It Takes One To Know One
It Takes One To Know One
Cimmerian Nights:
... But let's look at Todd's milieu setting-wise - the epic, high fantasy, knights on white horses, princesses in high towers, tired, cliched, derivative, drama-queen, copycat bullshit. ...
True...but it sells and thats what the industry is all about. ...
@ C Nights
This IGN writer is not from the tradition of 'press' journalism. Never was a 'golden age' except in the mind's eye. He's a disciple of advertisement copy writers.
This scribbler is not a friend of the consumer. This copy is a tainted information conduit.
Michael Thomsen:
... Howard has an impressive track record of pushing gaming into territory that few other designers would dare to go. Where most designers tend to think in terms of simplicity and economy, Howard's games have been defined by a staggering sense of scale and immersion that few others can match. ...
This shameless pandering is *epic* in it's own small pond.
Surprised - didn't need a loyalty oath to enter the web site.
This drips of 'nex gen' ideology yet is timeless in it's deification ladder onto the nex' big band wagon.
It is the branding of Bethesda via the rock star anointing of a sales generating game producer.
It is third party action committee sales élan and is what is industry standard when the game in the box is not enough to justify buying the box.
Presidents, premature preemptive invasions, and permanent Republican / Democrat majorities are ^sold^ this way too.
People lie, people die, nothing new here move on to the nex' side show - nex' power point slide show.
Epic this or epic that,
copy this or copy that,
this IGN scribbler has an audience to sell to just like Bethesda,
and the same situational ethics to guide him .
Takes a thief to catch a thief ... teh evil genius scribbler acknowledges the entertainment producer 'mastermind',
{no Bond or Austin Powers to trigger the holistic scheme divulging - not at the last reality reel - yet}
The whole image building show never stops.
Awaiting the drum beat chorus ... OBLIvion With GuNS --- OBLIvion With GuNS!
Well, shorter observation ... IGN article is 100% warm and fuzzy. This -hot seat- more illusion weaving about an illusionist spinning ...
but for all those with out sales among your sins, let me take you all back to this --->
reality based cliche -->
... takes one to know one.
Recent NMA news post: Prima will do a hint book for FO3.
If they are as slickly written as this over the top Todd Howard adulation perhaps that's the way to sample Bioshock, Mass Effect, and alas FO3,
if one can be at Half Price Books when they are dumped onto the remainder dust heap.
If not, the list retail price for this collectable is a third of the basic box ?
Since in this Nex Gen Era ideology is the driving motivation, the one true immersion, may have to consider AOD box copy as voting with my U.S of Haliburton Dollars.