Todd Howard speaks on OXM podcast

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The latest issue of OXM also brought forth a podcast, interviewing Todd Howard. Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog's Briosafreak gave us a list of the surprisingly large amount of new info from the podcast.<blockquote>Over 200 endings, since last week. The 12 endings was surpassed long ago.

The game is twice bigger than what they thought in the beginning. Still "not as big as Oblivion", but bigger than they started with.

Always just one human companion, and another NPC like Dogmeat. Dogmeat can be given assignments done with his radiant AI.

Dogmeat can die, but they are working on his health and how you maintain him. If you're reckless, he'll die, otherwise he'll normally survive.

[They make the comparison between this dog and Fable 2's dog.]

Brotherhood of Steel doing their own thing, finished on the game, on the verge of extinction, you'll interact with them a lot more after a determined point in the game.

The game is finished, but needs a lot of polishing, they are doing many playthroughs, they keep adding stuff, sometimes it takes 100 hours to play, just the main quest is 20 hours.

Absolutely tracking at fall (2008).

"Fans sending death threats" says one of the OXM guys. "How do you handle Rabid Right Wing kind of fans".

Todd says that what bothers him is to give as much information as possible to the hardcore Fallout fans and newer Bethesda fans so they know what the game is and isn't. They still haven't released much information, he's used to lots of criticism from fans of the Elder Scrolls or from Fallout fans, tries to understand what's behind the colorful language, what the fans mean with their criticism, and to see if they (Bethesda) agree or disagree with those viewpoints.

He acknowledged that some of the new screenshots got positive reactions too, some fans are beginning to understand their take on the wasteland, visually.

Todd notes "Usually I'm concerned with making sure they understand what the game is and what the game isn't. I always worry that somebody reads about it and they get excited, whether they're old Fallout fans or a newer fans of ours. My concern is usually I want them to know as much as they can so that when they go to buy the game they know what they're getting. (...) The people who bought Oblivion and then said "I didn't like it, this isn't what I thought I was getting", that's usually what concerns me more (...)
We have a lot more respect for them [Fallout fans] than anybody thinks in terms of they're very very passionate and we wouldn't have it in any other way.
I think you have to look at those comments and they're usually not raging to rage, although that happens sometimes."

Todd not going to change the game, when people say they don't like the presentation, but on aesthetics and how things were interpreted by them, they go "hey is there something we're missing or didn't take into consideration" and deal with it.
</blockquote>Link: OXM podcast 107 (interview starts in the 35th minute).
What i find odd is if they knew that, for example, the 12 endings thing was surpassed long ago, why didn't they communicate this long ago ? They obviously knew about this a long time ago. That is, if all of this isn't a lie. Considering Beths track record..............
I bet the 200 endings are done the same way as Fallout had 2 to the power of (number of areas) endings.

In other words, they got 8 major areas, and each of them can either prosper or be destroyed due to player actions.
JR Jansen said:
What i find odd is if they knew that, for example, the 12 endings thing was surpassed long ago, why didn't they communicate this long ago ? They obviously knew about this a long time ago. That is, if all of this isn't a lie. Considering Beths track record..............

The 200 plus number was hit just a couple of weeks ago.

Shionage said:
I bet the 200 endings are done the same way as Fallout had 2 to the power of (number of areas) endings.

In other words, they got 8 major areas, and each of them can either prosper or be destroyed due to player actions.

That's my bet too, but other factors throughout the game are taken into account too.
Brother None said:
Todd notes "Usually I'm concerned with making sure they understand what the game is and what the game isn't. I always worry that somebody reads about it and they get excited, whether they're old Fallout fans or a newer fans of ours. My concern is usually I want them to know as much as they can so that when they go to buy the game they know what they're getting. (...) The people who bought Oblivion and then said "I didn't like it, this isn't what I thought I was getting", that's usually what concerns me more."

Good line.

