Just found CB in the final days of 2017 after getting too frustrated with FWE. Noticed a couple things
* CRAFT menu seems broken if I install any further CRAFT extensions like TinCanCrafting.
* CB's ammo crafting used a custom round .223 Remington that's NOT in CALIBR despite incorporating CALIBR otherwise.
* Somehow I cannot make 7.62 or .223 rounds. I can make all other rounds.
* CB's gunpowder used a different ID than, say, "ammo schematics for CALIBR" mod, so this gunpowder ain't that gunpowder. (Personally, I think gunpowder should be an item defined by CALIBR with the "schematic portions" left up to the extensions, to avoid this from now on)
* I see there are "bullet mold" objects left in the editor but not used?
* Noticed CB has its own nightvision. This conflicts with Advanced Recon tech in terms of hotkeys. Temporary workaround is to assign different hotkeys to ART.
I like CB, but it seriously needs more documentation and interactions with other mods.
I like CB too but there is a really big problem with working on this mod. I am banned from nexus. I am not sure if you know but if you're banned is forever. Any new account you make is also banned right away. I tried . So esentially it means I can never download any mod from nexus. So I cannot help you with intercompatibility.
The reason for which I am banned are pretty silly for copying someone else's perks liek Cancerous Growth or Bonsai which were in turn copied from anothr fallout game but I guess that didn't mater to them whatever.
Since I could not download any mod I practically reinvented the wheel myself created my own ironsights system and whatever else I was missing from mods. And before being banned I was actively communicating with a few modders to incorporate their mods and I had a few mods downloaded so I cloned a few of their ideas. Some ideas I cloned by simply reading the description in nexus etc.
Long story short is I cannot access nexus or help with intercompatibility and I am not even actively modding anymore. After the ban I got dissapointed and gave up modding for Fallout then came back briefly but was hard being cut off from the modding community so I gave up. Sorry man.
You are more then welcome to continue working on this. The best way would be simply to make another mod that has my mod as the master then you can simply extend my mod and fix all my issues and shotcomings etc.
Bullet Mold was part of a planned WIP feature where you would be making your own ammo by using various molds.
There are A LOT of unused objects actually. For example thre's a "junk laser weapon" made from Capacitor and various random bits and pieces, a junk pistol, a pipe rifle etc. There are other junk melee weapons some of which were never implemented because I never got around to do it

There's also dynamite , throwing baseball and many other throwing weapons that were about to come out.
Also there was supposed to be a new "tribal" race and history available using the ones from the DLCs
There was supposed to be a Weapon Crafting perk or a series or perks including a Poisoneer perk to add poison to melee weapons.
Btw I managed to make throwing work with functional throwing anims made by me by analyzing how NV did it. My mod is the only mod with functional throwing animations for spear, kinfe etc.