What do you think? Is Time Travel too much for a Fallout game? Would it be possible with some Pre-war super-tech? The entire game couldn't be based on time travel I don't think, but it might be cool for a mission or two...
I want to know what the traditional Fallout fans think about this one. Is time travel too far out for Fallout? Fallout 3 kinda did time travel with Anchorage, but we all know that was VR. I can imagine a plot where someone tries to prevent the apocalypse from happening by using time travel. Typical time travel hi-jinks I know, but I'm just brainstorming here
I want to know what the traditional Fallout fans think about this one. Is time travel too far out for Fallout? Fallout 3 kinda did time travel with Anchorage, but we all know that was VR. I can imagine a plot where someone tries to prevent the apocalypse from happening by using time travel. Typical time travel hi-jinks I know, but I'm just brainstorming here