Todd on FO3:'Uh... it's currently... full steam ahead.'

i sure heard of wasteland but i wasn't interested in it enough to know all about it, so sorry i didn't know interplay designed that game too.

also i admit that i don't read all the posts made here, and there's a lot of information that i just don't know, and i probably wouldn't ask questions that i did in the other post if i read all the message boards. it's not that i'm lazy, it's the thing is that i don't have too much free time on my hands, and i don't even know where to look. i do know that there was a plan, or even work in progress to make an FAQ about all the history, of interplay when it was starting to cooperate with bioware or even taken by it(i don't know exactly the specifics) and all the problems with bethsoft taking over the fallout title, but it was never made, and i think it would be very useful for people like me who are ignorent about certain aspects of the things.
MrBumble said:
Just look at how Oblivion's inventory and menus ( well, actually the whole game ) sucked compared to Daggerfall's and you'll have a little idea.
That's right, of course, specially when trying to por a point and click game like fallout to an XBox... :roll:
sunny jim said:
i sure heard of wasteland but i wasn't interested in it enough to know all about it, so sorry i didn't know interplay designed that game too.

Do you bother to learn ANYTHING?

also i admit that i don't read all the posts made here, and there's a lot of information that i just don't know, and i probably wouldn't ask questions that i did in the other post if i read all the message boards. it's not that i'm lazy, it's the thing is that i don't have too much free time on my hands, and i don't even know where to look.

Bullshit. If you have time to post about this subject, and even berate us for what we post about it, then you have enough time to read about it. And if you're such a spectacular failure of a school system to have failed basic research methods, that is not my obligation to hold your hand and overcome your self-inflicted learning disabilities, either. The information is there, right on this very forum, and there's even a Fallout Wiki, and yet you post bullshit like you did in your post previous to this, filled with nothing but ignorance, which seems to have been a common theme of one-paragraph sounds bites of ignorant floundering since you arrived.

Given that you can't be bothered to educate yourself while posting ignorant shit, I feel that doing anything of what you want, to give you a summary of what happened, would similarly be ignored or not read, or would similarly be selectively read. Really, you couldn't bother to go back and look at VDweller's comments when I gave you a specific time frame to search, and it seems like you can't even be bothered to read this very news forum, as the "3 Days of Wishing We Had Something To Do With Fallout Except Licking Chuck's Ass" article at GameBanshee would have easily answered your ignorance about Wasteland. As would figuring out why it was a spiritual successor and why Interplay couldn't use the Fallout name. You want to talk about Wasteland, Interplay, etc. and still have no clue who Brian Fargo is? Amazing.

So it would be a waste of our time for anyone to try and clue you in, when GameBanshee has more of a clue about why Fallout had "Remember Wasteland?" on the inside flap. Plus we'd have to go back about twenty years.

Two years it's taken you to climb above "clueless troll", and yet you still don't know shit?

i do know that there was a plan, or even work in progress to make an FAQ about all the history, of interplay when it was starting to cooperate with bioware or even taken by it(i don't know exactly the specifics)

Interplay taken by BioWare? Huh?

and all the problems with bethsoft taking over the fallout title, but it was never made, and i think it would be very useful for people like me who are ignorent about certain aspects of the things.

It's called a search engine, and searching the forum. Or browsing the forum. If you're waiting for someone to conveniently spoon-feed you information on their time without any effort on your own part, you can go fuck yourself and leave these forums.
Roshambo said:
If they're not going to do it right, then no, not at all. As has been said numerous times. As why Fallout is considered the spiritual successor of Wasteland even over Wasteland's own sequel Fountain of Dreams. Someone else can do the same to Fallout, instead of (again) making a half-ass product with Fallout's name on it.

It's fucked up that troika doesn't exist anymore, their Failsafe would be probably the best successor..
Now the only really promising oprtunity is Afterfall.
so for you it's either devote your whole life to fallout and everything it has or had to do with, or eat shit and die?
you mean a person can't have a certain degree of interest in something... i didn't know i did something to deserve a "go fuck yourself"... well actually i know i didn't, i also know you wouldn't talk like that to people in real life, couse you wouldn't have anyone to talk with.

in these two years i also noticed whenever i read your posts that you awfully love to to bash and smash people, and insult them, and instead of staying on the topic, degrade it to this disgusting shoot-out.
oh, please sign me up to that school system of yours which taught you to talk to people like that :roll:
sunny jim said:
so for you it's either devote your whole life to fallout and everything it has or had to do with, or eat shit and die?

It doesn't take much effort to understand who made what, or even the simplest of important facts that you in your two years here, have been incredibly fucking lazy or incredibly fucking stupid, to have missed. Such as rudely butting into a thread without even bothering to read it, or have any clue of what you're talking about. Which you have done ever since you got here.

