Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

Paul_cz said:UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time, must be the best movie ever.
Reconite said:The Twilight novels are some of the most popular books in recent years, that must mean they are the best books ever.
Ausir said:And McDonald's serves the finest cuisine in the world.
OMG! The attack of fallacies FROM OUTER SPACE! HELP!
Strange they forgot
"Eat sh!t. Billions of flies can't be wrong."
Your point that, even though it was enjoyable, it isn't good, is completely irrational. A good game is one you enjoy playing, unless you are some crazed masochist.
Uhm...what? Games can only be "good" or "bad"? You can't enjoy a game with lot of flaws?