Tom Chick responds to Wired piece

Weheheee... take a look at Bioware. No, actually don't... but let's look at Jade Empire... no, actually let's not. Ah, this joke never gets old.

ANYWAY, Jade Empire had around 6GB if I'm not mistaken and a large part of those where made of, guess what... cinematics. That isn't necessarily bad, but do you remember Jade Empire's cinematics? They were made with the game's engine. However, some of them were made movie files while the others simply played in the engine.

I know the reason they did that in kotor 2 (defending that settlement with turrets and mines and shit) was because the XBOX couldnt handle the in game engine doing the cinimatic, so they played it out on a powerfull PC, recorded it, and stuck it in as a recorded jpeg or summit.

So i suspect that's why it's done
Ah, my mistake. :roll:

I don't remember any great complexity in the movies in JE, however if that's true then there you have it: not only they need to dumb down the gameplay on the consoles, they also dumb down graphics and cinematics.

And then you have morons claiming consoles are so much better than PCs and that the PCs can't do much better graphics anyway. Of course they aren't if the game is just a dumb console port which was made with poor graphics in the first place.
FeelTheRads said:
I don't remember any great complexity in the movies in JE.

There was some. The flying thingies flying around, bridges collapsing that kind of stuff can easily be too complex to handle.

That said, the JE cinematics were extremely yawn-worthy.