Trico (Ico 3, SotC 2)

Bal-Sagoth said:
As I said in that same post it is going by "SW" standards. Which means System Wars which in turn almost means going by Gamespot scores. MGS4 is the only AAAAE this gen going by that score system. GTA4 was AAAA on GS as well but it was not AAAAE so that is void for the argument.

What? I'm sorry, did I go into bizarro world here? Why the hell would anyone care about System Wars standards if it's just based on GameSpot scores? And who the hell is stupid enough to actually claim Gamespot is a fair standard? This is beyond idiotic.

Bal-Sagoth said:
As far as you hearing everyone say its absolute crap...

Not what I said. I said everything I heard about it indicates it is crap. If you honestly think metacritic scores are an indication of quality you got a long way ahead of you. Heck, you don't think that, so I don't understand why you linked it.
Brother None said:
What? I'm sorry, did I go into bizarro world here? Why the hell would anyone care about System Wars standards if it's just based on GameSpot scores? And who the hell is stupid enough to actually claim Gamespot is a fair standard? This is beyond idiotic.

Well we have to use something, otherwise the entire forum would be even more chaotic. We use Gamespot scores because... *drumroll* System Wars is a Gamespot forum.

Obviously people throw out scores from other websites and use them in debates as well. However when it comes to the "official" tally and "claiming ownage" it is pretty much agreed that Gamespots score is the end of the line.

It is a pretty fun place. The people are cool for the most part (the trolls are normally taken care of quickly or leave after a few post) and generally there is fun game discussion.
The score system and what not is just a little fun thing on the side to poke fun and give fans of other system/games a hard time.
It is not meant to be taken seriously, all in good fun and what not.

Also to correct myself earlier, It is not just three AAA games it is 5. I checked the sticky.

Total AAAA (# exclusive)

* PS3: 2 (1)
* 360: 1 (0)

Total AAA (# exclusive)

* PC: 18 (10)
* 360: 15 (4)
* PS3: 10 (0)
* Wii: 6 (4)

Total AA (# exclusive)

* PC: 83 (57)
* 360: 74 (12)
* PS3: 45 (4)
* Wii: 24 (7)

Technically with those numbers one could make a pretty nice argument that the PC is clearly the superior platform. Not that I really care however, I do not do much PC gaming anymore ever since my Alienware fried.

Have not fixed it yet because I know if I do I will be sucked back into WoW.

Brother None said:
Not what I said. I said everything I heard about it indicates it is crap. If you honestly think metacritic scores are an indication of quality you got a long way ahead of you. Heck, you don't think that, so I don't understand why you linked it.

If a game has that high of an average after 81 reviews I generally will look into it more to give it a chance. Granted I did not even need reviews to know I should check out MGS4 but the website has helped me in the past make good purchases.
Well... I didn't expect to get this rection here but alrighty. System fanboyism is retarded, what do you think about the trailer?

BTW, Brother None, the song is Limerick's Lament from the Coen brothers movie Miller's Crossing.
What I really liked about SotC was the opportunity to explore vast lands which were really nicely designed.
Only a shame there was no one except the horse to interact with, but other characters would have detracted from the atmosphere.

I hope this new game will also feature big maps.

As for MGS4, I played all the previous games with Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake being my favorite of the series.

After what I read about the game and what other people told me about it I concluded that things in the series had pretty much gone batshit insane.

To me the whole gaming/movie part has gone out of proportions.

This game wouldn't even have been made if the fans hadn't yelled for yet another sequel which might have been better in the long run.

I honestly can't recommend getting a PS3 solely for this, one of my friends did so, using the money he had saved for a new guitar, he still regrets it.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I honestly can't recommend getting a PS3 solely for this, one of my friends did so, using the money he had saved for a new guitar, he still regrets it.

I sold my WoW account for a PS3 and (only) MGS4 at the time. Best decision I ever made for more reasons than one. That game was destroying my life. :crazy:

To each his own I suppose. MGS4 was complete fan service, that much I will have to say. I cannot even imagine coming into that game as someone who was not a previous MGS fan. I have been in love with the series since its first appearance on the PSX in 98 and I still had to come on some forums and discuss the plot to fully understand everything that went down.

Kojima has quite the imagination, that much is for sure.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I honestly can't recommend getting a PS3 solely for this, one of my friends did so, using the money he had saved for a new guitar, he still regrets it.

I got a 360 soley for GoW, which was a great game, but it only took a couple of months for me to regret paying full-price for the console. Still, I made about 50% of the money back when I sold it on.

Not going to make the same mistake again, which is why I'm waiting for the PS3 price drops to happen, before buying. And yeah, MGS4 is pretty much my sole reason for wanting one.

I hear that other games, including GTA4, are simply superior on the 360.

Note: I'm not saying the 360 is better than the PS3... there can be all sorts of reasons for this, such as difficulty of programming, etc.

But I'm seeing a lot of times multi-platform games being better received on the 360.

Personally, I wish SEGA were still making consoles, since I'm a die-hard Megadrive (Genesis) fanboy ;)
k9wazere said:
I hear that other games, including GTA4, are simply superior on the 360.

That much is true to some extent. Mainly because most multiplats are built for the 360 and later ported to the PS3. The differences are usually not huge and for many of the titles can only be spotted with side by side comparison but regardless it is there.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What I really liked about SotC was the opportunity to explore vast lands which were really nicely designed.
Only a shame there was no one except the horse to interact with, but other characters would have detracted from the atmosphere.

You should really finish the game though. I liked the game twice as much after I saw the ending.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Well we have to use something, otherwise the entire forum would be even more chaotic. We use Gamespot scores because... *drumroll* System Wars is a Gamespot forum.

...GameSpot is a part of the same network as Metacritic and Gamerankings. Why not use either of those? Duh.

Bal-Sagoth said:
It is a pretty fun place. The people are cool for the most part (the trolls are normally taken care of quickly or leave after a few post) and generally there is fun game discussion.

You're being ridiculous. There's no such thing is a non-troll in a "console war" debate.

Bal-Sagoth said:
If a game has that high of an average after 81 reviews I generally will look into it more to give it a chance

I give every game a chance, but I don't need those incompetent hacks we call professional game reviewers to tell me what I should or should not be interested in, in any way or form. Professional reviews are meaningless as a measure of anything but technical and graphical quality (as in, if they suck it's lower). Actual game quality hasn't been a factor for years.

maximaz said:
Well... I didn't expect to get this rection here but alrighty. System fanboyism is retarded, what do you think about the trailer?

BTW, Brother None, the song is Limerick's Lament from the Coen brothers movie Miller's Crossing.

Oh yeah! I should watch that film again.

And yeah this thread is going way off-topic but hey what do you do?