Too bad it's ripped off almost verbatim from what NMA's stated goals are.
shihonage said:
I bet the 200 endings are done the same way as Fallout had 2 to the power of (number of areas) endings.

In other words, they got 8 major areas, and each of them can either prosper or be destroyed due to player actions.
It's been confirmed for a while that that's how they define the number of different endings.
Briosafreak said:
JR Jansen said:
What i find odd is if they knew that, for example, the 12 endings thing was surpassed long ago, why didn't they communicate this long ago ? They obviously knew about this a long time ago. That is, if all of this isn't a lie. Considering Beths track record..............

The 200 plus number was hit just a couple of weeks ago.
So, uh, the game is ready, but two weeks ago they accidentally discovered that the number of endings has somehow gone up from 12 to 200? Even if you know nothing about Bethesda, that alone says KWALITY! right there.
They have working builds of the game with all the initial content that was devised, so they play it over and over again, adding things here and there, polishing a bit. The Brotherhood part is finished, for instance.

They started with just a few variables to make the ending cinematics, and kept adding more options that matter to the ending, so it started from 9 to 12 endings, that was multiplied several times until they reached the 200 plus number.

All of this can change though, they are working hard and tinkering things, my blog sometimes get hits from them at the weekends or at 5 in the morning, at really crazy hours.
Even though the 200 endings are the 'Fallout ending montage' type, it's still a very impressive number.

One obviously has to wonder about the quality.
But, I must say that I am curious to see how well developed the choices & consequences in this game will be. I believe it's definetely an area where Bethesda is putting a lot of focus, and I hope it won't all be as clear cut as Megaton.

Yay, we're Rabid Right Wing Fans.
VDweller said:
So, uh, the game is ready, but two weeks ago they accidentally discovered that the number of endings has somehow gone up from 12 to 200? Even if you know nothing about Bethesda, that alone says KWALITY! right there.
Well, not necessarily. Going from 12 to 200 (well, 196 actually) is just a matter of 4 new binary choices that affect the ending, so it isn't even as big of a step as it sounds at first glance.
My concern is usually I want them to know as much as they can so that when they go to buy the game they know what they're getting.

I'm calling bullshit on that one.

Bethesda is not in the business of informing potential customers about the products that they are trying to sell them. This has been obvious for some time.

Considering the amount of information that's been released so far in tiny little snippets, they are actually just giving people enough new information to try and shut them up when the month old screenshots we had to scrounge up are completely done being ridiculed.

Repetition of the same old lies and PR tricks by 20 different media outlets that cower in fear of Bethesda doesn't equal "informing the fanbase".

Showing the tech-demo exclusively to a bunch of bribed magazine writers who know nothing about Fallout doesn't cut it either.

It's actually right along the lines of patronizing us.

were's our fucking demo?
The media assclowns aren't the ones who are supposed to buy the game.
Really should say Humanoid-type companion instead.

EDIT: Speaking of which, that means you can get at least a ghoul for an NPC, if not a super mutant

He has a point, I missed that somehow.
Briosafreak said:
Really should say Humanoid-type companion instead.

EDIT: Speaking of which, that means you can get at least a ghoul for an NPC, if not a super mutant

He has a point, I missed that somehow.

I'm not sure who you're quoting, but the whole "you will have humanoid non-human companions" aka a ghoul or supermutant thing has been said many, many times already. That's not new.
200 endings?!?I think they are counting end of every quest in game.That is only way how to get this crazy number.


They have prototypes of 200 ends and will use only a few of them.
Well . . . it maybe just one ending, but it has a voiceover for over 200 names. So if your name is John, you will get an ending with your name spoken. Otherwise it's the Chosen Oneth.
pexxx said:
200 endings?!?I think they are counting end of every quest in game.That is only way how to get this crazy number.
It isn't such a crazy number. You just need 8 different binary choices and you've already got 256 different endings. As I said before in this thread, it seems to be a lot more significant than it really is.