Trump wins

Then drop it and/or take it to a PM dumbass



Oh shit well I guess that makes it ok then.
wtf i love terrorism now
If you want to whine about gun rights take it to an actual thread that calls for it and is relevent to the topic at hand and not shit from pages back you got triggered over.
Not about to get into another debate about the 2nd Amendment that goes on for another derailed 10 pages
I would find it bullshit if those of us that are responsible with our weapons and aren't psychos have our weapons taken away over some shootings by someone else that clearly isn't. I'll keep mine thanks.
Youtube channel for Gay Children reassures them that everything will be alright by scaring the shit out of them.

Everything will be ok even though HATE WON THE ELECTION!

Original headline from source article:
Man killed, woman injured in shooting outside popular Atlanta bar
Walker doesn't think the comment about Trump played a role in the shooting. She says the gunman was intent on causing chaos from the very beginning.
NYPost headline:
Man gunned down outside bar after he joked about voting for Trump

What do kids say these days... top kek?
First of all, great job ignoring the rest of my post.
The rest of your post didn't include evidence that a father-of-a-four-year-old actually died because an ambulance was blocked by protestors. I didn't feel the need to comment on it because you don't have to convince me that people are actually protesting. I know that.

Second of all, nice job acting like a brat and telling me to "stfu"
"Give me evidence or stfu" was meant more as a general statement, not to tell you to shut up. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough.

when I'm giving you evidence that these people would stoop so low as to stop an ambulance. Would you like more evidence that these people are insane? They've already walked into MOVING TRAFFIC to try and stop cars.
I don't really follow your reasoning that "protesting on the streets" or even "walking onto a road at night like an idiot" equals total disregard for any human life.

In case you don't watch it because you have a habit of ignoring half of what my posts say, the girl in the video claims that "people will die just like our founding fathers" and "people will die on both sides". They think this is like a damn literal war effort. That's the delusion they're under. If people like this girl are literally ready to die over Trump winning then I don't see the ambulance story with much skepticism at all. It would be different if these people weren't proving themselves to be the dredge of America acting like a hivemind, but they are. These protestors are not reasonable, they are not smart, and they will act like this until they "get their way".
You keep talking about "they" and "these people". Of course a girl making claims like these is proof that all "these people" are acting like a hivemind and ready to die.
Still no evidence that the ambulance thing happened.

Statements like "people will die just like our founding fathers" and "people will die on both sides" reminds me of something.
Original headline from source article:


NYPost headline:

What do kids say these days... top kek?
Right, I'm sure it makes much more sense that he was just randomly targeted for no reason and not because he's a vocal Trump supporter in a country where anti-Trump people are rioting and beating people.
I mean come on, liberals don't get violent!

Probably just another Republican Psy-Op ofc
I don't really follow your reasoning that "protesting on the streets" or even "walking onto a road at night like an idiot" equals total disregard for any human life.
Blocking ambulances and other emergency vechicles sure does



You keep talking about "they" and "these people". Of course a girl making claims like these is proof that all "these people" are acting like a hivemind and ready to die. Still no evidence that the ambulance thing happened.

The point is that a lot of people in these anti-Trump rallies act just like that girl. I can find more videos if you'd like, there's plenty of them since the news are swarming over this like ants over a dead gecko.

As for no evidence of these people blocking an ambulance, well:

Okay, the video was banned off Youtube because they seem to like covering these up. Let me find it somewhere else, ffs.

Here we go:

So they've clearly blocked them before. This is NOT the same ambulance as referenced in the Facebook post, but it is absolutely the same type of people that are blocking the highways now blocking an actual ambulance.

Statements like "people will die just like our founding fathers" and "people will die on both sides" reminds me of something.

You comparing these people to the Oregon militia really doesn't make the protestors look any better.
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