Tidal wave of Broken Steel previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
There's too many previews of Fallout 3's 3rd DLC, Broken Steel, hitting now to keep track of, but GameBanshee has been jogging alongside, bringing us about two dozen previews in total: WorthPlaying, GamePro, IncGamers, SPOnG, GameSpot, Game Informer, Giant Bomb, MTV Multiplayer, Joystiq, MSN, USA Today, UGO, G4, Games Radar, Edge Online, Shacknews, Play.tm, PC Format, VideoGamer, TeamXbox, GameDaily, Eurogamer. Some randomly selected tidbits; GameDaily.<blockquote>3. Ghouls aren't just low-level cannon fodder anymore

Broken Steel also brings more mutation madness with more challenging enemies like the Feral Ghoul Reaver -- a feral ghoul with armor and a tendency to toss grenades. Players will also run across Super Mutant Overlords, new Super Mutants with bigger guns and a bigger challenge to kill.

New, more powerful weapons, like a Tesla cannon that shoots a powerful laser, and armor will be available to combat these new, more powerful enemies.

4. Welcome to Adams Air Force Base

Broken Steel will unlock a new area called Adams Air Force base, where you start with a crate of supplies and your orders. The specific tasks weren't identified during the demo, but it will involve avoiding heavy incoming fire while strategically taking out soldiers, turrets and enemy helicopters. In another part of the expansion, players will also be able to check out the Presidential Metro Tunnel that runs underneath the White House.

5. There will be no more official Fallout endings.

This Xbox 360 and PC add-on promises to be a little longer than the previous two downloadable packs -- The Pitt and Operation Anchorage -- and, no, it will not add a new ending to the original story. Bethesda apparently plans to keep the doors wide open for many more add-on packs. Unless you own Fallout for PlayStation 3, that is. There is still no word whether Broken Steel or any other other additional content will come to Sony's gaming system anytime soon.</blockquote>Edge Online.<blockquote>With the water purification facility up and running, and a reservoir of Aqua Pura ready to moisten the world, your endgame heroics are a burden to the neophyte scribes with the logistical hell of distribution. And it's not like you've created world peace, or anything – The Brotherhood of Steel want to build a Tesla Cannon, which'll send you into such new areas as Adam's Air Base, accessible only through the ghoul-infested Presidential Metro. Meanwhile, new enemies include the Feral Ghoul Reaver, and the tri-laser wielding super mutant Overlords. The new beasts that start appearing at level 18 are promised to be extremely challenging. Good job you made that Tesla Cannon, then.</blockquote>UGO (spoilers).<blockquote>
If you haven't finished Fallout 3's main story yet, you should probably stop reading now. If you have, you'll know that the game ends right when you enter that final room and activate that final thing (or don't activate it). Ron Perlman speaks, the end credits roll, and you're forced to load up an earlier save if you want to keep playing.

Broken Steel changes that. You'll actually have more choices in that final room, and you'll be able to send one of your other minions (Fawkes or Charon, for example) to activate the machine. Or you can still activate it yourself. Either way, you'll wake up 2 weeks later in the bowels of the Citadel.</blockquote>
Why does this sound stupid to me ?
honestly, TESLA cannon and Tri-laser wielding mutants ?
And it does continue the "people cant filter water"
This is going to add even more inconsistency to the game, i fear.
Well atleast they "fixed" the ending. But i am not going to pay for this. No way.
And it is going to be buggy. Very buggy.
look at Pitt.
The ending fix is hilarious.

Ok, so the player can send in Fawkes or Charon. That's great, because it never made any sense that one couldn't.

But what's this? Not just can you now survive, you must, the radiation has magically become non-lethal!

They didn't just fix it, they fixed it so much it's broken again.
Moar and bigger guns, that's exactly what Fallout was about!
They really boxed themselves into a corner with the ending they had. Will be funny if Fawkes, Charon or Lyons die if they go in, but you live, heh. The Tesla Cannon confuses me, not sure what it'll be - I'm thinking of a the Big Berthas from TA - seems odd for our saintly BoS to want to build a giant gun given the threats in the DC area.
Lexx said:
Moar and bigger guns, that's exactly what Fallout was about!

Fallout 3 has kept pretty much parallel with the weapons in 2, if anything it has less variety.

I'm glad to see that ending wiped away though... originally when they started out they said the game was going to have a ton of endings which made me think "wow, mini epilogue for every action" but the ending they went with felt totally tacked on as a "we gotta ship this thing immediately" reaction.

I'm looking forward to the increased cap and new stuff in conjunction with the GTS mod, because traveling the world only makes sense if you can keep leveling past 20.
The level cap increase wouldnt even be necessary if the game had better balanced EXP rate.
20 cap or 300 cap isnt really important.
Patton89 said:
The level cap increase wouldnt even be necessary if the game had better balanced EXP rate.
20 cap or 300 cap isnt really important.