YOU can look shit up, just like everyone else. And if the small amount of background information regarding Fallout would require your entire life's devotion to understand, then you're simply just too stupid to be allowed to remain.

you mean a person can't have a certain degree of interest in something...

Like how I'm an electronics engineer with experience in the game industry and game development (of which, Fallout would be a footnote of what I know about the industry), who has a passing interest in the culinary arts, robotics & nanotechnology, and many other topics of interest I don't try to excuse half-ass awareness of the BASIC, SIMPLE FACTS by arguing about them or making obviously stupid remarks in regards to them. That you argue and constantly miss the points doesn't help you at all, so I really have to wonder about your interest in Fallout if it's this incompetent and uninformed.

Again, if you are going to half-ass wander into threads and require that people hold your hand in a special ed class to bring you up to speed like everyone else, you can go outside and play "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself".

If you want equality, I already gave you equality. I treated you like everyone else who spoke about the subject, and then proceeded to point out where your cluelessness is staggering. I've had to do that shit for the last two years.

If you want inequality, I can give you that as well, and if you're too special to be allowed to remain on these forums, I can fix that.

i didn't know i did something to deserve a "go fuck yourself"... well actually i know i didn't, i also know you wouldn't talk like that to people in real life, couse you wouldn't have anyone to talk with.

Yes, I do talk to people like that in real life - if they're argumentatively ignorant shits that aren't worth talking to in the first place, like you.

in these two years i also noticed whenever i read your posts that you awfully love to to bash and smash people, and insult them, and instead of staying on the topic, degrade it to this disgusting shoot-out.

I do keep to the topic, but I'll also point out how their ignorance and stupidity does not have any bearing when equating opinion as fact, what might be "fun" for some is NOT why Fallout fans got Fallout, the history of the subject these idiots are trying to blather on about (kind of like how people will try to reinvent why FOT wasn't liked based upon their personal feelings - a few years after FOT was released), and how making idiotic comments without knowing anything of what they are talking about is a breach of netiquette and debate/conversation on so many levels.

That's basically your posting style in a nutshell.

It's called Argument by Laziness, or as I like to call it "I'm clueless but I have an opinion you all should respect!", and I'm fucking sick of it.

Further amusement can be noted at how you seem to think that I'm the one that takes it from the topic, when I have to address ignorance and such about the topic, which usually degenerates the topic into excuses about why the poster can't be bothered to learn about the basic shit themselves, and essentially defines themselves into a self-excusing moron.

You're the ignorant shit, have been for two years, you're the problem.

oh, please sign me up to that school system of yours which taught you to talk to people like that :roll:

First, I will debate if there's something debate worthy.

When there's a petulant and clueless child in my face, I'm simply going to backhand them and kick them back to their mother.

Give your regards to mommy.

Roshambo said:
Like how I'm an electronics engineer with experience in the game industry and game development (of which, Fallout would be a footnote of what I know about the industry), who has a passing interest in the culinary arts, robotics & nanotechnology, and many other topics of interest I don't try to excuse half-ass awareness of the BASIC, SIMPLE FACTS by arguing about them or making obviously stupid remarks in regards to them.
You really love talking about yourself, don't you?
it's actually the first time in ages he's said so much about himself, rumpl. he usually restricts himself to saying what his experience in the gaming industry is.

oh & a word of caution, dont stir the hornets nest, mkay?
Why after each of theyre interview i get this strange feeling that they dont know what theyre talking about ....
Egis said:
Why after each of theyre interview i get this strange feeling that they dont know what theyre talking about ....

One possible answer is that they really do not. I cannot really comprehend how that can be possible, since they are already in "messing with different stuff" phase. :roll: Praise Todd Howard.

By the way, I'm not wondering where that is, I know. :wink:
Wex said:
already in "messing with different stuff" phase.
I'm so gonna try this one on my boss the next time I'm asked how some project is coming.

"Full steam ahead chief, I've completed the messing with stuff phase, and have progressed unto messing around with other stuff."
rumpl said:
You really love talking about yourself, don't you?

One paragraph of dozens others in this thread, and one that was in context of personal interest and the presumption or aversion to arguing about said subject in relation to that degree of knowledge or the lack thereof.

To put it in deference to you, since I doubt you would have the patience to look up the big words despite being able to pick through a five-page thread (which I could certainly say I have typed a fair share) to find one single paragraph to use a hyperbolic argument, I'll put it simply:

Go play a round of hide and go fuck yourself as well, ban-bait.

Cimmerian Nights said:
I'm so gonna try this one on my boss the next time I'm asked how some project is coming.

"Full steam ahead chief, I've completed the messing with stuff phase, and have progressed unto messing around with other stuff."

Then watch as your boss, likely a manager, asks exactly what the hell you mean by "stuff".

