Trump wins

I only play Civ V in "one city challenge" mode :confused:.
Now after you guys have that Civ V multiplayer game, come by and tell the rest of us how it went :aiee:. Get a video of it too :wiggle:.
"NMA Civ V World Conquest Match!" :lmao:
I only play Civ V in "one city challenge" mode :confused:.
Now after you guys have that Civ V multiplayer game, come by and tell the rest of us how it went :aiee:. Get a video of it too :wiggle:.
"NMA Civ V World Conquest Match!" :lmao:

Can mods be used? It should be Trump, Putin, and Mao and some others or something. I like to use real world starting positions. I get that Axis and Allies vibe that way.
I don't. My OCD will attack me, but I can fend it off with drugs. My internet does suck balls though. Also 30 bucks for both the DLC is super lame.
I don't. My OCD will attack me, but I can fend it off with drugs. My internet does suck balls though. Also 30 bucks for both the DLC is super lame.

I'm happy to turn off the DLC that you don't have. Brave New World is supposed to add a lot but, honestly, won't miss it too much.
I don't. My OCD will attack me, but I can fend it off with drugs. My internet does suck balls though. Also 30 bucks for both the DLC is super lame.

30 dollars? It's usually like 5 dollars around Christmas time. Hell Civ V Complete Edition is like 7 dollars during the Christmas sale. You should consider picking it up the next time there's a sale, Brave New World definitely makes Civ V much better and well balanced, plus all the Civs that come with it are great. I also prefer the Culture Victory in BNW to the old one. World Congress is definitely fun when real players are involved, albeit frustrating. Hell, you can get it off G2A right now for 6 bucks. It's definitely worth the purchase.
The real question now becomes, who's going to construct the Great Wall and make the Aztecs pay for it?

Too bad none of us have Civ VI (not giving them my money again after the Beyond Earth disaster), China actually gets a Great Wall improvement in that. All nations could have a big beautiful wall.
That NMA Civ game would be cool though.
Get ready to get assimilated tho'