Brother None said:
So honestly that's it? You freely admit these are great games yet you're happier to see people like me miss out on the experience wholesale than to see your precious bunch of electronics hurt?
Man console wars are stupid.
I'm glad I have no compulsion whatsoever to play any of that other skat, be it MGS4 or Killzone 2. If those're your flagship titles, no wonder the console is sinking into the murky depths.
PS: not a console war post
The picture is not meant to be taken seriously.
And yes, that is the main reason. The PS3 needs its exclusives at the moment, it is one of the main selling points for the system. Without those it would be one less reason to buy a PS3 over a 360.
To be honest, the exclusives were the only reason I did it as well. Blu-Ray does not interest me that much and the other little features I do not use. Free online is nice but that is about it.
The PS3 may be in third but it is not going anywhere that is for sure. I am very excited about this year for the exclusive line up. Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, inFAMOUS, MAG, God of War III, GT5, FFXIII Versus, and so on.
Not to mention all the multiplats coming out this year.
GT5 and GoW III could very well be spring next year though.
Anyways, back on topic for me.
From what I read on Neogaf and other places this is supposed to be year old footage. Lets keep our fingers crossed they will have something new to show at E3. It would be sure to make huge waves along with the gameplay on God of War III and (hopefully) Heavy Rain that is supposed to be shown.
From NeoGAF