I wonder if Todd knows how stuff he really stuffs. He stuffs like a stuff without any stuff of stuff, and from what I've heard from my stuff, he's like Stuff, but far worse, as even Stuff can do actual stuff in small doses.

Hell, a GOOD manager would certainly know what the team was working on and at what point in the development they were at, and know enough about the material to be able to accurately delegate design assignments and deadlines (which, to be accurate, means that a manager would also need to know how long certain assets should take).

Todd's clueless: Fallout 3 = fucked.
rumpl and sunny jim,

Roshambo's rage is like a Drill Sergeant trying to get your attention. A polite gentle admonishment isn't likely to get your attention or warn you of the seriousness of his message. It is a very simple and easy to understand request. Research your topic before posting an opinion. Pay attention to his message and someday someone might appreciate reading one of your posts.

This place would lose a lot of character and charm without him to bash the heads of the ignorant.
Rosh, sadly, in the real world being a manager doesnt mean you have to know shit about what your team is actually doing. my dad used to be a successful crisis manager which now runs an own firm & really, the stories make me loose my belief in humanity... the moronic shit many of them pull is just beyond words. even a 12 year old kid that grew up on a landfil would have more common sense than many of those MBA guys...
(which is probably why a lot of firms go take a dirtnap on regular basis)

SNorth said:
This place would lose a lot of character and charm without him to bash the heads of the ignorant.

yup, the time Rosh was gone, working on other stuff, NMA just felt empty. his shoes are too big too fill. ^^

(one of my favorite movies is FMJ, nuff said)
SNorth said:
Roshambo's rage is like a Drill Sergeant trying to get your attention. A polite gentle admonishment isn't likely to get your attention or warn you of the seriousness of his message. It is a very simple and easy to understand request. Research your topic before posting an opinion.
Yes. And the rules. He always points at the rules, like he always fails badly to observe at least one of them himself. The very first one:
Odin said:
Mind your manners.

Pay attention to his message
There are enough people here who are not that insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole. I'll rather pay my attention to their messages.

someone might appreciate reading one of your posts.
Huh? You need to listen to him closely so people appreciate reading your posts?

OK, some of his posts *are* interesting regarding the game industry. But he is still insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole.
This place would lose a lot of character and charm without him to bash the heads of the ignorant.
I can tell you some other things this place would lose if he happened to go.
rumpl said:
Yes. And the rules. He always points at the rules, like he always fails badly to observe at least one of them himself. The very first one:
Odin said:
Mind your manners.

So the fact that someone neglects to follow the rules, netiquette, or persists in logic fallacies, means that I am not to be rude IN RETURN to them?

What an amusing little world you live in.

Pay attention to his message
There are enough people here who are not that insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole. I'll rather pay my attention to their messages.

Wah. Go emo somewhere else, kid.

someone might appreciate reading one of your posts.
Huh? You need to listen to him closely so people appreciate reading your posts?

And with that, I'd advise you to not go the same route of logic fallacies. For one, it would greatly help you to learn how to read in context. In other words, if you're not going to bother reading my post or anything else I write, and make a misrepresentative troll attempt upon me, then none of us really give a shit what you have to say, or even if you further continue to waste our time and bandwidth.

OK, some of his posts *are* interesting regarding the game industry. But he is still insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole.

Because I have to thump the stupid, those who argue upon their ignorance, or use outright logic fallacies? NOWHERE IN THE RULES NOR NETIQUETTE does it stipulate that I have to kiss your ass as an admin; I can be as strict as I care - netiquette only suggests kindness. If I have to waste my time in pointing out where your ass has a death grip upon your neck, then I'm going to make it amusing for me and the others unforunate enough to read your brain shit.

I can tell you some other things this place would lose if he happened to go.

Some interesting and informative reading.
Roshambo said:
rumpl said:
Yes. And the rules. He always points at the rules, like he always fails badly to observe at least one of them himself. The very first one:
Odin said:
Mind your manners.

So the fact that someone neglects to follow the rules, netiquette, or persists in logic fallacies, means that I am not to be rude IN RETURN to them?

What an amusing little world you live in.
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Now is that your amusing little world?

Or for that mattter, does rule-breaking justify rule-breaking?

Nobody told you to be kind in return to them, didn't they? Why not just warning, then banning?

If you are that emotional and sensitive and can't react properly (going mad, that is), you shoudn't be an admin.

Anyway, reacting like that (kids do that when they don't get what they want) is immature.

Pay attention to his message
There are enough people here who are not that insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole. I'll rather pay my attention to their messages.
Wah. Go emo somewhere else, kid.
Does that hurt?

someone might appreciate reading one of your posts.
Huh? You need to listen to him closely so people appreciate reading your posts?

