Toddler said:You can try, but it’s not meant to be played that way, because you still have to aim at the center of the screen, and at that point, the center is the ground.
Ausir said:There were no UFOs in FO2, only in FO1. The "aliens" or "wanamingos" in FO2 weren't extra-terrestials, just some genetic engineering gone wrong.
Celluloid said:3) How come an aimed shot in VATS would always be a HIT ?
It's nonsense !
If I try a aimed shot at the head with a low success chance, there is no way I will always hit the torso or the arm or the leg... There is more room to "lodge" the bullet in anywhere but the enemy !
If it is so (aimed shot = always a hit), what happened to "critical failures" ?
That's not the issue. Fallout is about P&P feel. So there HAS to be some sort of dungeon master or game master. No description box, no master. Besides, Ron Perlman, the game master, at the beginning of the game, DOESN'T know the player will leave the vault (read the intro), so this proves bethesda completely missed the point. Completely and utterly missed it.Mikael Grizzly said:In regards to that quote in the newspost, here's my personal opinion. Any Bethesdians reading it, can you please forward it to Todd?
This is unbelieveably stupid. Unless you can find ways to convey the smell, texture of surface or state of the object in a graphical way, don't post such nonsense.
Text was, is and always will be the most effective way of conveying information. Especially since graphics can only present how the object looks, not how it feels or smells.
Not downside effects for their immediate usage though. That's stupid. You use some sort of amphetamine, you have downtrades immediately. You use sedatives, downtrades all the way. Some sort of hallucinogenic? Then again... It just doesn't seem to happen in FOE.Ausir said:Also, drugs and addictions are in.
Morbus said:That's not the issue. Fallout is about P&P feel. So there HAS to be some sort of dungeon master or game master. No description box, no master. Besides, Ron Perlman, the game master, at the beginning of the game, DOESN'T know the player will leave the vault (read the intro), so this proves bethesda completely missed the point. Completely and utterly missed it.
They added the 3rd person view so that they can now say it's like Fallout and the VAULT-TECH WIZARDS MADE IT!!! but the FPP view is the only right view.2. Is combat playable in the zoomed out third person ("almost iso") perspective and how will VATS work from it, meaning - will it zoom into FP or something else? [kaos]
I’d have to say “no”. Combat’s not really playable when you zoom the camera all the way back and point it down. You can try, but it’s not meant to be played that way, because you still have to aim at the center of the screen, and at that point, the center is the ground. It’s playable from 1st and 3rd person, but closer-in over-the-shoulder 3rd person. Regarding VATS., it does zoom in on your target, from your eyes, so I guess you’d say it is a “1st person” view. So if you’re playing in 3rd person and enter VATS, you zoom in on the target, and when you’re done, it flips back to your 3rd person view. It happens pretty fast and it’s smooth. I kind of see VATS as its own view.
4. Because so many of us still don't understand, could you describe VATS in painstaking detail? No really, please! [Waterchip]
Zip! Simplified.
Vats is coolstuffs, like bullet trackers in Deer Hunter, slow motion gibbing, and blood! Awesome! You have no idea, like the replays make you feel so proud of yourself for killing someone, it's like AWESOME, bet ya'll like it after you shoot an orc in the head!
9. Will you have the written descriptions of items or just the visual? Granted, the visuals work just fine for me, but I loved the descriptions from the earlier Fallouts about how nasty the bed looks or whatever. Will there be something like our beloved text box anywhere in the main HUD? [anonymous]
We just show the object name, like “nasty bed”, but in general, I think if we’re relying on text to describe how something looks, sounds, etc, then we screwed up not having that come across naturally with what the player is seeing. It annoys me whenever we have to resort to describing something like that, even in Oblivion, with, say a journal describing how I feel or what I am seeing…it should just happen naturally.
What the hell is the "Halo ideology" and what does it have to do with Bethesda's take on Fallout 3?DarkLegacy said:but a nightmare for anyone that isn't into the entire Xbox/Halo ideology.
And that’s the key “behind the scenes” difference between VATS and real-time, in real-time the bullets just go-where-they-go, based on your skill, the gun, and some randomness. We don’t calculate a hit-chance and roll dice against it.
SuAside said:as for VATS itself, i find it a joke... first he tells us that VATS is real time with special actions. then he tells us that you're real time, your enemies are slowmo and the world is paused?
make up your mind...
then he goes on to say damage on you is nerfed from enemies hitting you while in VATS play mode, and with the reason that it was annoying when watching the slowmo sequence? funny how 'looking really cool' takes precedence over actual GAMEPLAY. thanks Toddler.
12. Will we see anything similar to the sexual encounters possible in both of the earlier Fallout games? The first 2 games had all of that but they kept their ratings by fading out (as did Fable). There was one quest in F2 where you could lose a bet and end up as a supermutant's toy for the night (you got to keep the ball gag as a gift). Can we expect that kind of adult content? [anonymous]
Actual player goes off and has sex? Not right now, but if a situation called for it, I wouldn’t flinch at adding it with the fade-out. We did that in Daggerfall using the fade out. We actually did paintings for the scene and it never made it in Daggerfall, but I still have the paintings. In regards to adding a supermutant rendezvous with a ball gag, the marketing department has been asking for this to put on the box, but we just haven’t found the time.
that's my point.maximaz said:So while you're in the process of actually pulling the trigger at someone, if someone else is hitting you say from behind, they do it really slowly, and if they do connect, the damage is minimal so that you don't sit there and watch the playback while your character is being beaten to death by someone.
Autoduel76 said:I don't really remember any sex in Fallout 1. I hear its there, but I've never come across it, or noticed it, in 10+ times of playing through it.
Fallout 2 is another story, of course.