Time Traveler: John Titor


It Wandered In From the Wastes
In another thread said:
It is not about sex that i posted this article, it was the idea that the FCC, aka Government, wants to regulate what i watch and listen to. It is about controlling the populace and what information we are allowed access to. Who knows where that will lead to, if the Supreme court shows no backbone and slaps congress back down by saying this is unconstitutional, who knows what else congress will want to control. If that happens i feel sorry for the US as soon after we may have another civil war.

It's interesting that you mention civil war. Alleged time traveler John Titor hints at the beginnings of a civil war in late 2004, early 2005.

So, here's an interesting change in topic. I don't know if any of you had heard of this guy, but he's supposedly a time traveler from the year 2036. He was sent to 1975 to retrieve a 5100 IBM, which his grandfather helped program and build in Rochester Minnisota.

He took a little detour on his "way" back to his time, and stopped in 2000 to warn his family, as his grandfather had asked him to do. While he was there (then, whatever), he decided to tell some folks in a message board about himself. You can go to that website i linked to above (http://www.johntitor.com) to read all of his posts.

In the forum I found out about this, everyone was naturally skeptical, saying things like, "we'll see in late 2004 if a civil war happens," and etc. Well, it looks like things are starting to lean in that direction. Could John really have been a visiter from the future?

(and sorry if you guys have already had a thread about this. I just didn't want to put Thorgrimm's thread completely off topic, out of courtesy)
I've known about John Titor for a while now, and the things he says are quite plausable, in my opinion. He says that the events of 2004 will lead to a civil war that starts in 2005 and consumes all of the USA by 2008. It ends in 2015 with a nuclear exchange between Russia and the cities of the USA (John's side of the war is fighting against the cities, Russia is thier ally).
John Titor said:
Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.

Damn, I like this guy! :P
Yes, United States calling itself "American Federal Empire" is quite plausible, I agree. And empire of what, if I may ask?
Nope, you're the second, I'm the first. Nostradamus, anyone? Vague references to future events get you two things: a cult of followers who are deperate enough to believe you and the ridicule of everyone else.
I think it's pretty cool. I think he had to do a bit of research into this stuff.

He looks more like a cultural anthropologist than anything else.
Well, I at least give him kudos for his creativity and research, if he isn't really a time traveler. But you never know. We'll see in the comming year.
I'll start building a Bomb/Fallout/Meteor shelter right away if Civil war starts in the USA in 2005. Somehow, this seems quite plausible, too, considering recent events.
Just imagine what it would mean if this was all true...

I have the opinion that the guys is just a sociologist/anthropologist or the like or someone who reads a lot and thinks a lot and has a clear point of view.
I agree with many things he sais, but to believe he came from the future... I would believe if he took me for a ride to 2036 :)
Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?

No nukes were found in Iraq.

that, along with a few other minor inconsistancies i spotted but cant really remember at the moment lead me to believe that this guy was just a crackpot looking for attention.

Either way I'l never give up my guns. Only thing that could make me do that is my death. And even then, If i dont have a son, i plan to be buried with my guns.
LOL "Out of my cold dead hands".... Anyway, I guess we'll all find out late this year and the next. If that proves to be true, however, I won't doubt too much about the nuclear war. At least we'll be able to survive, seeing as we are all fans of the post apocalyptic.
Yeah, I'd love to believe this guy's story, but methinks that time-travel is quite impossible. The photographs look far too amateurish as well (even the car from Back to the Future looked more realistic in that respect). Nah, this guy is a fraud. And to say that he thinks/writes like a sociologist/anthropologist is too much as well: this guy thinks just the same crap as my grandfather. I'd say he's 76, bitter and divorced. Chances are he's nuts too. :lol:
Zoe said:
Elissar, you are sounding scary...

Scary? No.

I'm just as gentle and cuddely as a polar bear.
(only bear that will actively hunt a human down for food)
Elissar said:
Either way I'l never give up my guns. Only thing that could make me do that is my death. And even then, If i dont have a son, i plan to be buried with my guns.


'cuz the purpose of guns is to protect our lives

And we're willing to die to protect our lives!!!
