The Swiftness of the Ranger
Yeah, I don't have a problem with Todd as person, I don't know this guy! And he is succesfull in what he's aiming for I guess. So, you have to give him that. He knows how to sell stuff.
What I find really creepy is this ... fetish some have with Todd, like woha! There! You critisted God Howard! No one expects the spanish inquisition I guess. I would assume those people are just trolling ... but I fear ... knowing the human mind, that a lot actually really adore him ...
Seriously. I like the original Fallout 1 developers. But, puting them on some kind of pedestal? They are making games, not curing cancer while pushing space explortion and serving meals to bums on a space station.
It's an Internet running gag - those usually get elaborate and deep, but they're still just jokes. No one actually hails Gabe Newell, or "GabeN", as a god for introducing Steam sales.
As for the anti-criticism culture - well, that exists for every series, every intellectual property, all media, all entertainment, all pieces of fiction AND non-fiction. Unavoidable. As long as humanity remains human, you won't see the "you can't say bad things about this" culture go away.
I know that, don't worry. But seriously, I think it is a bit special with Todd compared to Gabe, considering the target audience of their titles and the way how their marketing is mainly focused on creating entertainment and hype. Even Todd said so much when he was having this conference in some University, they are making mainly entertainment, if I remember his words. I would say this atracts a certain kind of audience, that is simply in to that.
Like why some go to Biber concerts or gathering for the pope. The same kind of people that seek those GOTY shows, going to Blizzcon and all that. It's more about the event than the person I assume. Gabe and many others are not nearly as present like Todd is when it comes to presentations, like the last E3. But Bethesda is not the only one! Don't get me wrong! I am not judging it or saying it is a bad thing.
That's simply how AAA gaming works these days, creating marketing, hype, brands etc. And it is not unique to gaming. This happens with Windows and their conferences, Apple and showcasing new products. And people love it. So much that they start to idolize certain people - for what ever reason, as like they were gods.
Enjoying such events isn't the problem. When people start to shut down their brain, is what I find disturbing.
It's really about the event. And besides, Bethesda aims closer at being "everyday entertainment" like FIFA and Battlefield than being a video game for the video gaming community. But people do shut off their brains to too many things nowadays, that's true. Especially in the technology industry. But it's hopefully going to get better.
Also, a tad bit unrelated, but just for your amusement, have a look at this.