To keep or sell it, is the question.


Vault Senior Citizen
Recently I won an Apple IPAD 2 in a competition and still thinking of whether to sell it, or use it.

If I use it, which role does it fit into? I have a Laptop and a Desktop PC. Now, to my understanding, the role of tablet PC is quite limited.
For me, a tablet PC is just an over-sized smart phone.
If you don't need it and if it doesn't really tickle your fancy, sell it.

Do it before 'iPad 3: In the memory of Steve Jobs edition' is out.
sea said:
I tried out an iPad at a store for the first time just yesterday. It was kinda neat to glide around the menus and hit buttons on it for a few minutes. However, considering the cost and the general lack of usefulness next to a legitimate computer, even the most polished and usable tablet out there is still a very hard sell for me. Unless you can see yourself using it for a variety of things - eBook reader, web browsing on the couch, movies on train rides, bathroom reading - I'd say just sell it. You can probably get near-new prices on eBay or some such if it's still unopened.

These are all the good reasons to have one, plus a good slew of gaming. I got my ipad1 for free and I use it all the time but I still wouldn't have paid for it.

I say sell it, you can always buy a portable web browsing tablet for 1/4 the cost.
I say sell unless you have very specific uses in mind. A friend of mine has it and uses it for stuff like reading newspapers and listening to music but honestly, I don't see how it's convenient for anything except reading books.

It's bizarre to me that these pads have sold so well. I know people are susceptible to gadgetry but these things are kind of ridiculous.
Unless you read lots of e-books, read a lot of websites (like through RSS feeds) but don't actually type much, play some board games with friends etc, I'd say you're better off selling it.

If it were free, I -might- keep it for myself if I were in your situation.
I'd say keep it. I got my mother an I-pad and she says she loves it, it's like a nook that can do lots of other stuff too.
If it where me I would sell it, there are better gadgets to have that cost less than what you would get for selling that overpriced thing.