Strangelove, Fallout 2's economy is very similar to it, Fallout 3's is just ridiculous.