Todd Howard talks


Vault Consort
Staff member
G4TV interviewed Todd Howard at QuakeCon and he said things.<blockquote>I think the thing that was great here is that from a development standpoint, with myself and Bethesda Game Studios and the guys there and Id, we're very similar groups, in size and philosophy and history, we started PC games and doing all that, and so we'd like to keep kind of this independent streak where we make games that we think are really, really cool that we'd wanna play, and to give those games a lot of development time and a lot of love, and if you do that you'll find a big audience, that makes good business sense. We're not tied to some quarterly revenues, we're not a big public company, but we still have the resources to publish a game up against anybody, we kind of proved that with Fallout.</blockquote>PS3 DLC and New Vegas also get mentioned in not terribly interesting ways.

Thanks to Ausir.
Please tell me he's not comparing Bethesda and Id Software.

Id actually makes good games unlike Bethesda's "cool shit throw together in a way that makes absolutely no sense" kind of games.

And let's not even touch on the subject on bugs in their respective games.
He does try to paint BGS and Id with the same strokes at the beginning of the quote, although I think everything from "independent streak" on refers only to Bethesda.
seems that he forgot the biggest difference between Bethesda and ID. They have a lot less bugs.
id doesn't simply pander to the console market (as much...). The two companies have seen recent declines in quality as of late though.
rcorporon said:
id doesn't simply pander to the console market (as much...). The two companies have seen recent declines in quality as of late though.

What the hell was ID's last game?

Didn't Doom 3 come out like 5 years ago?
I'm pretty sure the new Wolfenstein was mostly Raven Software's thing, but id and a couple other developers "helped" with it.
They do have a similar history in that they both pioneered FP action games.

But id is more focused on developing tech, so I doubt they share much in the way of development or business philosophy.
TheGM said:
rcorporon said:
id doesn't simply pander to the console market (as much...). The two companies have seen recent declines in quality as of late though.

What the hell was ID's last game?

Didn't Doom 3 come out like 5 years ago?

What about Enemy Territory: Quake Wars...

ugh... forget what I said about "pandering."
Holy shit. That was one hell of a run on sentance. I wonder if he said it all in one breathe. Dude's sentance structure is about as bad as his games.

LOL There's a comment on that site hailing Howard as the greatest game designer ever.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Per said:
we make games that we think are really, really cool that we'd wanna play
Is Todd as sick of saying that as I am of reading it?
At least some are really, really bored about some of the comments he makes. I mean ... really, really!
Cimmerian Nights said:
Per said:
we make games that we think are really, really cool that we'd wanna play
Is Todd as sick of saying that as I am of reading it?

Perhaps his AI is the same as in the games they dish out? Very repetative and predictable. Sure, they make games they would want to play, but what about us?
Yeah, because Fallout 3 was such an original, ground-breaking, indie-spirited game...

Also, the lot of development time and love thingie didn't help with bugs and huge plot holes...
rcorporon said:
What about Enemy Territory: Quake Wars...

ugh... forget what I said about "pandering."

That was Splash Damage, who are also now a part of the Zenimax stable. In fact, they were gobbled up by them a couple of months before id.
Man, the future for Single Player FPS games seems dire.

Raven is part of Activision, Id is now part of Bethesda, and Valve is just sitting on its ass.
Black said:
Todd Howard talks
Duh, what else is new.

:lol: Best comment.

What annoys me about Todd is that whenever he says something it is littered with cool, kind of and lots of really. Not only are their games designed for toddlers, the people at Bethesda also reach out to toddlers by means of oral communication.
Quite a feat, I'd say.