Ausir said:DA:O i s a good example of mix, they use both ISO and TP perspective, ISO for group control but you zoom in to TP when focused on yourself or watch cinematic's...
Agreed. Too bad that DA2 will likely get rid of iso altogether.

Ausir said:DA:O i s a good example of mix, they use both ISO and TP perspective, ISO for group control but you zoom in to TP when focused on yourself or watch cinematic's...
Agreed. Too bad that DA2 will likely get rid of iso altogether.
i see, so as many others they are going to develop for consuls and give us a cheap portAusir said:There's no iso in the console versions of DAO, so exactly like there.
mor said:why should any of the new stuff be iso?! if it doesnt fit the perspective of the game the developer is aiming for.
mor said:and fps and tps are predominant because that what the p-p-l want, i recall some statistic that more than 90% of the p-p-l just skip dialogues or choose the obvious first-good last-bad option, this why all the voice overs because p-p-l are more perceptive to them...
mor said:any way yes, p-p-l whine because they are not part of the main stream but guess what, just like with music and movies etc, it takes a little bit of work to find something good amongst all the crap.
mor said:Ausir said:It can. See Diablo 3 or DA:O. Funny thing is, iso perspective in DA:O is not available on consoles because the hardware couldn't handle it.
and Diablo 3 should break all hopes of any new big ISO games that will run on an outdated hardware. (i think that 256 GFX memory is minimum and 512 recommended with 2GB of memory and a dual core)
Ausir said:And in terms of more niche titles, I'm looking forward to Age of Decadence.
no i dontx'il said:See, that's one (or the main problem) right there; some big rpg-making companies decided to make money from their games...
WHAT, griefing about iso? no sir! no grieffing about our lord savior, to guide us from this world of evil corporate game industries, show us mercy from the dumb down games and rest from those kids who do not now the truth of RPG playing.x'il said:So by this critteria, there should be a lot of grieffing about iso perspectives when..
Ausir said:And in terms of more niche titles, I'm looking forward to Age of Decadence.
mor said:no i dontx'il said:See, that's one (or the main problem) right there; some big rpg-making companies decided to make money from their games...
mor said:WHAT, griefing about iso? no sir! no grieffing about our lord savior, to guide us from this world of evil corporate game industries, show us mercy from the dumb down games and rest from those kids who do not now the truth of RPG playing.x'il said:So by this critteria, there should be a lot of grieffing about iso perspectives when..
shine his light on the sin of the game critics apostles and come to rescue what was lost![]()
Per said:Ausir said:And in terms of more niche titles, I'm looking forward to Age of Decadence.
When is that coming out again?
Maybe they should switch back to past-gen 2d instead to lower the hardware requirements.Ausir said:Funny thing is, iso perspective in DA:O is not available on consoles because the hardware couldn't handle it.
x'il said:mor said:no i dontx'il said:See, that's one (or the main problem) right there; some big rpg-making companies decided to make money from their games...
And they didn't make money before? how did they avoid bankruptcy then? must've been a miracle of sorts... mmm...
Also, since they have to make more sells to cover the high production costs to make a 'AAA' title (that is, basically, a 'mainstream-sellable' product) they keep simplifying (dumbing down) the game in order to sell it to more and more people. Now ok, they can do whatever they want, but when they start exaggerating, calling their games a 'steak' and outright lying about what their product contains and is... well, people can also call them out for it and complain however much they want.
why, i think i made my point clear that pp-l irrational and adapting their view to what they want instead of what is, which is why we see all this idolizing of the olden stuff.x'il said:mor said:WHAT, griefing about iso? no sir! no grieffing about our lord savior, to guide us from this world of evil corporate game industries, show us mercy from the dumb down games and rest from those kids who do not now the truth of RPG playing.x'il said:So by this critteria, there should be a lot of grieffing about iso perspectives when..
shine his light on the sin of the game critics apostles and come to rescue what was lost![]()
No, there definitively should be grieffing according to your awesome criteria there. But nice cope out, though.![]()
this why i keep seeing stupid comparisons that ignores basic differences like sandbox vs story driven or pp-l who think that FO had a tactical combat![]()
Ausir said:DA:O i s a good example of mix, they use both ISO and TP perspective, ISO for group control but you zoom in to TP when focused on yourself or watch cinematic's...
Agreed. Too bad that DA2 will likely get rid of iso altogether.
8) The PC version's combat system remains mostly the same. "The PC version implements the same strategic approach afforded by a mouse-and-keyboard control scheme." "Rather than try to mimic the PC experience on consoles, Dragon Age II has a battle system more tailored to the strengths of the PS3 and 360."
So what are you saying? That people should accept what IS even if they think it's shit? Would you eat shit if I told you that there's no food anymore, that all there is is shit and that you have to "adapt your view" to it? Do you even think before you write your nonsense posts?mor said:pp-l irrational and adapting their view to what they want instead of what is, which is why we see all this idolizing of the olden stuff.
Crni Vuk said:I dont care what they do on the console as long the PC gets threated as own platform and games programed so they dont feel like a simple console port.
Mor said:pp-l irrational and adapting their view to what they want instead of what is, which is why we see all this idolizing of the olden stuff.