I agree with that, at the rate you currently level I think every stat would be 100 by level 30. I'm using a re-balance mod though so my stats are now lower than what the designers intended.
Bethesda's approach to pull up game's difficult level:

1. Bigger and more guns
2. More enemies to kill
3. Give Feral Ghouls armours :ugly:
I wish they would stop focusing on guns and enemies and more on storyline and writing.

I mean for fucks sake, we have shitloads of guns already. They should expand on enemies, but not at the expense of areas in the game that need improvement.
Ausir said:
What was that Tim Cain quote about bigger guns?

I've searched it first too but couldn't find it. I really need to save it somewhere when I see it the next time...

lugaru said:
Fallout 3 has kept pretty much parallel with the weapons in 2, if anything it has less variety.

The funny thing is, that all Fallout 3 DLCs add new and bigger weapons with every DLC. Now we get even Tesla weapons and some kind of Tri-Laser stuff.

Also because of nearly everybody points at Fallout 2 because of everything, I started to not like this game since a while. And this get's stronger with every "Fallout 2 is better than Fallout 1!!11" or every "But see Fallout 2, there it is this and this way", etc.
"My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." - Tim Cain

Is that the quote ?
lugaru said:
Fallout 3 has kept pretty much parallel with the weapons in 2, if anything it has less variety.

*nods* Just like it is somewhat comparable to Fallout 2 in setting consistency. Then again, we're not exactly talking about F2's strong points here.

Ulysses said:
"My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." - Tim Cain

Is that the quote ?

Yes. Though upon googling, I see it quoted but never a source mentioned. Are we sure this is something he's actually said?
Any of you who think like me that this will be Operation: Anchorage part 2?

They are pretty much writing it down, another military location we have to raze to the ground, killing and blowing up people.

As for the whole energy gun thing, wasn't the original selection rather balanced out?

Laser gun - Laser rifle - Gatling laser

Plasma gun - Plasma rifle

I added the Pulse rifle through mods but I guess they could have added that and the Pulse pistol/gun.

A little silly but why not rather add the Gatling gauss?
I liked that thing.

While I don't mind diversity in the enemy ranks, Ghoul Reavers and Super Mutant Overlords sound almost like sub species, not a variety of the existing kind.

Plus, Ghoul Reavers can use grenades.
Zombine anyone?

As for the new Power Armor type, well I guess they could have made varieties of the existing ones; recon/stealth, 'general', heavy assault, a command variety with extra com gear, but is it that necessary?

The Tesla Gun - Red Alert!!!!!!!!!
Not sure, only source I found was some guy's chat log with him in #arcanum - http://forumplanet.gamespy.com/in_the_news/b48594/4889893/p1/

It does seem like OA part Deux at the moment, but to be fair, it's easier to leak cool pics of guns and laser beams than anything about the story. That might just be a case of the well being too shallow, but at least we know there'll be morally-grey choices or something.
Yeah, there was a talk elsewhere on the forum if the fallout series has too many firearms. Like personally I would prefer small weapons (rifle, pistol) paired with rocks, bows, machetes, axes, crossbows and stuff like that. Now the philosophy that I think 2 & 3 took was "well there is a variety of weapons for all playstyles, you dont have to use them if you dont want to" which is great, but your enemies do use them.
Patton89 said:
Why does this sound stupid to me ?
honestly, TESLA cannon and Tri-laser wielding mutants ?
Dude a tri-laser is like 3x kewler than a normal laser, don't you get it?

Teh Innovashun!

Tim Cain said:
"My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." - Tim Cain
Inevitably followed by:
Todd Howard said:
Hey, violence is funny – lets all just own up to it! Violence done well is f---ing hilarious. It’s like Itchy and Scratchy or Jackass – now that’s funny!

Lexx said:
Moar and bigger guns, that's exactly what Fallout was about!
It brings a tear to my eye to know they "get" it...

Brother None said:
The ending fix is hilarious.

Ok, so the player can send in Fawkes or Charon. That's great, because it never made any sense that one couldn't.

But what's this? Not just can you now survive, you must, the radiation has magically become non-lethal!

They didn't just fix it, they fixed it so much it's broken again.
I don't know about you but water purifiers which operate on radioactive parts seems like an extremely good idea in the first place.....Hey maybe ms scientist lady was just overestimating the radiation levels?....eh man I hate trying to think of logical plots that make sense, it's such a burden worrying about all these inconsistencies N stuff. ADD MORE GUNZ/locations/enemies + make you not die at the end! *wipes hands* DONE & FIXED!

Patton89 said:
The level cap increase wouldnt even be necessary if the game had better balanced EXP rate.
20 cap or 300 cap isnt really important.
Maybe beth are adjusting for inflation?

Public said:
Bethesda's approach to pull up game's difficult level:

1. Bigger and more guns
2. More enemies to kill
3. Give Feral Ghouls armours :ugly:
Yep. They rock so hard...I can tell you are just jealous of their mad RPG making skills.

Where can a get a nice block of wood to carve my hott tawdy figurine? I know pine is a softer wood but I think I might want something more durable since I'm going to put it outside so onlookers & passersby can pay respects to it as well.