TotalBiscuit on Fallout 4 a month after release

Irwin John Finster

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Fallout discussion starts at 1 hour, 44 minutes, 52 seconds into the video. Exactly how I feel after playing the game for a while, and after seeing the 9's and 10's and 100/100's coming from game reviewers the day of release as if that is enough time to even know if the game is good or bad.

"I expected a Fallout game and instead got a glorified Far Cry."
Fallout 4 is a prime example of a 7/10 AAA game. I would give it lower marks if you compare it to other RPG's that actually have depth. It just works isn't even a punchline at this point. It just describes the game. I have never seen such a mediocre game get such stellar reviews, only for all of the reviewers to come back after everyone has bought the game, and say "Oh and btw this game isn't as good as we told you it was."
It just works isn't even a punchline at this point. It just describes the game.
He played the Inon Zur music in the background and it just reminded me of how much I hate that music.

Didn't they also re-introduce the kerching sound after each level up?
He played the Inon Zur music in the background and it just reminded me of how much I hate that music.

Didn't they also re-introduce the kerching sound after each level up?
Many sound effects are the same including the level up sound. There are already mods to remove things like the level up sound - and there is no shortage of insane fanboys commenting that using mods to remove things like the voiced protagonist and sound effects is "disrespectful" to the hard work of the developers and voice actors. Seriously, internet comments are carcinogenic.

Personally, I like Inon Zur's work. There is some Fallout 1 and 2 influence in Fallout 4's soundtrack. The tone of some parts is too upbeat/heroic though, but overall it's good.
Many sound effects are the same including the level up sound. There are already mods to remove things like the level up sound - and there is no shortage of insane fanboys commenting that using mods to remove things like the voiced protagonist and sound effects is "disrespectful" to the hard work of the developers and voice actors. Seriously, internet comments are carcinogenic.

Personally, I like Inon Zur's work. There is some Fallout 1 and 2 influence in Fallout 4's soundtrack. The tone of some parts is too upbeat/heroic though, but overall it's good.

I feel like after his experience in DA: Origins, he could've made a much more atmospheric soundtrack that fit the tone of Fallout more. I guess Bethesda told him to make it as action-packed as possible instead. Apart from the signature main theme tune Bethesda started with Fallout 3, most of the non-faction ambient music is pretty generic. That said, I do like quite a few of the tracks.

Now, about the disrespect to hard work - voiced protagonists I can understand, but sound effects? How is removing sound effects on an equal level to removing voices?

Speaking of which, without the player voices, there's no reason to be pointing the camera at the player, therefore wasting the opportunity to show your own character to yourself as often as possible. How has the mods approached that? I haven't tried one yet because I stopped playing Fallout 4 some time ago.

I'm thinking it could work if the camera is kept pointed at the player's face until a dialogue choice is selected, at which point it goes back to the other person as they start responding. So far, the only "no voice" mod results I've seen just make it look like the player character's lips are moving but no sound is coming out, which still looks pretty ridiculous.
Last I checked, the relevant mods just stop the camera from panning to the PC's face. I haven't looked in a while either though.

Bigger problem is that you also have to install a dialog wheel fix, with the side effect being that you then get to see how frequently the game uses identical lines on multiple choices.
Now, about the disrespect to hard work - voiced protagonists I can understand, but sound effects? How is removing sound effects on an equal level to removing voices?
Because the commenter was an insane fanboy. It's like trying to derive logic from delusional people. There are apparently people that believe large corporations are our best friends and will stop at nothing to figure out a way to make their product perfect. So such fanboys go on discouraging modding the already perfect Fallout 4 because it then means that Fallout 4 is not, in fact, perfect.

Might as well go on rambling about how it's disrespectful to microsoft to change your desktop wallpaper because they worked so hard on their wallpapers.

I really need to stop scrolling down to the comments for YouTube videos.
Because the commenter was an insane fanboy. It's like trying to derive logic from delusional people. There are apparently people that believe large corporations are our best friends and will stop at nothing to figure out a way to make their product perfect. So such fanboys go on discouraging modding the already perfect Fallout 4 because it then means that Fallout 4 is not, in fact, perfect.

Might as well go on rambling about how it's disrespectful to microsoft to change your desktop wallpaper because they worked so hard on their wallpapers.

I really need to stop scrolling down to the comments for YouTube videos.

Ah, YouTube comments. You can have any level of intelligence and you'll always find ones who have even lower levels than you. Plenty of kids have more common sense than the comment section of YouTube videos, especially the ones related to games and movies.

The only comment section not bad at all that I've seen would be the Zero Punctuation reviews. All Yahtzee fans are sane, sensible, agreeable and friendly people, apparently.
Youtube comments, secret government project to trap people's insanity in one place, allowing them to lead a healthy and happy life outside of Youtube. However, when they enter it their minds change and come out.... the DELUSIONAL FANBOYS!!!
Youtube comments, secret government project to trap people's insanity in one place, allowing them to lead a healthy and happy life outside of Youtube. However, when they enter it their minds change and come out.... the DELUSIONAL FANBOYS!!!

It's a nice place to go to whenever you feel like you're having too much happiness and faith in humanity and feel like you need to drop it a bit for the sake of balance in life. :lol:
I read Youtube comments once. A day later I was on Prozac. Don't read Youtube comments.

They should make one of those government adds...

'Thousands suffer from depression and stupidity after reading Youtube comments. Don't read Youtube comments.'
Already a month ago on reddit I'd made a thread about TotalBiscuit's opinion on Fallout 4. It was rather popular, made it to the front page. After some hours it was removed from there and moved to the "circle jerk" part of reddit, preventing many other users from seeing it. And from what I've read, it's not the first thread like that. At least another mod restored my thread to the front page after I contacted him, but damage had been done.
Censorship is just pathetic.
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Ah, as usual, this crap will go unnoticed until it's way too late. Then once Bethesda reaches rock bottom quality and starts ripping off people for real, at least I get to laugh in people's face. "Where's your Bethesda now?"

Then again, there are still people defending EA in a very obsessive manner on their business practices... "Pre-order exclusives and day one DLCs are the paragon of the new generation of gaming!" Gah.
Then once Bethesda reaches rock bottom quality and starts ripping off people for real"
The main plot of Fallout 3 was an amalgamation of the stories of TES:Oblivion, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2; the main plot of Fallout 4 was Fallout 3 in reverse but with the war from New Vegas and the replicants from "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" ; the TES series has been a (arguably) solid rip off of Tolkienian literature since it's inception.
Bethesda's been ripping people off for an eternity shit the entire entertainment industry has been ripping people off for years.