sunny jim said:
so for you it's either devote your whole life to fallout and everything it has or had to do with, or eat shit and die?
It doesn't take much effort to understand who made what, or even the simplest of important facts that you in your two years here, have been incredibly fucking lazy or incredibly fucking stupid, to have missed. Such as rudely butting into a thread without even bothering to read it, or have any clue of what you're talking about. Which you have done ever since you got here.
YOU can look shit up, just like everyone else. And if the small amount of background information regarding Fallout would require your entire life's devotion to understand, then you're simply just too stupid to be allowed to remain.
you mean a person can't have a certain degree of interest in something...
Like how I'm an electronics engineer with experience in the game industry and game development (of which, Fallout would be a footnote of what I know about the industry), who has a passing interest in the culinary arts, robotics & nanotechnology, and many other topics of interest I don't try to excuse half-ass awareness of the BASIC, SIMPLE FACTS by arguing about them or making obviously stupid remarks in regards to them. That you argue and constantly miss the points doesn't help you at all, so I really have to wonder about your interest in Fallout if it's this incompetent and uninformed.
Again, if you are going to half-ass wander into threads and require that people hold your hand in a special ed class to bring you up to speed like everyone else, you can go outside and play "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself".
If you want equality, I already gave you equality. I treated you like everyone else who spoke about the subject, and then proceeded to point out where your cluelessness is staggering. I've had to do that shit for the last two years.
If you want inequality, I can give you that as well, and if you're too special to be allowed to remain on these forums, I can fix that.
i didn't know i did something to deserve a "go fuck yourself"... well actually i know i didn't, i also know you wouldn't talk like that to people in real life, couse you wouldn't have anyone to talk with.
Yes, I do talk to people like that in real life - if they're argumentatively ignorant shits that aren't worth talking to in the first place, like you.
in these two years i also noticed whenever i read your posts that you awfully love to to bash and smash people, and insult them, and instead of staying on the topic, degrade it to this disgusting shoot-out.
I do keep to the topic, but I'll also point out how their ignorance and stupidity does not have any bearing when equating opinion as fact, what might be "fun" for some is NOT why Fallout fans got Fallout, the history of the subject these idiots are trying to blather on about (kind of like how people will try to reinvent why FOT wasn't liked based upon their personal feelings - a few years after FOT was released), and how making idiotic comments without knowing anything of what they are talking about is a breach of netiquette and debate/conversation on so many levels.
That's basically your posting style in a nutshell.
It's called Argument by Laziness, or as I like to call it "I'm clueless but I have an opinion you all should respect!", and I'm fucking sick of it.
Further amusement can be noted at how you seem to think that I'm the one that takes it from the topic, when I have to address ignorance and such about the topic, which usually degenerates the topic into excuses about why the poster can't be bothered to learn about the basic shit themselves, and essentially defines themselves into a self-excusing moron.
You're the ignorant shit, have been for two years, you're the problem.
oh, please sign me up to that school system of yours which taught you to talk to people like that
First, I will debate if there's something debate worthy.
When there's a petulant and clueless child in my face, I'm simply going to backhand them and kick them back to their mother.
Give your regards to mommy.