And with that, I'd advise you to not go the same route of logic fallacies. For one, it would greatly help you to learn how to read in context. In other words, if you're not going to bother reading my post or anything else I write, and make a misrepresentative troll attempt upon me, then none of us really give a shit what you have to say, or even if you further continue to waste our time and bandwidth.

Still, I don't need to listen to you to do that properly. Reading something like helps a lot.
OK, some of his posts *are* interesting regarding the game industry. But he is still insulting, arrogant, and pretty unappealing on the whole.

Because I have to thump the stupid, those who argue upon their ignorance, or use outright logic fallacies?
It is the way you do it. Don't you understand?

NOWHERE IN THE RULES NOR NETIQUETTE does it stipulate that I have to kiss your ass as an admin;
I can be as strict as I care - netiquette only suggests kindness. If I have to waste my time in pointing out where your ass has a death grip upon your neck, then I'm going to make it amusing for me and the others unforunate enough to read your brain shit.
I've seen you doing it many times.
You kind of enjoy it, I noticed. As a matter of fact, that doesn't make you very likeable, no sir.
Except for those who seem to kind of admire you.

I can tell you some other things this place would lose if he happened to go.

Some interesting and informative reading.
Not interesting at all.
rumpl said:
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Now is that your amusing little world?

No, it's more like disrespect these forums, we have no obligation to show respect back in turn.

Or for that mattter, does rule-breaking justify rule-breaking?

Who says rules apply to admins? Hello, we run the place, we decide what goes. Get a clue.

Nobody told you to be kind in return to them, didn't they? Why not just warning, then banning?

I've tried that in the past, yet it's nowhere near as amusing.

If you are that emotional and sensitive and can't react properly (going mad, that is), you shoudn't be an admin.

Now you're presuming to tell us how to run the forum along with a rather amusing "psychoanalysis". This just keeps getting more funny.

Anyway, reacting like that (kids do that when they don't get what they want) is immature.

It's also called social exclusion, in that if you are not willing to follow the generally accepted guidelines of a community, GET THE FUCK OUT. Simple enough, yet so many seem to have difficulty understanding that.

Still, I don't need to listen to you to do that properly. Reading something like helps a lot.

Those are niether Netiquette, nor our rules, so we are under no obligation to follow them. When it pertains to this forum, it does matter to pay attention to what I say.

It is the way you do it. Don't you understand?

Pardon me, emo child, but since you're the whining little shit, do you really think you have any room commenting about "emotional and sensitive"?

Has the concept of irony occured to you yet, dumbass?

I've seen you doing it many times.

So your observation skills aren't total shit. Too bad you failed to notice the rest of the thread in regards to me posting a little bit about of my interest in context, and decided to make a troll upon that. One that I'm about to end soon, fair warning.

You kind of enjoy it, I noticed. As a matter of fact, that doesn't make you very likeable, no sir.

If I have to waste my time on the argumentatively stupid and DEE! DEE! DEE!, then I'm going to have fun and make it at least a bit amusing for anyone else who has to read your idiocy.

Except for those who seem to kind of admire you.

I don't care to pander to the whores and the stupid. I simply don't care. To me, those people are bipedal cockroaches devoid of any real life or culture of their own, possibly just another faceless piece of suburbanite trash raised upon media instead of a real upbringing. I simply don't fucking care, they are untermenschen to me.

Not interesting at all.

Well, here's your chance to make it "interesting" with your own presence, Corky.
rumpl said:

Still, I don't need to listen to you to do that properly. Reading something like helps a lot.
From that page:
"When this happens, the worst thing you can do is whine about the experience, claim to have been verbally assaulted, demand apologies, scream, hold your breath, threaten lawsuits, complain to people's employers, leave the toilet seat up, etc. Instead, here's what you do:

Get over it. It's normal. In fact, it's healthy and appropriate.

Community standards do not maintain themselves: They're maintained by people actively applying them, visibly, in public. Don't whine that all criticism should have been conveyed via private e-mail: That's not how it works. Nor is it useful to insist you've been personally insulted when someone comments that one of your claims was wrong, or that his views differ. Those are loser attitudes.

There have been hacker forums where, out of some misguided sense of hyper-courtesy, participants are banned from posting any fault-finding with another's posts, and told “Don't say anything if you're unwilling to help the user.” The resulting departure of clueful participants to elsewhere causes them to descend into meaningless babble and become useless as technical forums.

Exaggeratedly “friendly” (in that fashion) or useful: Pick one.

Remember: When that hacker tells you that you've screwed up, and (no matter how gruffly) tells you not to do it again, he's acting out of concern for (1) you and (2) his community. It would be much easier for him to ignore you and filter you out of his life. If you can't manage to be grateful, at least have a little dignity, don't whine, and don't expect to be treated like a fragile doll just because you're a newcomer with a theatrically hypersensitive soul and delusions of entitlement."