Trump is winning

The important candidates have all been weirdly old this year, Hillary's 68, Sanders was 75 and Trump's 70, you'd think the parties would be more concerned about that but I guess they aren't.
Have you guys seen what two terms did to Obama?
What did the presidency do to Obama?
If Hillary dies either her VP will have to run on the same ticket or the Democrats will forfeit. The date to get on the ballot has ended in most states so even if they drag away Boynie from his donation funded sports cars and houses, its too late anyway. Even if it wasnt good luck trying to campaign for a new canidate with 2 months left until the general.
I feel a bit bad for wishing someone to be dead but god damn if i don't want Hillary to spaz out and die just to see how much the pot would stir.
Have you guys seen what two terms did to Obama? This job takes a decade off your life, at least. Healthy people don't just spontaneously pass out either so if Hillary's health is already in question just imagine what a term in the white house will do to her. Or Bernie Sanders for that matter. That guy is ancient.
Well I wouldn't mind to see someone in his mid 20s or early 30s in the white house or as head of the state. But that's never going to happen. Except with force.
Well, almost no one would vote for a 18 or 21 year old in office anyway, for obvious reasons. Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president of the United States with 42 years, following William McKinley, Kennedy assumed office with 43.

The important candidates have all been weirdly old this year, Hillary's 68, Sanders was 75 and Trump's 70, you'd think the parties would be more concerned about that but I guess they aren't.
Kinda has an od feel to the Sovietunion, if you know what I mean. At some point, there have been only 70 and 80 year old farts runing the state making it a game, of who would end up first in a hospital with a stroke or heart attack. Those kind of people are usually for a no-change policy. Sometimes it takes new and young people who are willing to take some risks and with new ideas for a change. Otherwise you end up in stagnation. Which is what describes our current political system quite nicely. And I think, honestly this is what really bothers people the most, not the fact that politicans like Hillary (or Trump for that matter) are corrupt as shit, runing for Wall-Street and following the big money. Politic was always like that.

But there is simply the feeling that there's no progress. The same ol same. Over and over again. So much, that you ask your self, why even bother with voting? Doesn't matter if I vote for the one or the other, they are both bad. If you have the choice to fall in dung or pig shit, is that really much of a choice? So people become less and less interested in democracy and the core of it, where discussions become tiresome and people are easily frustrated. The fact that most people also work a lot doesn't help much either. I mean an idividual who's 9 or 10 hours a day working 5 or even 6 times a week, has barely the mental strength to bear his family. And you expect from such a person to also deal with highly complex political topics, like immigration, foreign policy, domestic policy and the like? Great joke.

And so, you end up with someone like Trump who's not different from all the other politicans, but who simply feels different. Simply because he is not political correct. This is what I often get from Trump supporters. I am not saying that he is necessarily worse then Hillary. But he is definetly a lot more emotional, as Hillary feels more like one of those perfect and sleezy politicans, the kind that we've seen so often already. Trump simply feels strangely human compared to that. Honestly, if I wouldn't know that Trump is a narcissistic crock who's exploiting racism and demagoguery to get votes, I would rather vote for him then Hillary.
Why don't you americunts already place Satan in his proper place, at least for once you will have a cool fucking looking presidents and not these cunts we've been seeing

hail satan

Seriously though, how the fuck is she still a valid candidate? I can't wait for her to get a seizure or something during the debates.
Absolutely every single media outlet covers it.
Seriously. This guy is deranged beyond all repair.
Well, we already knew that since he works for Alex Jones and fucking Infowars...
Sorry PJW that not every media outlet likes to speculate and spew whatever comes into their minds. What else but what the official campaign statement was could they have put out?
Fuck I hate this guy. Him and Alex Jones I'd seriously love to meet just to, y'know, "convince" them of reality with some "physical" arguments.
Absolutely every single media outlet covers it.
Seriously. This guy is deranged beyond all repair.
Well, we already knew that since he works for Alex Jones and fucking Infowars...
Sorry PJW that not every media outlet likes to speculate and spew whatever comes into their minds. What else but what the official campaign statement was could they have put out?
Fuck I hate this guy. Him and Alex Jones I'd seriously love to meet just to, y'know, "convince" them of reality with some "physical" arguments.
Oh I don't like him either but it was the first video I came across that I decided to share about this event. :shrug:
That's the problem with that retard, he's too fucking famous and just can't disappear anymore.
Pneumonia can be tough, and if you keep moving around doing stuff with a high fever, can even be potentially fatal. Not saying cause I'm a Hillary fan, although I think US ought to have a female leader, just that well that's how it is.
First she committed a felony and still managed to get through and now s

Lol why do you hope that?

Well I want Trump to win just to see what happens. Hillary dying would give me a bunch of new memes to work with. So all in all, I think Hillary dying would be for the best.