Trump wins

Damn, somebody's missed her virgin blood bath, hasn't she? She makes Merkel look like she's got a soul.
Damn, somebody's missed her virgin blood bath, hasn't she? She makes Merkel look like she's got a soul.
Maybe she feels she didn't make enough "sacrifices" to get to were she needed.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned her known connections. I am even more suprised that @Ragemage hasn't mentioned anything.
Might have been posted already but if not:
Hillary ain't doing too well:
View attachment 6611
Holy shit is she a vampire? The accelerated aging and not going out kept her from leeching blood off of innocents leading to a disturbing, haggard, ancient appearance. Stake it before it strikes again.

You can also compare her to Palpatine's before and after appearances, except she didn't get to seize control.
Holy shit is she a vampire? The accelerated aging and not going out kept her from leeching blood off of innocents leading to a disturbing, haggard, ancient appearance. Stake it before it strikes again.

You can also compare her to Palpatine's before and after appearances, except she didn't get to seize control.
My Theory is now that she lost, she has nothing to offer the Necromancers who kept her in this realm and the containment spell is now failing.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
"I want to be America's first transgender president", fucking kek. Sorry to say, the SJW diversity train is on it's way out of here, you shall hopefully be a part of it.