G4TV interviewed Todd Howard at QuakeCon and he said things.<blockquote>I think the thing that was great here is that from a development standpoint, with myself and Bethesda Game Studios and the guys there and Id, we're very similar groups, in size and philosophy and history, we started PC games and doing all that, and so we'd like to keep kind of this independent streak where we make games that we think are really, really cool that we'd wanna play, and to give those games a lot of development time and a lot of love, and if you do that you'll find a big audience, that makes good business sense. We're not tied to some quarterly revenues, we're not a big public company, but we still have the resources to publish a game up against anybody, we kind of proved that with Fallout.</blockquote>PS3 DLC and New Vegas also get mentioned in not terribly interesting ways.
Thanks to Ausir.
Thanks to Ausir.