Tim Cain on a New Studio

Brother None said:
Wild_qwerty said:
So Heerve finally fooled someone into developing FOOL

As far as I know, FOOL is to be produced by "Black Isle Studios"

As far as I know, FOOL will be developed by ZeniMax Online after Herve fails to con people to give him 30M USD.
Carbine Studios is located in sunny and beautiful Aliso Viejo, California. We’re just 10 minutes from local beaches

Tim's got everything important worked out I see :)

Best of luck to them.
I had a feeling he was going the MMO route.

Well deserved and I'll be expecting an earth-shattering quality MMORPG's from this team. With alot of focus on the RPG part.

On another note, the contributions of folks like Tim and Richard Garriott to CRPG's is missed.
MAsters said:
Ausir said:
I met Tim at Comic-Con and had no idea what his experience was. So many questions to ask.. but all I had to say was "I really like what you've done at blizzard" lol WTF do you say in that situation?

Er... as far as I know, Tim was never at Blizzard.

Thanks for that info.

Damn I thought the dude's name was "Tim". I'm trying to google it right now. The guy I spoke with had created most of the concepts for the Blizzard games and World of Warcraft.

I saw the name tim and the previous mention of Blizzard guys. My bad.

Edit: Found it. Chris Metzen was the guy I spoke with.

i belived it was bill roper that was the genius behind all the blizzard universes. all tough i might be wrong here. know chris played a big role in both warcraft and starcraft.
i am far more interested in what genre they are going to be making for, and if it will be centered on PVP or if PVP will just be an afterthought like it was for WoW and so many other games.

imo, the only groundbreaking thing left in a MMO is something that doesnt end with 20+ player PvE in raid situations.
good luck Tim, Here's hoping for a real story-driven mmo. (I do so dislike things that don't friggin' end).
Nim82 said:
Carbine Studios is located in sunny and beautiful Aliso Viejo, California. We’re just 10 minutes from local beaches
Tim's got everything important worked out I see :)

Best of luck to them.
hey, even nerds need a tan!

hell, Microsoft encourages their people to go outside and work on wireless when the sun is shinin'. :)
Imho this is very good news, combination of ncsoft + blizzard + tim cain = probably good stuff. Very good stuff.
MMOs today are shit. They offer grind, grind and more grind. There isn't even any 'rpg' in them. Hopefully Tim will change that.
Eh, he's programming director, not lead designer so I doubt he'd have much to say on the matter.

Really, I don't think this job does justice to his talent...
I thought the role playing in online games was player created?

i.e im going to be a theif and steal others stuff, or form a group of highwaymen and rob people (or at least thats how it should be).

unless im missing stuff, i dont get this "mmos have no rpg in them"?
aronsearle said:
I thought the role playing in online games was player created?

i.e im going to be a theif and steal others stuff, or form a group of highwaymen and rob people (or at least thats how it should be).

unless im missing stuff, i dont get this "mmos have no rpg in them"?

That's called LARPing, not role-play gaming in the strictest technical sense. Playing pretend is not playing an RPG.

Really, I don't think this job does justice to his talent...

He's always been a programmer, dontchaknow?

If he's a studio lead he can still steer design.
Brother None said:
He's always been a programmer, dontchaknow?

If he's a studio lead he can still steer design.

Of course I know, but I was obviously (well, OK, maybe not so obviously) talking about his talent as a game designer.
I love Fallout, I love Blizzard (including WoW), and I love this announcement.

Designing an MMO for role-playing is very tough. The more role-playing you allow people, the harder it is to keep the game balanced. This is especially true with regards to PvP. Even in the most severe circumstances WoW PvP is almost superficial. Death is a minor inconvenience. This is all to keep the casual gamer happy by keeping everything as level as they can. Imagine if anyone was allowed to kill anyone, any time. Think of Ultima Online, or more recently Vanguard: SOH. While the role-playing opportunities are raised significantly if such a system exists in an MMO, it also makes the game not fun or even unplayable for a huge portion of the gaming world. Neanderthals can and will exploit every opportunity to make other people's game experiences as torturous as possible.

Eh...before I go off on a tangent, I'll just say that I am for increased role-playing in MMOs. I think the best way to deal with griefers is to punish them proportionately based on the in-game crime they commit, as opposed to just outright prohibiting their (oftentimes) idiotic behavior or applying some inconsequential fine.
Things I expect in the game:
- awesomeness
- NCsoft usual paying style (pay once, play forever)
- chicks
- more awesomeness
- hours of fun (if not days)
- stupid kids asking how to level up

I guess I'm expecting it to be a good game... :P
the only real NC soft games that are pay once, play forever is the guild wars.

the rest of their " MMO " games are all recurring subscriptions.